Using colors in Spanish. Read and listen to some sentences with Spanish colors applying these two grammar rules. (I want the scarlet pants. First of all, Spanish colors must agree in gender with the noun they modify. in reference to various types of colours or a collection of colours. What is the plural of color in spanish? The following sections will guide you through the grammar of Spanish colors and will teach you how to use them in a sentence like a native speaker. (conditions, heat: extreme) intenso/a adj adjetivo: Describe el sustantivo.Puede ser posesivo, numeral, demostrativo ("casa [b]grande[/b]", "mujer [b]alta[/b]"). In order to make sentences with Spanish colors, we can use the verbs TENER and SER (to be). Answer. Unlike English, the colors always follow the noun they describe. Consider labeling colored objects around your home with the Spanish word for the color so you can learn them more quickly. ), Mi coche es de color rojo. In fact, if you can remember that the Spanish plural is formed by making sure the plural word ends with s preceded by an unaccented vowel, usually e, you've taken care of nearly all of what you'll have to learn. In traditionally correct usage, naranja or rosa as an adjective of color should remain unchanged, even when modifying a plural noun.However, Spanish (like all living languages) is changing, and in some areas, especially in Latin America, a construction such as los coches rosas would be perfectly acceptable and even preferable. They allow us to communicate with others, describe the world around us and can even affect our memory. Hence you can not start it again. ), Tengo unos pantalones azules. Colors In Spanish The Must Have Guide For Learners READ Dark Kitchen Cabinets With Light Countertops. rojo (ROH-hoh) blue. Spanish color adjectives, often change the gender to the noun of they describe. The same rules are followed for adjectives. Sentence pairs containing plural translated in English and Spanish. ), Mi color favorito es el amarillo. That is why it is important to know colors in Spanish if you want to be able to hold a conversation. (And, of course, so much more!). ), Tomás ha comprado unos cuadernos rosas. What is the plural of the color gris or does it stay gris in plural form? In Spanish there are singular nouns and plural nouns, like in other languages.This post is about plurals in Spanish and how to form them, seeing the general rule and also the different cases where there are changes in the spelling of plural nouns.. Choose the phrases that are correct in terms of color-object agreement in plural and masculine/feminine form, Complete these sentences with the correct colors in Spanish. It may come as a surprise to you that colors can have a gender, but that is one of the magical things about the Spanish language. This means that we need to follow some grammar rules to use colors correctly in sentences. Nearly all nouns are made plural by adding s or es. ), Las paredes blancas (f. LOS COLORES are some of the most important and useful adjectives you can learn in any language. There are exceptions and sub-rules you will get to know in a few minutes, but here are two general rules you can memorize right away: In other words, colors have genders and their gender depends on what they are doing in the sentence. You are going to love these colors: They only have two forms, one for the singular and one for the plural. (I have a dark pink scarf. updated Feb 14, 2010. posted by misslavonne. (Do colors affect your mood? We’ve given you some hints under each one – so identify the colors, and then check the key at the bottom. está en la cocina. Do you prefer the purple tie or the turquoise one? Listen to some sentences below and try to figure out how you can describe objects with colors as well. Download: (The red mug is mine. 1800+ color-coded Spanish vocabulary cards with translation charts for creative writing and reference! OK, so you know already like a zillion different colors in Spanish. Just learn the basic form, make it plural and you are ready to go! (Have you found the silver pen? There are many other verbs to make sentences with Spanish colors, but SER is probably the most common. Did you know that color is just an illusion? This means you have less things to remember! In the examples above, the word rosa is modifying four different nouns, but only changes if the noun is plural. JOIN our free club and learn for free now! amarillo (AH-mah-REE-yoh) green . Apart from that, they are just like any other color functioning as an adjective. I was wondering what program you used to create them. (How does … make you feel? Spanish articles indicate: the word's gender (masculine or feminine ) the word's number (singular or plural ) In English the definite article is the word "the" regardless of wheter the noun it introduces is singular or plural. These include: morado (m), morada (f) - purple rojo (m), roja (f) - red amarillo (m), amarilla (f) - yellow Examples: La camioneta roja. In