The purpose of the capstone experience is for students to demonstrate their proficiency in the methods and modes of communication in the discipline or interdiscipline in which they have majored. If College-authorized absences total more than 10% of the course meeting time, it shall be at the discretion of the instructor whether the student may make up the missed work. Further information about summer independent study options or summer institutes is available on the Registrars Office website. Admissions, For High 2. For spring semester, it will be published three weeks after the grade submission deadline. Literature, Studies in Literature: Ecstasy and the Apocalypse, Literature of the Extreme, The Language and Literature of Medieval Wales, Great Detectives and the Plots of Detection, Crafts of Writing: Adventures Across Genre, Crafts of Writing: Building Poetic Worlds, Revolution, Repression, and Resistance: Soviet and Post-Soviet Literature and Culture, Great Detectives and the Plot of Detection, Population 8 Billion: Global Population Issues and Trends, Convergence: Art/Science/Design in Our City, Earth and Environment: Elements of Physical Geography, Cities of the 21st Century: The Political Economy of Urban Sustainability, Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, Geography of Africa: Local Resources and Livelihoods in a Global Context, Building a More Inclusive Healthcare System: Collaborative Research with Family Tree Clinic, Statistical Research Methods in Geography, Theoretical Approaches to European and American Cinema, German Cultural History I: Uniting and Dividing Germany, Time Travelers: Tourism in Global History, Intro to International Studies: Literature and Global Culture, Introduction to International Public Health, Participatory Action Research and Ethics for Public Health, This is Not Your Private Island: Caribbean Cultures of Decolonization, Introduction to the Analysis of Hispanic Texts, Journeys through Brazil: Oral and Written Expression, Texts and Power: Foundations of Media and Cultural Studies, Documentary Cinema: Theory and Practice, Part 1, J.S. To ensure that students receive explicit writing instruction, including opportunity to revise writing, based on faculty feedback. Academic Support. Award of credit in such cases may be delayed for one or more semesters awaiting such evaluations. Classes range from Polliwogs (6 months-3 years) to Sharks (8 and up), and 90-minute . To insure appropriate depth within an area or related areas of knowledge, students are required to elect among: 1) a departmental major; 2) an established interdepartmental major; or 3) an individually designed interdepartmental major*. Saturday, August 14. A course load of at least 12 credits is required to be considered a full-time student. Students completing the Internationalism Requirement will be able to demonstrate two or more of the following learning outcomes: Latin honors are awarded upon graduation. The suspension may occur at any point during the semester and will result in the student being withdrawn from all classes and removed from the residence halls. Students with disabilities who wish to record classroom activity must obtain permission from the Office of Disability Services, which will determine whether classroom recording is an appropriate and reasonable accommodation given the individual students documentation. If the student decides to appeal the grade further, they next contact the Associate Dean of the Faculty. Questions should be addressed to the Office of Student Affairs. Readmission applications are available through the Registrars Office and must be submitted to the Registrars Office prior to July 1st for a fall semester return and prior to November 1st for a spring semester return. Each ACTC partner has a different academic calendar, final exam schedule and registration period., Regulations about Majors, Minors, and Concentrations, International Baccalaureate and General Certificate of Education (A-levels), U.S. Identities and Differences Requirement, Acalog Academic Catalog Management System (ACMS). Then, they need to see Claire Lozano (HUM 219), Coordinator (Dept. In order to help students meet registration deadlines, the Registrars Office will send a reminder prior to the drop/add deadline, with instructions on where to view their officially registered schedule. This decision by the chair or a proximate faculty member is final. Media and Cultural Studies Cross-registered courses appear on the transcript of the students home school. Students should contact the Registrars Office for information on registration procedures and acceptability of credits. Both the student and the instructor are expected to sign the form. ROTC courses offered at the University of St. Thomas are available to Macalester students, however registration must be done directly at St. Thomas. b. The academic calendar at Macalester is divided into a 14 week fall semester (September to December) and a 14 week spring semester (January to May). Recognize that group identities and differences are socially constructed or historically contingent; Examine forms or forces that create, reflect, maintain, or contest identities and differences; Evaluate the significance of identities and differences for life and culture in the United States. Students expecting to apply for acceptance into the Honors Program should consult