In level 4 pyramids Top persons must receive primary support from a base and no stunt may move under or flip over another stunt. I know how i said in level 3 you can do a “flip with no hands” well you are required to do that in level 4 also. The base must hold in contact with the top girl at all times. NOT ALLOWED – Extended level stunts. Building those Level 4 stunts up with our Juniors last Sunday . It is important to practice the correct technique of every motion and perform each one sharply. Home » Cheerleading Stunt » Cheerleading Pyramid » Level 5 Stunts. LEVEL 5. Cradles from all stunts prep level and below are limited to straight and/or 1/4 turn only. i'm on a new team this year and im a flyer we are supposed to look for some really cool stunts to bring in and stuff so does anyone know any show stopping stunts? Mar 21, 2019 - Explore Heather Bareno's board "level 3 cheer stunts", followed by 117 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about cheer stunts, cheerleading stunt, cheer coaches. Also Coventry cougars level … LEVEL 1 STUNTS Compulsory for ALL squad: Double Leg Prep Level Stunts must be shown. Skills are allowed up to 1 flipping and 0 twisting rotations. Stunts where the base(s) arms are extended overhead, but are NOT considered “Extended Stunts” since the height of the body of the top person is similar to a prep level stunt are: chairs, torches, flat backs, straddle lifts, suspended rolls and leap frogs. There's lots of stunts to be done at level 2 and lots of creative transitions as well! But if you are twisting into a stunt you must be standing on your to feet. KNEE STAND: Lowest level of single-leg stunt, usually performed in Level 1 Mini and Youth cheerleading where the base kneels with one leg at a 90 degree angle and the flyer steps up in liberty position with the aid of a backspot. The two items above will be added to the 2008-09 effective immediately. Next: Sharp Clippers performance ... being forced to cheer. CLARIFICATIONS: A flyer in an arabesque that cradles to the front would be considered a 1/4 turn cradle. ... Stunts are made up of bases, flyers, and back spots. %���� x��]ݓ�6�O��=]uo�ȒH��kv�\���n��U%��w��3�L;�����$~J�R�n?��4 A�į_����uQw��_^|U��يRu�]�����_U�[��_�������o�7b����ׯ�_����o�bW���x��_}��~=�l��l�)�w��~��H|G�����Y�}������x�������iv�%�(+]�~�Y�e�]��^}����J����ڲR��۲�fhuSV�,�^�}��巍?��֥η��I�� It is strongly suggested you have mastered all your level appropriate skills before moving on to the next level because rules are very important and cheer leading is really dangerous. Music Courtesy of New Level Music & We Are Cheer Music. Tumbling and stunting are the two catagories that will let you know what level of an allstar cheer leader you would be. ݆F��e�5B���0-.��@�� pnaF�c��m��Uݠ�XIu [��̧���}d�p�٫�S!��>�MUV��׷?�DY��Z)Q�E��\/��&;,�U���T�l�ȸBGk0-Q��B��s@Á��˾�kBC��c�������ѿz�����-5�>�r�"��B�� �Y�`�����q�[#��2-8��8�luٴ���Us0����"0BÆ8�r߀��|��[jL�C�L'BGl�DYweN}���Hi iQ�qu[#Q�KL��"�>JC �|�930ZB�q/$������%uG��/X�mĽ"Җڤ��*�=��\���Y����R�̠ ��tT�'X�ZNf In level 4 pyramids Top persons must receive primary support from a base and no stunt may move under or flip over another stunt. Release moves may not intentionally travel. cheerleading stunts for level 4? LEVEL 3. ���US��L�֢>��>vhf?6{��7�ޣ�`-��CK@���2�&� May 5, 2015 at 3:33 am. Tumbling. Stunts. Release moves may not intentionally travel. LEVEL 4. J�Q�M=��dz�N~9��E_r~���Oj��lז:��k��K�(����$m[�Υ��[��.�%U����������Eꋢ���фv\Kv�5����R�EU��u�t|��/�a��,��'�o�R�wtS��VE��e��[����?����c�� Z�,PDA�(|��%�nu�!D����>�_���F횮@� �2$�&��gQ��0�矊��$�ʻr>EE�l���D���o&���_Uv��R׺�/ CHEER XTREME EVENTS SCORING GRID LEVEL 4 877-458-8293 3.0-4.9 5.0-6.9 7.0-8.9 9.0-10.0 P artner Stunts L3 skill stunts with 1 body position with in a sequence L3-L4 skill stunts with 2 WE TRAIN WINNERS! You are to stick with level 4 appropriate stunts. 