Returns the whole (integer) part of the given number by removing its fractional part, if any. Returns a reference to the current AudioRunner instance for chaining. The extension relies on a workspace (or a folder) being open. Begins playback of the track or, failing that, sets the track to begin playback as soon as the player has interacted with the document. Adds the value on the right-hand side of the operator to the current value on the left-hand side and assigns the result to the left-hand side. SugarCube does not trim whitespace from the contents of <>/<> macros, so that authors don't have to resort to various kludges to get whitespace where they want it. Causes leading/trailing newlines to be removed and all remaining sequences of newlines to be replaced with single spaces before the passage is rendered. The StoryInit special passage is normally the best place to set up groups. Note: This is a collection of tips, from how-tos to best practices. This feature is largely incompatible with private browsing modes, which cause all in-browser storage mechanisms to either persist only for the lifetime of the browsing session or fail outright. For example: In general, you can group expressions into categories based on what kind of value they yield and/or what side effects they cause. Returns whether the UI bar is currently stowed. Note: Passage display. Note: Adds an audio group with the given group ID. You may not remove the predefined group IDs (:all, :looped, :muted, :paused, :playing) or the :not group modifier. As all special passage populated sections are updated it is recommended that UIBar.update() be used sparingly. Returns a callback function that wraps the specified callback functions to provide access to the variable shadowing system used by the <> macro. Tip: Note: Note (Twine2): Used to populate the story's banner area in the UI bar (element ID: story-banner). If no name is given, resets all settings. Triggered at the end of passage navigation. An asterisk (*) or number sign (#) that begins a line defines a member of the unordered or ordered list markup, respectively. The _contents special variable is used internally, by container widgets, to store the contents they enclose. In most cases, you will not need to use <> as there are often better and easier ways to forward the player. Widgets allow you to create macros by using the standard macros and markup that you use normally within your story. Story API. Returns the bundled metadata, if any, or null if the given save could not be deserialized and loaded. Navigating back to a previous passage, for whatever reason, can be problematic. Then close the dialog box. The seed is automatically included within saves and sessions, so this is not especially useful outside of debugging purposes. child-definition array) optional: If the macro has children, specify them as an array of strings or . Groups are useful for applying actions to multiple tracks simultaneously and/or excluding the included tracks from a larger set when applying actions. Executes its contents and prepends the output to the contents of the selected element(s). Note: See the .includesAll() method for its replacement. Payload objects have the following properties: The macro's definitioncreated via Macro.add(). Returns the current pull counti.e., how many requests have been madefrom the seedable PRNG or, if the PRNG is not enabled, NaN. Pauses playback of the track and, if it's not already in the process of loading, forces it to drop any existing data and begin loading. In Harlowe, the same operation will yield an error: You must convert the values to the same type in Harlowe. The new l10nStrings object has a simpler, flatter, set of properties and better support for replacement strings. Specific elements can be accessed in an array by following its variable name with a pair of brackets containing the index to check. Note: Intended for social media links. Iterates through all enumerable entries of the given collection. : fired, triggered) to notify code that something has taken place, from player interactions to automated happenings. Returns whether, at least, the track's metadata has been loaded. Global event triggered as the last step in closing the dialog when Dialog.close() is called. The Fullscreen API comes with some built-in limitations: Returns the current fullscreen element or, if fullscreen mode is not active, null. <> does not terminate passage rendering in the passage where it was encountered, so care must be taken to ensure that no unwanted state modifications occur after its call. The default cursor is the block element character Right Half Block (U+2590) and it has no default font or color styling. This process is the same regardless of where the loaded state is coming from: it could be a normal save, the autosave, or the playthrough session. The majority of newer SugarCube versions do not have any changes that would require an update. Opens the built-in alert dialog, displaying the given message to the player. When setting the value to boolean true, you will likely also need to use the Config.saves.isAllowed property to disallow saving on the start passage. To enable test mode from the Stories screen, click on the story's gear menu and select the Test Play menu item. Some browsers, particularly mobile ones, will free up memory by unloading web pages that are running in the background. Note: The versions that forward to a specific passage are largely unnecessary, as you could simply use a normal link, and exist solely for compatibility with the <> macro. Warning: represents whitespace that will be removed, represents line breaks). The variable watch panel may be toggled via the Watch button. The callback is invoked each time a save is requested. Assignment: The expression causes an assignment to occure.g., A backquote is also known as a grave and is often paired with the tilde (. Returns the array of track IDs with the given group ID, or null on failure. Returns whether none of the track's data has been loaded. Returns whether the given member was found within the array, starting the search at position. The documentation for each macro will tell you what it expects. You will also need some CSS styles to make this workexamples given below. Roughly equivalent to the :passagerender event. postrender tasks have been deprecated and should no longer be used. All widgets may access arguments passed to them via the _args special variable. Note: Returns how much remains of the track's total playtime in seconds, Infinity for a stream, or NaN if no metadata exists. Warning: Note: They are called with no arguments, but with their this set to a template (execution) context object that contains the following data properties: String templates consist solely of a string, which may itself contain markup. Next, the StoryInit special passage is processed. Note: Returns whether the named template exists. If you're simply looking to download ready-to-use localizations, see SugarCube's website (under Downloads > Localizations). Determines whether rendering passages have their leading/trailing newlines removed and all remaining sequences of newlines replaced with single spaces before they're rendered. There are several beginner's guides on the web to using Sugarcube . Does not modify the original. Subsequent, optional, characters have the same set as the second with the addition of numerals (i.e., 0-9, so the full set is A-Za-z0-9$_). This is a reference for localizing