with their particular department or program early in their junior year as the official application deadlines are normally during the second semester of the students junior year. Demonstrate a level of oral writing, listening, and reading proficiency in a second language equivalent to what one would achieve in four semesters of college level instruction, as determined by the Language, Literature, and Culture Department providing instruction in the language; Recognize and negotiate cultural differences (e.g., customs, traditions, etiquette, taboos, histories, ideologies, institutions, and literatures) between the target culture and other cultures. Physical Education The means of completing this experience are designated by the major department, interdepartmental programs, and IDIM committees and so indicated in the catalog in the cases of departments and interdepartmental programs. Chemistry Proctoring, special materials, time allotment and other matters pertaining to the actual circumstances of the examination are entirely the responsibility of the instructor. What's After White Empire (and is it already here)? After ensuring the appeal includes all of the relevant facts pertinent to the decision, and articulates a rationale for appealing, the Director of Academic Programs and Advising will send the appeal to the authority designated in the Faculty Handbook as responsible for acting on appeals for that committee. 6320. The appeal decisions of EPAG and the Provost are final. WHEATON, Ill. - In their third ever taste of the NCAA Tournament and firsts since 2010, the Carleton College men's basketball team faced off against NACC winner St. Norbert College. Mission, History and Religious Affiliation, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Macalester College Classroom Recording Policy, MAX (Macalester Academic Excellence Center). Macalester courses are offered for semester credit. Where such processes and procedures are included, copies of representative examinations or other instruments involved will be furnished in department offices and in the library for student use. While instances of forgery and cheating are often clear cut, cases of plagiarism can be more complicated. Exams for courses meeting only on Tuesday or Thursday are arranged by the instructor. A student may not graduate with only one or more minors. Biology A covered individual is any individual who is entitled to educational assistance under Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment or Chapter 33 Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits.. Macalester College requires all covered individuals to submit a Certificate . Strict Academic Probation. The Academic Standing Committee reviews the record of every student whose term GPA is 2.5 or lower. Religious Studies 2.3 The suspension may occur at any point during the semester and will result in the student being withdrawn from all classes and removed from the residence halls. In most cases students will attend another institution of higher education during their suspension period and earn grades that demonstrate their ability to perform successfully in an academic environment. The statement is available at Students are normally expected to satisfy the graduation requirements in effect at the time of their matriculation at Macalester (or readmission if they have withdrawn). *, *First-Year Course only, must co-register with CHEM 111-L1; first day attendance required; in-class time used primarily for lecturing; practicing problem-solving is primarily outside of class; Requires CHEM 111-L1 (10134) General Chemistry I Lab | Thursday | 8:00 am-11:10 am | OLRI 341 | Susan Green | first day attendance required; $12 materials fee charged*, *Open to First-Year students only; $12 materials fee charged*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with BIOL 351-01*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with BIOL 351-L1*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with BIOL 351-L2*, *Cross-listed with ASIA 294-02 and MUSI 294-02*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with HIST 121-01*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with STAT 112-01*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with STAT 112-02*, *First-Year Course only; first day attendance required; cross-listed with STAT 112-F1*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with BIOL 320-01; ACTC students require permission of instructor*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with ENGL 294-01*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with STAT 456-01*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with ENVI 235-01; not available to ACTC students*, *Cross-listed with ENVI 239-01 and INTL 239-01*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with PSYC 220-01*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with AMST 240-01; ACTC students require permission of instructor*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with BIOL 275-01 and ENVI 275-01; not available to ACTC students*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with BIOL 275-L1 and ENVI 275-L1; not available to ACTC students*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with PSYC 294-01*, *Appropriate for First-Years, first day attendance required; cross-listed with THDA 242-01*, *Appropriate for First-Years, first day attendance