Sprain definition, to overstrain or wrench (the ligaments of an ankle, wrist, or other joint) so as to injure without fracture or dislocation. An ankle sprain happens when the ligaments holding the ankle bones and joints in position are stretched beyond their normal limits and tear. Bandaging a sprained ankle helps stabilize the joint to tissues can heal. UPDATE: I fell on a sidewalk and badly sprained my foot this past weekend. It is important because it is out of pure satisfaction of histamine which is just one reason why an injury. 2 years ago I had an accident and I hurt my ankle and my knee. Cuando ingresaba en el hospital, me apliqué Aeon con IceWave en el tobillo. As much as it sucks, you should probably just stay off of it for another week or so. Of course, how fast you get back to a fully functioning ankle depends on the degree of your sprain as well as the way you care for it. what have you been doing lately - 요즘 뭐하고 지냈어? No idea how to say that. But some can take longer. Top Answer. Anyone can sprain her ankle by simply stepping down on an uneven surface or stepping down at an angle. Here are five ways to have your sprained ankle on the mend in no time: 1. 2. i sprained my ankle today - 나 오늘 발목 삐었어. Definition of sprained ankle It’s an injury to the ankle, like if you bend it the wrong way|@nevadan it’s like when you stretch a muscle |@nevadan yes ... Spanish (Spain) English (US) Near fluent ... @elliotchii but is it very natural to say sprained wrist and sprained arm as well. Quality: This kind of experience is totally painful because ankle is the center when the ligaments meet. A sprained ankle is an injury to one or more ligaments in the ankle. Dr. Scott Mcgovern answered. Sprained my ankle ~5 hrs ago. A sprain is an injury to the ligaments that join the bones of the ankle. Me tropecé con una piedra, torciéndome el tobillo. Put the ice in a plastic bag … This can stretch or tear the tough bands of tissue (ligaments) that help hold your ankle bones together. Quality: From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. Usage Frequency: 1 Many translated example sentences containing "i twisted my ankle" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. Wiki User Answered . sprain - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. When faking a sprained ankle it is important to know how to fake the pain, bandage your ankle, and remain convincing during the duration of the fake sprain. Icing your injured ankle regularly reduces swelling and pain sensations. We hope this will help you to understand Spanish better. Trying to learn how to translate from the human translation examples. Try not to place too much weight on the affected ankle so as to allow healing. While I was at the counter, there was a loud off duty flight attendant chatting about how she was finally able to go on vacation and use her company passes to fly. I sprained my ankle. After a time, I can't say how many hours, they took me to casualty to have my ankle injury examined. • Take over-the-counter pain medicine. √ Over 1,500,000 translations. Sprained ankle is actually a kind of injury which happens when the tissue is stretched for too much and torn off. Latin Translation. Mild sprains can often be treated at home. A transitive verb is a verb that requires a direct object (e.g. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: sprain [sth] ⇒ vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." Sprained Ankle. You can complete the translation of I sprained my ankle given by the English-Spanish Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse, English-Spanish dictionary : translate English words into Spanish with online dictionaries. A sprained ankle can be very painful. Hace dos años sufrí un accidente que afectó a mi tobillo hasta la rodilla que me imposibilitaba de caminar. Italian Translation of “sprain” | The official Collins English-Italian Dictionary online. You can also manage swelling by keeping your ankle elevated for 2-3 hours every day and wearing a compression bandage or elastic ankle brace. A sprained ankle is an injury that occurs when you roll, twist or turn your ankle in an awkward way. transitive verb. To treat a sprained ankle, apply an ice compress for 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours until the swelling goes down. Tu me estás aplicando ungüento. You’ve injured your ankle and can’t put your weight on it. A sprain occurs when the ligaments in the ankle are stretched or torn. A sprained ankle is a very common type of ankle injury that can happen if you twist or turn your foot beyond its normal movement. It could be a sprain, or it might be broken. How to Say Ankle in Spanish. Each time it made the pain in my ankle worse.”, Cada vez que esto sucedía, el dolor del tobillo aumentaba.”. This will reduce swelling and pain. After 2 weeks, most sprains and strains will feel better. Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer. : Distensión muscular No debe confundir una torcedura con un esguince. Strains You should not confuse a strain with a sprain. 18 years experience Orthopedic Surgery. No voy a jugar porque me he torcido el tobillo. The Spanish for I sprained my ankle is Tengo un esguince en mi tobillo.. Find more Spanish words at wordhippo.com! If the working diagnosis is an ankle sprain, a few interventions can be made to aid the healing process. “Swami, you are touching my ankle, my feet. How do you say "I fell down some stairs and sprained my ankle." the injured ankle. With rest and proper treatment, most ankle sprains heal within 4–6 weeks. I had crutches, but was immediately given a wheelchair at the airline counter. Reference: Anonymous. 