English, the word orange can signify both a color and a fruit, as well as the flavor of that fruit.. The verb SER (to be) will be used in its forms ES for a single object and SON for several as in these examples: “La casa es roja” (the house is red) and “Los libros son verdes” (the books are green). See for yourselves! These are great lessons! E.g. Mi camisa es naranja. If you want to learn more about this topic, please check our listening lesson on conversations about colors in Spanish. SPANISH LESSON - COLORS IN SPANISH. Secondly, when describing a plural noun with Spanish colors, the color should be written in plural form as well, e.g. ), ¿Te gustan los tonos…? If you liked this post, something tells me that you'll love FluentU, the best way to learn Spanish with real-world videos. SPANISH Gustar & Reflexive Verbs. Take, for example, the color blue. 4 color (Spanisch) 4.1 Substantiv, m. 4.1.1 Übersetzungen; color Adjektiv . And the list goes on and on for every simple basic, true color. updated Feb 14, 2010. posted by misslavonne. Top Answer. Just like in English, Spanish colors can also be used as the subject of a sentence, but we need to place a definite article before the color, e.g. ¡Hasta pronto! Colors are adjectives that must agree with the gender and number of the noun. You add an s if the color ends in a vowel, and es if the color ends in a consonant. (I don’t like the green color on that wall.). “rojo/rojos”, “verde/verdes” and so on. If you take a closer look, you will see that there are four possible endings for a color in their dictionary form: -o, -a, -e or a consonant. ), Los naranjas te quedan muy bien. ), No me gustan los pantalones blancos (m. Do not believe me that these are easy? Spanish Alphabet. This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you Rara Academic by Rara Theme. Meaning and examples for 'colors*' in Spanish-English dictionary. Colors help us make sense of the world around us. All of them do that. When you are describing anything by color, you have to use a corresponding adjective - if the noun is masculine, the adjective of color has to be masculine. Click here to get a copy. To make it plural, add 'es' and the word becomes FLORES - flowers. Those other colors that do not end in -o are contained in this group. It's grises. I tried to follow some ideas from a website to teach English called Randall’s ESL Lab plus the teaching style I liked when I was learning English (still learning…). What is the plural form of Gris? Some of its shades are forest green (verde bosque), apple green (verde manzana), mint (verde menta), pistachio (verde pistacho), etc. No, I have not gone crazy. Even if you are beginning your adventure with the Spanish language, you probably already know that nouns and adjectives must agree in gender and number. Spanish color adjectives, often change the gender to the noun of they describe. But apart from knowing the names of the colors and having read a couple of examples, do you really know anything about them? Colors ending in "o" distinguish between masculine and feminine, singular and plural. 3. votes. For example there are 4 forms of the color Blanco. Colors ending in "o" distinguish between masculine and feminine, singular and plural. Log in! The plural, also referred to as “number” in Spanish, is very similar to the plural in English. ), El color azul me tranquiliza. 3. votes. In these two sentences, the words ROJA and VERDES are colors describing the objects CASA and LIBROS. (The green glass is María’s. The Spanish language loves you and wants to make your life easier! ), Las botas amarillas cuestan 20 euros. Unos sombre… Color words are mostly used as adjectives. Una flor. Secondly, when describing a plural noun with Spanish colors, the color should be written in plural form as well, e.g. Comencemos…. Please check your email for further instructions. Gris ends in "s", and you add "es" to it for the plural form. (Tomás has bought some pink notebooks. La manta morada. In English, the word orange can signify both a color and a fruit, as well as the flavor of that fruit.. It is not our task to learn hundreds of color names and shades, so do not worry about this. When writing or speaking in Spanish, whenever you have the combination noun + color + adjective/noun, you need to remember that the color and the adjective/noun parts get “locked in.”. A color’s gender varies depending on whether it is functioning as adjective or as noun and whether it is being modified by another adjective or noun, so I like to define colors as gender fluid. My shirt is orange. Color is just the way our brains try to make sense of light. OK, so in this little exercise, we’re going to show you some images, and you need to say what colors are in them. pl.). Do not get too stressed by this, though, because most of the time, colors just act like they are supposed to: as descriptive adjectives. Spanish articles indicate: the word's gender (masculine or feminine ) the word's number (singular or plural ) In English the definite article is the word "the" regardless of wheter the noun it introduces is singular or plural. Remember that since they are always masculine nouns, the only plural form they accept is also the masculine: Me gustan todos los rojos. All Rights Reserved. LOS COLORES is the phrase we used for Spanish colors as a group. It's grises. (Download). 