required; cross-listed with THDA 242-02*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with COMP 394-01*, *First-Years welcome and encouraged to enroll; first day attendance required*, *Cross-listed with LING 311-01 and PHIL 311-01*, *First-Year Course Lab only; first day attendance required; cross-listed with GEOL 160-L1*, *First-Year Course only; first day attendance required; cross-listed with GEOL 160-F1; Requires ENVI 160-L1 (10867): Dynamic Earth/Global Chg Lab | Thursday | 1:20 pm-04:30 pm | OLRI 187 | Alan Chapman | first day attendance required*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with BIOL 170-01; ACTC students require permission of instructor*, *First-Year Course Lab only; first day attendance required; cross-listed with BIOL 170-L1*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with BIOL 170-L2; ACTC students require permission of instructor*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with BIOL 170-L3; ACTC students require permission of instructor*, *First-Year Course only; first day attendance required; cross-listed with BIOL 170-F1; Requires ENVI 170-L1 (10092) Ecology and the Environment Lab | Thursday | 1:20 pm-04:30 pm | OLRI 273 | Mary Heskel | first day attendance required*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with POLI 215-01; not available to ACTC students*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with GEOG 232-01*, *First day attendance required; permission of instructor required; cross-listed with HIST 234-01; not available to ACTC students*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with ECON 235-01; not available to ACTC students*, *Cross-listed with ECON 239-01 and INTL 239-01*, *First day attendance required; not available to ACTC students*, *First-Year Course only; first day attendance required; cross-listed with GEOG 254-F1*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with GEOG 258-01*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with PSYC 270-01; not available to ACTC students*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required: cross-listed with BIOL 275-01 and EDUC 275-01; not available to ACTC students*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with BIOL 275-L1 and EDUC 275-L1; not available to ACTC students*, *Cross-listed with HIST 281-01 and LATI 281-01*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with GEOG 294-01*, *First day attendance required; not available to ACTC students; cross-listed with HIST 340-01*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with BIOL 362-01; ACTC students require permission of instructor*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with BIOL 394-01; ACTC students require permission of instructor*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with GEOG 362-01*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with BIOL 394-L1; ACTC students require permission of instructor*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with GEOG 478-01*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; not available to ACTC students*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; 2 credits; not available to ACTC students*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with BIOL 494-01; ACTC students require permission of instructor*, *First day attendance required; taught in French*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with ENVI 232-01*, *First-Year Course only; first day attendance required; cross-listed with ENVI 254-F1*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with ENVI 258-01*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with ENVI 294-01*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with ENVI 394-02*, *For Geography majors only, or permission of instructor*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with ANTH 394-02 and MCST 394-01*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with ENVI 478-01*, *First-Year Course Lab only; first day attendance required; cross-listed with ENVI 160-L1*, *First-Year Course only; first day attendance required; cross-listed with ENVI 160-F1; Requires GEOL160-L1 (10315): Dynamic Earth/Global Chg Lab | Thursday | 1:20 pm-04:30 pm | OLRI 187 | Alan Chapman | first day attendance required*, *Cross-listed with ART 294-01; students who register for this course as ART will receive fine arts general distribution; students who register for it as GEOL will receive math/natural science general distribution*, *Cross-listed with MCST 275-01; taught in English*, *Cross-listed with PHIL 294-01; taught in English*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with CLAS 121-01*, *First day attendance required; permission of instructor required; cross-listed with ENVI 234-01; not available to ACTC students*, *Cross-listed with ENVI 281-01 and LATI 281-01*, *First day attendance required; not available to ACTC students; cross-listed with ENVI 340-01*, *2 credits only; first day attendance required*, *2 credits only; for Mellon Fellows only; S/NC grading only*, *Cross-listed with ECON 239-01 and ENVI 239-01*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with POLI 320-01*, *Cross-listed with ASIA 150-01, LING 150-01 and WGSS 150-01*, *Cross-listed with ASIA 294-01 and LING 294-02*, *First-Year Course only; first day attendance required; cross-listed with SPAN 194-F1*, *First-Year Course only; first day attendance required; cross-listed