1/4 twisting transition from prep level LEVEL 1 STUNTS Level Appropriate Rule Progression Level Appropriate Examples: Elite Level Appropriate Stunts Stunt Levels Thigh Stand Prep level body position stunt with bracer 1 or 2 leg stunts are allowed at waist level. Skills are allowed up to 1 flipping and 0 twisting rotations.Exception: Aerial cartwheels and Onodis are allowed.Consecutive flip-flip combinations are not allowed.Example: Back tuck-back tuck, back tuck-punch front .Jump skills are not allowed in immediate combination with a standing flip. a Level 4.2 follows Level 4 rules for Stunts/Pyramids/Dismounts and Tosses and Level 2 rules for General Tumbling/Standing Tumbling and Running Tumbling. LEVEL 1 STUNTS A. Spotters 1. <> 2 0 obj pyramids and tumbling passes also. Related Videos. Chey Renee. endobj does anyone know any really good stunts that will wow the audience? The same as level 4 standing tumbling their is no twisting as doing a flip allowed. 0:09 and if you can post the instructions and/or the website. You are to stick with level 4 appropriate stunts. Level 4 Jumps Three whipped jumps with correct arm placement, pointed toes, superior jump height, level exten-sion, and feet together on landings LEVEL 5 RESTRICTED SKILLS Basic Level 5 Restricted Tumbling Skills Toe Touch Back Tuck with a Solid Landing Standing Multiple Back Handsprings to a Full Wheres the attitude and spirt!!! SIGN UP TODAY! Example: Suspended splits, flat-bodied positions and preps are examples of prep level stunts. The base must hold in contact with the top girl at all times. This level of cheerleading is a … Straight baskets, 2 footed extensions, cradles from extension, leap frogs, 1/2 twisting mounts, 1/4 twisting dismounts, inversions into a stunt, barrel rolls, prep height libs, braced extended libs... Plus more! A spotter is required for each top person above prep level. Related Products: tweet; Previous: How to do cheerleading stunts. endobj <> stunts, jump combinations and pyramids, so keep working hard you one step away from being the “best” level of cheer. ... F5 Level F stunts USASF Easter Regional 07/19/2014. Meaning liberties, heal stretches, scorpions all aloud standing on one leg even in an extended position. Outstanding Achievement In Stunts: Level 4 Under US copyright law, we are able to provide sound on a limited number of videos post-performance. You have a variety of different transitions. Motions, simple arm movements, are the most basic cheerleading moves. Loved watching this routine and could watch it over and over again. Our coaches are committed to becoming the #1 cheerleading team in the El Paso area and are always on the lookout for the cheerleaders who will help us get there. Difficult Cheerleading Stunts. Level 4 standing tumbling… Standing flips and flips from a back handspring entry are allowed. May 5, 2015 at 4:07 am. Single Leg Stunt at waist level must be showing at least two cheer body positions. OUR TUMBLING CLASSES. so pretty much anything that is LEGAL FOR LEVEL 4! ����������V`�JF�)K�Z���?��?�"/��}�Ky������o��k�;��O%�>{���\�V�莰�ыE�>��ط�_. level 4 stunts, tosses & pyramids points degree of difficulty: (out of 9) technique & execution: (out of 10) points degree of difficulty (out of 9) technique & execution (out of 10) points degree of difficulty (out of 9) technique & execution (out of 10) comments points overall impression (out of … Please consult the rules as well as the Age Grid to ensure all rules are being followed. You and your squad should always master the easier stunts first. future cheer level appropriate & elite skills grid 2018-19: stunts level 4 inversion style release style twisting dismount style other stunts level appropriate released inversion to prep level or below released inversion at prep level to prep level downward inversion from prep level extended inverted stunt Level 1.1 - Building and Tumbling Level 1 Level 4.2 - Building Level 4 and Tumbling Level 2 **Certain Divisions (All Star Prep, All Star Novice, Tiny Novice, etc.) <> Although there are many cheer motions, the clasp, high-V, T-motion, touchdown and cone are most frequently used in a routine. Especially if your squad is new together, it takes time to build the complete trust in one another required … Due to their greater experience and skill set, college able to carry out stunts from a higher skill level, without compromising safety. Cheer Practice Outfits Cheer Dance Routines Cheer Moves Cheer Workouts Cheer Stretches Cheer … thanks! The Fierce Titans Cheer program trains tumbling, stunts and jumps. 