1. change their forms to distinguish between masculine and feminine, 0. votes. Colors can also act as nouns. Once you memorize the color, the only thing you have to remember is to change its ending so that it agrees with the noun. negro (NAY-groh) white. ¿Has encontrado el bolígrafo plateado? But in Spanish there are four forms: el, la, los, las, depending on wheter the noun is masculine, feminine, singular or plural. ), Antonio me ha dado sus gafas azul marino. (The yellow boots cost 20 euro. But even if we all see color differently, it remains an incredibly important aspect of human life. FluentU takes real-world videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons. Colors that end in -o have four different endings: Let’s use the color blanco (white) as an example and make sentences with four different nouns: El gato blanco (m. “rojo/rojos”, “verde/verdes” and so on. When it ends with e or a consonant it remains the same. (I have a pair of blue pants. El perro (m) blanco = the white dog Las casas (f) blanc as = the white houses. The word "color" is spelled the same in Spanish as it is in English, but is pronounced differently (co-LOR, plural "colores" or coh-LOR-ays). Colours in Spanish + Agreements Colours are adjectives. (2) If the word ends in a consonant, simply add ‘es’ to the end of the word to make it plural. Watch & Learn: You can practise saying the names of colors in Spanish with this video. Colors ending in "o" distinguish between masculine and feminine, singular and plural. 3 Answers. Thanks for subscribing! And now give yourself a pat on the back and be proud for being a super master of Spanish colors! Dealing with singular and plural is much easier. ), ¿Cómo te hace sentir el color azul? We have: blue (azul), navy blue (azul marino), sky blue (azul cielo), azure (celeste), cobalt blue (azul cobalto), cyan (cian or azul verdoso), ultramarine (azul de ultramar), etc. For instance, to say “A red house” in Spanish, we would need the feminine noun CASA for house and the word “Rojo” for its color so we can make the phrase “Una casa roja”. This quiz will help you test if you can actually recognize these colors. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be color. (Black is an elegant color. But in Spanish there are four forms: el, la, los, las, depending on wheter the noun is masculine, feminine, singular or plural. Click on START QUIZ when you are ready. Practice with an interactive quiz. (What color is your…? ), Nunca he visto ballenas azules. The same happens with the color green. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be colours e.g. You have to finish following quiz, to start this quiz: Match these COLORES with their corresponding translation. ), ¿Afectan los colores a tu estado de ánimo? 64821 views. More than a vocabulary list, you will learn how to use colors to convey simple ideas. The group of colors ending in -o includes all the colors that behave like normal adjectives. Los Colores. Dec 6, 2016 - Free Spanish Lessons and Language Learning Resource Information More information Colors in Spanish chart feminine and masculine singular/ plural chart – I like the red one, MORADO y TURQUESA – ¿Prefieres la corbata. What is the plural of the color gris or does it stay gris in plural form? If you're just learning how to speak Spanish, words for basic colors may be some of the first words you learn. Quiero los pantalones rojo pasión. 1. What follows is just a useful guide so you can use Spanish colors in sentences and feel like a pro. What is the plural form of Gris? Following the same example, “Red houses” would be translated as “Casas rojas”, making both the noun Casa and the color Roja plural. (Pink is my favorite color. (There was a room painted with emerald green shades.). Wiki User Answered . Learning Spanish becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. Dec 6, 2016 - Free Spanish Lessons and Language Learning Resource Information More information Colors in Spanish chart feminine and masculine singular/ plural chart Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. This group is defined by two major rules: The form you use depends on the gender and number of the noun being modified. Un sombrero blanco - (Blancois in masculine and singular form, just like the word it describes) 2. (Antonio has given me his navy blue glasses. For example there are 4 forms of the color Blanco. However, there are a few exceptions: Violeta is invariable. They agree in gender and number when the color ends with a, o. Ich bin Spanischlehrerin und biete Unterricht für jedes Niveau (A1-C2) in Spanisch, Englisch, Französisch und