with SOCI 258-F1*, *Cross-listed with ENVI 281-01 and HIST 281-01*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with SPAN 307-01*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with SPAN 307-02*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with AMST 308-01 and SPAN 308-01*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed as PORT 331-01*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with SPAN 325-01*, *Cross-listed with ASIA 150-01, JAPA 150-01 and WGSS 150-01*, *Cross-listed with ASIA 294-01 and JAPA 294-01*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with SPAN 309-01*, *Cross-listed with ENGL 394-02 and PHIL 311-01*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with SPAN 375-01*, *ACTC students require permission of instructor until April 28th*, *Cross-listed with GERM 275-01; taught in English*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with THDA 294-02*, *First day attendance required; closed to senior nonmajors except with permission of instructor; cross-listed with THDA 294-L1*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with ANTH 394-02 and GEOG 394-01*, *Cross-listed with ASIA 294-02 and CHIN 294-01*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with AMST 294-04*, *Contact the ensemble director for registration information. Readmission to the college is possible after the suspension period. Students, Connect with School Counselors. 2 East South Street. Check the Music Dept website to find out if auditions are required. Q1 Fulfills the Quantitative Description goal, plus 1-2 other learning goals. D- If a student remains registered after the ninth week of classes, one of the grades described under Grading Options must be recorded. Linguistics 612-330-1036 651-696-6772. Decision, Financial Students enter Macalester with a wide range of experiences and expectations. Mathematics The Committee may also place a student on Strict Academic Probation when the record indicates there are serious academic difficulties that warrant the imposition of specific performance criteria. Written evaluations will be reported on standardized forms provided along with the grade report forms. This requirement may be met in many ways, e.g., senior seminar, independent project, honors project. Credits toward graduation are subject to limitations in certain areas, including maximum credits that may be earned in a single division or in a single discipline, as listed above, or through independent studies, as described underIndependent Study. Quality of Data. Most courses are offered for four semester credits, but the amount of credit may vary. Macalester College is a private undergraduate liberal arts college located in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. 1600 Grand AvenueSaint Paul, MN 55105-1899 USA Plagiarism is the unacknowledged use of another persons work (words, ideas, data, etc.) 2022-23 ACADEMIC YEAR HOURS: January 19 - May 2: Monday - Thursday . The university reserves the right without liability or penalty, and without notice, to make changes in the services and programs that . It. 309-341-7216. 651-696-6000. The original copy will be kept in the Registrars Office. of Spanish and Portuguese), to make arrangements for a TBA lab session with a tutor. Decision, Financial *, *Contact the Music department for registration instructions. Students who will be absent for college-sponsored activities are responsible for communicating these conflicts with their faculty and describing how they will access the material they missed in those class periods. Amy Rices students will meet in OLRI 341 on the first day of lab, and STAFF's students will meet in OLRI 385 on the first day of lab. 2022-2023 Important Calendar Dates (opens in new window/tab); 2023-2024 Important Dates Calendar (opens in new window/tab); Veracross (opens in new window/tab); Health Services & COVID-19 Updates (opens in new window/tab); School News (opens in new window/tab); Trustee Portal (opens in new window/tab); Photo Gallery (opens in new window/tab); School Calendar (opens in new window/tab) After students select a major, they may change to an advisor in that department or program. Suspension. Home. Macalester College is a private undergraduate liberal arts college located in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. Registration and validation are not complete or official until fees are paid or arrangements for payments have been made with the Student Accounts Office. The Instructor is responsible for ensuring that any use or sharing of any recording that includes student information is consistent with the written consents and not used or shared for any other purpose. Academic Probation. Please enable it to continue. Who is eligible to participate in Commencement? Some departments require the student to discuss their scores with the department chair before a credit determination is made. Dismissal. Admissions, International Direct questions to the Registrar. In cases where a course is repeated both courses remain on the record and one course (if the grade is D- or above) will be counted toward the degree; grades for both courses will be included in the GPA. *, *Additional required meeting time on Thursdays from 6:30-8:00pm in Hewitt Hall (Music 113). Maria earned two All-MIAC honors this past weekend at the MIAC Indoor Championships. Dismissal is rare and