3 0 obj See more ideas about cheer stunts, cheer, stunts. LEVEL 2. Level 4 stunting is where it is different. Universal Cheer Experience is a Peak Performance & Competitive Cheer Company. Level 4 running tumbling is mostly the same. Oh my gosh, shes good . These are all true level 4 stunts, meaning that they’re not yet allowed in level 3, so you will want to have at least some variations of them in your routine. See more ideas about cheer stunts, cheerleading stunt, stunts. Level 5 Stunts. There are too many level 4 stunts to list, but I’ll write down a few for inspiration. A spotter is required for each top person at prep level and above. Level 4 is one step under the top level, you are more then half way to being the best. 1 0 obj millie jones. Welcome to level 4. %PDF-1.5 stream We Train In All Aspects of Cheerleading, Stunts, Tumbling & Overall Performance. Extended arm stunts that are not in the upright position (such as extended v-sits, extended flat backs, etc…) are considered prep level stunts. • Bases may move/turn while in a load in position, during a ¼ transition, and/or once the building of a stunt is completed (exception: Bases may move during a traveling Double-Based T-Lift). JOIN OUR "UNIVERSAL CHEER" TEAM TODAY! Single leg extended stunts are allowed. STUNTS • Double leg stunts are allowed at prep level or below. LEVEL 1. To be and all star cheerleader you have to have certain skills to be in the diffrent levels. have additional rules and must be followed as well. • Single leg stunts are allowed below prep level. May 8, 2020 - Explore Liz Williamson-Collins's board "Cheer Stunt Ideas" on Pinterest. Tumbling is a main part of a cheer routine. A lot of difficult cheerleading stunts are variations on simpler stunts. Teddy bear sits and a dead man stunt are allowed. It involves flipping frontwards, backwards, side to side, and traveling with your hands on the ground. CHEER XTREME EVENTS SCORING GRID LEVEL 4.2 877-458-8293 3.0-4.9 5.0-6.9 7.0-8.9 9.0-10.0 P artner Stunts L3 skill stunts with 1 body position with in a sequence L3-L4 skill stunts … Tags: It is offered only in "Senior Open." thanks! Create a free website or blog at My vocabulary: Liberty = … �e�k�df��G�����C���fa&�!P�D|#�c ۔\�> Pm`��s�Kb�!�õ$��KbU͐�<8SQA��K�`�E)�|��H:���99�����QT���Bpə�@�*np0�/��&���p��C-��O����$�mZ��t����`�x���gg7��p��pz��eX|��]F9�)Xr����1��ϱ��h�����Q�`�9�c,/&��h���W=cka��눋Yk. Which means if your arms are anywhere above your head you must have someone spotting. Level 1: Stunts: First Level, you may do single leg on a knee, you may go up to an extension ONLY in the pyramid. LEVEL 4 CHEER double downs kick full extension tic-tock full up LEVEL 5 TUMBLING full. Think you’ve got what it takes? REGISTRATION OPEN NOW. Must show two or more stunts Split lift is allowed with hand held spotter at the front. Stunts where the base(s) arms are extended overhead but are NOT considered “Extended Stunts” since the height of the body of the top person is similar to a prep level stunt are: chairs, torches, flat backs, straddle lifts, suspended rolls and leap frogs. endobj #Cheerleading #Cheer #Stunt #CheerWordOfTheWeek #Level1 #Youth #Mini everything is greatly appreciated! I already know the basics (prep double, extended one legged full down) but, i want to know some cool unusual stunts that will impress the judges. We Cheer...We Win! Feb 2, 2017 - These are some amazing captures of incredible cheer stunts and pyramids!. Cheer Canada At Level Skill List 2020/2021 Updated May 21st, 2020 NOTE: These lists are non-exhaustive LEVEL 1 BUILDING SKILLS LEVEL 1 - STUNTS Inversion Style Release Style / Transition Twisting Dismount Style Other Stunts • TRANSITIONS IN CONTACT WITH AT LEAST 1 BASE • UP TO ½ TWIST LIFT • REBOUND ½ TWIST TO PRONE • ½ WRAP AROUND 4 0 obj This level of cheerleading is a difficult division. They put out level three routine that any Allstar team would be proud of they basically max out level three in all aspect tumbling, stunting , jump, overall choreography the routine was just flawless. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 9 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S>> Or below on one leg even in an arabesque that cradles to the 2008-09 effective immediately are more half! Clarifications: a flyer in an arabesque that cradles to the front would be Courtesy of New Music! 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