Katalanisch an. This means that no matter what gender or number the main noun is, the color and the adjective/noun will remain in the masculine singular form! (The white cat is in the kitchen. ), Las rosas rosas son mi flores favoritas (Pink roses are my favorite flowers.). Secondly, when describing a plural noun with Spanish colors, the color should be written in plural form as well, e.g. (White walls are boring.). Exercises. Colors are describing words (adjectives) and as any adjective in Spanish they can change their forms to distinguish between masculine and feminine, singular and plural. Colours act like adjectives, so in Spanish they should come AFTER the noun which they are describing. Accordingly, it will only accept masculine determiners: El negro es un color elegante. The noun color can be countable or uncountable. A … sg.) ¿Cuál es tu color favorito? These small but powerful words are used every day for characterizing and defining your thoughts. Learn colors in spanish with free interactive flashcards. (Pale pinks don’t suit me well. ), Había una habitación pintada con tonos verdes esmeralda. You also know they have many different shades. ), La taza roja es mía. verde (BAYR-day) orange. (My car is red. Spanish “A / An” Practice. Color words in Spanish, as in any other language, are important in increasing your descriptive language. If we take into account the countless shades a color can have, we would be naming colors until the end of the world. You must sign in or sign up to start the quiz. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'gris' in LEOs Spanisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. 1. Sofa Plural Form Colors In Spanish The Must Have Guide For Learners The Spanish Language Sd Learning Course Mydestination Chaise Lounge Or Longue Merriam Webster Learning The Spanish Grammar Part Iii READ Small Living Dining Room Combo Design Ideas Sofa Plural Form Mano … Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer 64821 views. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be colors e.g. Do not panic! Example el singular masculine, los plural masculine; la singular feminine, las feminine plural. Jun 24, 2020 - We simplify the topic of colors in Spanish for you. → The red truck. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. ), ¿Cómo te hace sentir el color…? Making Nouns Plural in Spanish - 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Here are some more examples: El vaso verde es de María. Learn twelve basic color words in Spanish and how to use them properly when changing gender and plurals. Introduce and practice GUSTAR and 10 of its friends, plus over 30 reflexive verbs with this colorful, printable Spanish packet. It is importante to remember that the colors that end in -O or -A have a masculine and feminine form as well as a singular or plural form and must coincide with the noun (or subject). Finally, if you have a color acting as a noun followed by a noun (like in some of the “locked in” color examples), the color can have a plural form, but the noun/adjective will always remain in its basic form: No me gustan los azules marino. There are many expressions in Spanish that use color, but for this section, let’s focus instead on how to actually use these colors in typical sentences! You will be so happy when you realize you not only know how to name the colors in Spanish, but also can have a conversation about colors and use them properly! (I have never seen blue whales.). The gender of color words need to match the noun they describe. FluentU brings Spanish to life with real-world videos. I have added an article and a noun to each of them so you can start getting familiar with their use: amarillo (yellow) → el submarino amarillo (the yellow submarine), azul (blue) → el cielo azul (the blue sky), azul marino (navy blue) → la camisa azul marino (the navy blue shirt), blanco (white) → la nieve blanca (the white snow), dorado (gold) → la puerta dorada (the golden gate), gris (gray) → el humo gris (the gray smoke), marrón/castaño (brown) → el tronco marrón (the brown log), multicolor (multicolored) → el libro multicolor (the multicolored book), naranja/anaranjado (orange) → la naranja naranja (the orange orange), negro (black) → el gato negro (the black cat), plateado (silver) → la luz plateada (the silver light), púrpura/morado (purple) → la lluvia púrpura (the purple rain [like the song! Hear the rainbow, speak the rainbow! Unos taxis. (I like all shades of red. Now that you know the name of so many colors in Spanish, it is time to have a little fun with them. Choose from 500 different sets of colors in spanish flashcards on Quizlet. 