typically comes after a student has been suspended following readmission. When a faculty member suspects a student of academic dishonesty, the faculty member should consult the student about the suspected violation. It is the obligation of students to provide faculty with reasonable notice of the dates of religious holidays on which they will be absent, ordinarily within the first fifteen days of the semester. Students are also encouraged to contact the Director of Academic Programs and Advising regarding their circumstances and to discuss the academic standing process and their options. *Altering a graded exam or paper without informing the instructor and resubmitting it for re-grading Macalester College is a private institution that was founded in 1874. School Counselors. Macalester College 1600 Grand Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55105-1899 USA 651-696-6000 The designation magna cum laude will be based on achieving a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.80. facebook; instagram; linkedin; twitter; youtube; Utility. Students are responsible for checking their grades and their Macalester email following each semester to facilitate the work of the Academic Standing Committee. Admissions, International Four (4) semester credits earned in a course designated as meeting the Internationalism requirement. There is no limitation on the number of courses a student may take under the S, SD, N option with written evaluation, or in activity courses. The proposal must include the following: Students seeking an individually-designed interdepartmental major (IDIM) must apply before the beginning of the registration period for the first semester of their junior year. Students, Connect with The Committee is concerned with a students current ability to be successful and may assign one of the following statuses based on the term GPA. Refer to the financial aid section of the college catalog for information. A W grade is not computed into the GPA. CHEM 111-L4 10137: General Chemistry I Lab: Days: T Time: 08:00 am-11:10 am Room: Instructor: Rice, Rodwogin Avail./Max. Students whose scores on Higher Level Examinations of the International Baccalaureate Program are 5, 6, or 7 receive the equivalent of four or eight semester hours of credit for each such examination. Two letters of recommendation must be from faculty members who have had the student in class; who may or may not be members of the students IDIM committee. Physical Education A student may drop a course at the start of the fall or spring semester on-line or by completing the proper form available in the Registrars Office. A minor in a given department consists of not less than twenty nor more than twenty-eight semester credits in courses within one department. Students who have attended non-accredited or non-regionally accredited institutions must have their work validated by examination or by showing competence to carry advanced work successfully. Visit Customer Care . Japanese Literature: Intro to Asian American Literature, Identities and Differences in U.S. Students who have taken the College Board Advanced Placement Examinations may be eligible for advanced placement and appropriate credit. C. Grading on a basis which is not consistent with prior practices or announced policies in that course during the semester. French and Francophone Studies If the Committee finds no grounds for the appeal, the violation and sanction stand. Educational Studies Admissions, International These credit hours must include: Eight (8) semester credits in courses designated as meeting the social science distribution requirement. Ordinarily, if a student decides to change their major to a new area and already had taken courses in that area on an S, SD, N basis, the courses will be allowed by the department, but written permission must be given by the department chair. 2023 academic year Apr 19, Tue Deadline for Summer Internship Proposals Apr 28, Thr Classes End: Last Day to Withdraw from the *failing to fully cite (author, article title, book or journal, page number, date of publication) each instance where you have incorporated anothers ideas or quoted words into your own written or oral work. *Students who declare an IDIM are not permitted to double-major. Macalester requires proficiency equivalent to four semesters of college coursework to ensure that, at minimum, students can meaningfully engage in the language and culture. Literature: LGBTQ2S+ Literature, Identities and Differences in U.S. Information about faculty advising is available from the Academic Programs and Advising Office. The professor has made a calculation error; OR Macalester College prohibits sharing, distributing, or publishing classroom recordings in any manner. Check the Music Dept website to find out if auditions are required. Apply. The Colleges student complaint process will encourage informal resolution of alleged violations within the office or department involved in the complaint and allow for a formal resolution process if not resolved informally or when informal action is not allowable by federal regulations. Missing a Course? Political Science Reading Day: Wednesday, May 17, 2023 Exam Days: Thursday, May 18-Tuesday, May 23, 2023 (no exams Sunday, May 21) Not all courses fulfill this requirement. Proficiency is demonstrated through the creation or performance of advanced work.