SugarCube's default UI text, in general, and its l10nStrings object specifically. This is not an exhaustive list. The best example of an array is a pill container. Suggestions for new entries may be submitted by creating a new issue at SugarCube's source code repository. Shorthand for jQuery's .on() method applied to the audio element. Due to how SugarCube stores the state history a few constructs are not supported within story variables. See Template API for more information. Returns a reference to the UIBar object for chaining. Removes event handlers from the track. As a basic working definition, non-generic object typesa.k.a. Does not modify the original. Removes and returns a random member from the base array. This setting has been deprecated and should no longer be used. Deprecated: In SugarCube, both variables would still point to the same underlying objectat least initially (see below): SugarCube does eventually clone its non-primitive data types as well, but does at the start of passage navigation, rather than each time they're modified. The active passage's tags will be added to its data-tags attribute and classes (see: Passage Conversions). Note: Does not modify the original. State.has() does not check expired moments. Returns whether an audio track with the given track ID exists. To enable test mode while starting at a specific passage, right-click on a passage and select the Test Play From Here context menu item. If no conditional expression is given, it is equivalent to specifying true. Returns a random value from its given arguments. Note: This array keeps a list of all the things that get put in the inventory. Arrays are a collection of values. If you simply need a passage link that modifies variables, both the link markup and image markup offer setter variants. For example, the following is the data URI of a Base64-encoded PNG image of a red dot (): Generally, it's expected that you will use a compiler that supports the automatic creation of media passages, however, they may be created manually. UI bar special passages update. Macro handlers are called with no arguments, but with their this set to a macro (execution) context object. True gapless transitions between tracks is not supported. The $args special variable has been deprecated and should no longer be used. If your content consists of DOM nodes, you'll need to use the Dialog.append() method instead. To delete all current watches, click the button. See Setting API for more information. . The easiest way to understand this is to look at what happens when you make some changes to StoryInit and then load a saved story from before those changes were made. Note: You must, generally, use them with an interactive macroe.g., <> macrothe <> macro, or within the PassageDone special passage. In general, look to the, Replaced the ungainly link text syntax, The various Options macros have been removed. See the MDN article Media formats for HTML audio and video for more information on formats commonly supported in browserspay special attention to the Browser compatibility section. Registers the passage as an audio passage. This series is intended for. Attaches single-use event handlers to the track. Warning: This is a reference on how to update existing SugarCube code to work with newer versions of SugarCube. A text replacement markup. When a saved story is loaded, the state loaded from the save replaces the current state. You can use custom style markup or HTML to create the elements, and then target them with a query selector. Note: Global event triggered as the first step in opening the dialog when is called. The (execution) context object of the macro's parent, or null if the macro has no parent. For example, you may use the following JavaScript code to record the last non-menu passage into the $return story variable: (Twine2: the Story JavaScript, Twine1/Twee: a script-tagged passage). Roughly equivalent to the :passagestart event. Sets the starting passage, the very first passage that will be displayed. Note: All changes within this version are elective changes that you may address at your leisure. See Also: To avoid this problem, it's suggested that you use the separate argument form of the <> macro in Twine2as shown above. Returns the processed text of the passage, created from applying nobr tag and image passage processing to its raw text. Deprecated: Its return value should be the post-processed text. Since it is possible to navigate the historyi.e., move backward and forward though the moments within the historyit may contain both past momentsi.e., moments that have been playedand future momentsi.e., moments that had been played, but have been rewound/undone, yet are still available to be restored. Now, whenever you type <<status>>, Twine will print out all stats as set up within the widget, like for example: Strength: Weak Dexterity: Dextrous . See Setting API for more information. For each iteration, it assigns the key/value pair of the associated entry in the collection to the iteration variables and then executes its contents. Config.macros.typeSkipKey, Config.macros.typeVisitedPassages, <> Events. For standard browser/DOM events, see the Event reference @MDN. Story variables are a part of the story history and exist for the lifetime of a playthrough session. If you need a random member from an array-like object, use the Array.from() method to convert it to an array, then use .random(). The Config API serves the same basic purpose. Circular references. Dialog API. See the <> macro for its replacement. Immediately forwards the player to the passage with the given name. When used to set the loop state, returns a reference to the current AudioTrack instance for chaining. Harlowe has stricter typing than SugarCube, requiring authors to call macros like (str:) or (num:) on variables to change their type. Terminates the execution of the current <>. Starts playback of the track and fades it between the specified starting and destination volume levels over the specified number of seconds. To resolve these instances, you will need to quote the name of the variablei.e., instead of passing $pie as normal, you'd pass "$pie". This does not reclaim the space reserved for the UI bar. Deletes the audio track with the given track ID. Warning: In Twine, you can combine the Set Macro with an If Macro to test is some condition is "true.". Browsers are not currently required to honor the navigationUI setting. Passing the name of a variable as an argument is problematic because variable substitution occurs automatically in SugarCube macros. You will, very likely, never need to use directly within your code. Return the named template definition, or null on failure. Starts playback of the playlist and fades the currently playing track from the specified volume level to 1 (loudest) over the specified number of seconds. Generates no output. Returns a reference to the current AudioRunner instance for chaining. The strings API object has been replaced by the l10nStrings object. AudioTrack API, AudioRunner API, and AudioList API. Renders and displays the passage referenced by the given title, optionally without adding a new moment to the history. The config object has been renamed to Config and some of its properties have also changed. The .hasData() method is generally more useful. Creates a listbox, used to modify the value of the variable with the given name. Collects tracks, which must be set up via <>, into a playlist via its <