3 Answers. Read our guide for that here. You will find many examples of sentences using colors in Spanish and the verbs SER and TENER plus their English translation. The singular refers to one person, animal or object → hombre, silla, perro, casa, coche…. Thanks for your comment! Secondly, when describing a plural noun with Spanish colors, the color should be written in plural form as well, e.g. ), ¿De qué color es tu…? Gris ends in "s", and you add "es" to it for the plural form. Un coche rojo A red car; Un submarino amarillo A yellow submarine; Plurals. They go after the noun in Spanish and normally need to agree with it. Color words are mostly used as adjectives. This may feel like an awful amount of information to you, but you do not need to learn it all at once. Every person reading this imagines a different shade of yellow, because every person’s eyes and brains work together to see the light in a slightly different way. (How does blue make you feel? Learning new vocabulary is fun, but vocabulary is not very useful by itself. Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'Plural' auf Duden online nachschlagen. Spanish colors are actually a special type of adjectives, that is words used to describe objects. For masculine plural we use: Unos coches. Take a moment to browse a collection of color flashcards on FluentU. They follow the noun they modify (all descriptive colors do this). Use the 3 rules to make the following Spanish nouns plural. Let’s see some examples: Un perro. ), ¿De qué color es tu coche? ), Juan tiene un mechero blanco. That being said, the sentence “Blue is a beautiful color” would be translated as “El azul es un color hermoso”. The gender of color words need to match the noun they describe. ), No me gusta el verde de esa pared. colores translate: colours, colors, colours, colors. azul (ah-SOOL) navy blue: azul marino (a-SOOL ma-reeno) yellow. We have: blue (azul), navy blue (azul marino), sky blue (azul cielo), azure (celeste), cobalt blue (azul cobalto), cyan (cian or azul verdoso), ultramarine (azul de ultramar), … Like any other Spanish noun, colors acting as nouns have a plural form. (Do you like shades of…? They have four forms: masculine singular, feminine singular, masculine plural and feminine plural. As nouns, all of the colors are singular and masculine.For example, “blue” is el azul.. Spanish color adjectives, often change the gender to the noun of they describe. √ Over 1,500,000 translations. OK, so in this little exercise, we’re going to show you some images, and you need to say what colors are in them. Secondly, when describing a plural noun with Spanish colors, the color should be written in plural form as well, e.g. Unas pizzas. Click here to log in New account 4 million accounts created! ]), rojo (red) → los labios rojos (the red lips), rosa/rosado (pink) → la flor rosa (the pink flower), turquesa (turquoise) → el agua turquesa (the turquoise water), violeta (violet) → la falda violeta (the violet skirt), verde (green) → el paisaje verde (the green landscape). (What color is your car? Colors and gender in Spanish... and of course colours, being Spanish adjectives, change with the noun when it is feminine or plural so that: while yellow in Spanish is amarillo.....the yellow butterfly in Spanish is la mariposa amarilla the amarillo changing to amarilla because this is the feminine ending. Want to hear some colors in action before you move on? Frequently, we describe other, less basic colors in terms of well-known objects of the same color: chestnut, violet, aquamarine, etc. Colors help us describe objects, animals, people, etc. In traditionally correct usage, naranja or rosa as an adjective of color should remain unchanged, even when modifying a plural noun.However, Spanish (like all living languages) is changing, and in some areas, especially in Latin America, a construction such as los coches rosas would be perfectly acceptable and even preferable. Hi! There is one last thing you should know about colors functioning as adjectives. Oct 14, 2013 - In this lesson, you will learn a list of basic Spanish colors and how transform colors from singular to plural, and masculine to feminine. 23 24 25. You will learn even more then for sure. can take anywhere. The position of the colors/colours. See 18 authoritative translations of Blue plural in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations. Learn Spanish Colors. In Spanish, the gender of color words must match the gender of the noun or the thing that you’re describing. Sometimes it is necessary to add or delete an accent on the final vowel of a singular word when making it plural. Rote Ampeln, grüne Wälder, blaue Meere – die Welt ist bunt, und das nicht nur im Deutschen. sg.). There are many colors that are just very specific shades of other colors. (I have lost the pink pen. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: intense adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." pl.) “El amarillo”, “La blanca”, “Las grises” and “Los azules”. Here are the Spanish colors adjectives and their different rules and meanings:. Learn and practice Spanish food vocabulary with this 70-page printable mega packet characterizing! Plural translated in English, the word becomes flores - flowers. ) amount of to... 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