2. (It won't be as protective as the lace-up ankle brace.) luisprada.com E n mi fa mil ia, a me nu do usamos la Luz para curar un simple dolor de ca be za o … Thanks! How do you say i hurt my ankle in spanish? Type of Sprained Ankle: Understand How Ankles Get Sprained. Just before I came to Korea in the end of July, my ankle was swollen and it was so painful. Translate Sprained ankle to English online and download now our free translation software to use at any time. sprain - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. (to wrench) a. torcerse. • Take over-the-counter pain medicine. See a translation Report copyright infringement; Answers When you "disagree" with an answer. This will make people feel uncomfortable in making movement. You say you want your daughter to recover “quickly,” but you don’t want to rush the healing process. • Keep your foot raised above the level of your heart for the first 2 days. With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for I sprained my ankle and thousands of other words. How to say Ankle in Spanish. Spanish word for ankle, including example sentences in both English and Spanish. Collaborative Dictionary English-Spanish, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All English-Spanish translations from our dictionary. Usage Frequency: 1 Generally with Grade 1, you'd expect only minimal/mild swelling and tenderness - … The most common sprain of the ankle is called an inversion sprain. More severe sprains take a bit longer to heal. You could say "herido mi tobillo". sprain ankle. Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on August 06, 2013: You know, Jeannie, I was talking to Bev the other day about this. b. la torcedura de tobillo. This will reduce swelling and pain. talum intorsisset More Latin words for sprain. Me torcí el dedo mientras jugaba voleibol. But the good news is that most ankle sprains heal well. I sprained my ankle: Ego meum extorsisse tarso: sprain verb: distorsio, luxo, intorqueo: Nearby Translations. Find more Spanish words at wordhippo.com! ¿Cuánto voy a tardar en poder volver a utilizar mi tobillo? How do you say this in Japanese? This was awesome. It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union and United Nations, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual websites. Quality: I sprained my ankle translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also 'sprain',strained',spread',Spain', examples, definition, conjugation When most ankle sprains happen, the ankle is flexed and inverted (the foot turned inward toward the opposite foot). spouseless. However, in case of a fracture, even an attempt to walk causes excruciating pain. the injured ankle. For instance, a sprained ankle hurts, yet the person may be able to walk with a limp. Learn Portuguese. myhealth.nmhs.net. sprain n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. Human translations with examples: tobillo torcido, estrema de tobillo, esguince de tobillo. Spanish words for sprained include torcerse and torcer. "She found the cat." 0 0 1. First, the ankle needs to be immobilized so the injured tendons can heal. I played competitive sports for decades. Translations in context of "sprained her ankle" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: Josephine, has sprained her ankle. In the most severe cases with persistent symptoms, surgery may be necessary. Many translated example sentences containing "sprained ankle" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. When should i start stretching? Cuando me rompí un tobillo recientemente, entendí que mi tobillo estaba asumiendo lo que yo me negaba a enfrentar (todo lo mencionado anteriormente). Yo me caí en la calle y me torcí el tobillo. How to say sprained in Latin What's the Latin word for sprained? Spanish word for ankle, including example sentences in both English and Spanish. Learn how to say ankle in Spanish with audio of a native Spanish speaker. Asked by Wiki User. I sprained my ankle about a year ago, and I just wrapped it and kept on playing sports, and it took 3 or 4 months to heal, as opposed to a month or so. Quality: I fell down on the street and sprained my ankle. “I sprained my ankle at work, so I had to have it immobilized for a couple of weeks in a cast. See a translation 0 likes 0 disagrees tyorlando. The weight of the body then comes down awkwardly on the foot and ankle, stretching or tearing the ligaments on the outside. In most cases, a sprained ankle can easily be treated by following certain measures: 1. Usage Frequency: 1 I sprained my finger while playing volleyball. Quality: When I recently broke my ankle, I understand that my ankle was taking on what I myself refused to deal with. • Put ice on the injured ankle for 15 to 20 minutes each hour for 1 to 2 days. Sprained ankle (English to Spanish translation). Relevance. So I sprained my ankle last night in the club (dont ask how, i dont remember either..) ... A-level Spanish; All A-level learning tools » ... it's hard to say whether it's a grade 1 or 2 sprain just now the pain. Learn German. Consequently, knowing how to treat a sprained ankle is smart – whether you’re treating yourself, a family member, or anyone in your care. Right now my right arm is in a splint, after I sprained it carrying something heavy. Some people call them legitimate questions about the ankle joint can be allowed and the patient will be more information because Susan Mayer in daily how to say ‘ and sprained my ankle’ in french life now. Wiki User Answered . Ligaments help stabilize joints, preventing excessive movement. Soft tissue injuries are difficult to diagnose and are easy injuries to fake. Answer Save. Sprains can be mild to severe. Italian Translation of “sprain” | The official Collins English-Italian Dictionary online. When the ankle is sprained, the movement of your leg will be halted. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary. Cold therapy. Last Update: 2016-11-30 In my family, we often use the Light to cure a simple headache or even a sprained ankle. Had it elevated for atleast 3 hours and have been icing it. Contextual translation of "sprained ankle" into Spanish. Also, if you keep playing, you might twist or sprain it again, and that could seriously screw up your ankle. Most commonly, the sprain is on the outside of the ankle, and the injury can be mild or severe. Just before I came to Korea in the end of July, After a time, I can't say how many hours, they took me to casualty to have, Right now my right arm is in a splint, after. Its swollen and feels stiff. Definition of sprained ankle It’s an injury to the ankle, like if you bend it the wrong way|@nevadan it’s like when you stretch a muscle |@nevadan yes ... Spanish (Spain) English (US) Near fluent ... @elliotchii but is it very natural to say sprained wrist and sprained arm as well. If you’ve ever sprained an ankle or knee, you’ve probably heard that rest, ice, compression, and elevation—RICE—for a couple of days is the surest route to recovery. Well the user above was a bit negative but I totally understand about googling it google a head ache and suddenly you have a brain tumour. : Estos medicamentos también reducen la inflamación resultante de la artritis o músculo esguince o distensión muscular. I sprained my ankle about a year ago, and I just wrapped it and kept on playing sports, and it took 3 or 4 months to heal, as opposed to a month or so. Nevertheless, I took no regard of it since I had sprained my ankle from time to time in the past. Treating a sprained ankle can help prevent ongoing ankle problems. √ Fast and Easy to use. Don't stop doing the ankle exercises after your ankle feels better. "She found the cat." Ankle sprains are among the most common joint injuries, and nearly everyone suffers at least a minor ankle strain or sprain at some point in their life. This can stretch or tear the ligaments that support your joint. Here's a list of translations. Managing an ankle sprain. : If you think you have a strain or a sprain, try the RICE approach. Usage Frequency: 1 Learn Japanese. Categories: Human Body If you want to know how to say ankle in Spanish, you will find the translation here. Tuve un esguince de tobillo y, en circunstancias normales, debería haber hecho reposo total en cama. As much as it sucks, you should probably just stay off of it for another week or so. Most people, after getting a sprain, are able to put weight on the ankle, though they are seen limping. Last Update: 2014-02-01 • Keep your foot raised above the level of your heart for the first 2 days. ... "Non mi aspettavo un successo così grande" John stood on a loose rock and sprained his ankle. The treatment goals are to reduce pain and swelling, promote healing of the ligament, and restore function of the ankle. Most of the time, a sprained ankle heals on its own if you take care of it. Put the ice in a plastic bag … Many translated example sentences containing "sprained ankle" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. Repeated ankle sprains often cause—and perpetuate—chronic ankle instability. Top Answer. A sprained ankle is one of the most common ankle injuries doctors see among the young and old alike. Ankle sprains are common, making up 25% of all sports-related injuries. Human translations with examples: me duele el tobillo. Learn how to say ankle in Spanish with audio of a native Spanish speaker. Last Update: 2018-02-13 Sprain translated from English to Spanish including synonyms, definitions, and related words. spout. Reference: Anonymous. Usage Frequency: 1 How you should treat your sprained ankle depends on the severity of the injury. – Je me suis fait une entorse à la cheville. Spanish Translation of “sprain” | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. Usage Frequency: 1 √ 100% FREE. myhealth.nmhs.net. 2011-02-14 05:39:52. How long it takes for a sprain or strain to heal. Contextual translation of "i sprained my ankle" into Spanish. I sprained my ankle before and i had to go around on my own if my family wasn't home. Put some ice on that sprain and let's go to the hospital.Ponte algo de hielo en la torcedura y vámonos al hospital. Meaning and examples for 'ankle' in Spanish-English dictionary. spouses. See Answer. I sprained my ankle while going down the stairs. Treatment for a sprained ankle depends on the severity of your injury. : They also reduce swelling from arthritis or a muscle sprain or strain. (F) A sprained ankle is more painful than I thought.Una torcedura de tobillo es más dolorosa de … If you don't like lace-up ankle braces, wear an elastic slip-on support. Suggest a better translation ACTUALIZANDO: Este fin de semana pasado me caí en una acera y me torcí el pie. Swami, estás tocando mi tobillo, mis pies. It hurts and is tender to the touch, bruised, and swollen. Infringement ; Answers when you roll, twist or turn your ankle. wo n't because. Who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer turn ankle... Me apliqué Aeon con IceWave en el hospital, I took no regard of it for another week or.! Severe sprains take a bit longer to heal después de torcérmelo llevando algo pesado for ankle sprains are common making. Artritis o músculo esguince o Distensión muscular no debe confundir una torcedura un! 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