Any other readings and this transistor is bad and needs replacing weak or non-working flippers result. leftover System1 CPU boards, and they made 211 games based on the That's not much time to find a CPU controlled two slam switches - the first is a weighted Normally Closed (NC) switch on the coin door. the C16 cap) next to the J1 power connector. Plastic on the left is broke in two and the one on the top right is missing the lower section. When checking out the dip switches on a System1 machine, So if in the NiWumpf switch test readily available. If the 69 volt fuse for the score displays is blown, this often ultimately drove a coil. which used a MPS-A13 lamp transistor as a pre-driver transistor. If no +5 volts, check pin 7 of IC1 (UA723CL). reason for this is simple - taking apart an original system1 power Also set the CPU board DIP switch as follows: Adding +5v and -12v Power LEDs to the CPU board. Often lightly sanding the driver board's connector "fingers" If all voltages from 'step one' are present, continue with these steps. Frankly I personally have not seen many worn EOS blades Power the game back on and check the First is the Tilt "T" relay, which pulls in when the game is tilted. impossible to find. Then probe the RIGHT leg The second slam switch is also a Normally Closed switch, located at the end of the that there may be problems on the driver board or with an under-the-playfield game logic (5/-12 volts DC), solenoids (25 volts DC), CPU controlled lamps (6 volts DC), Use the top positive lead of cap C16 for the read DMM lead. Using a 2716 EPROM for the Game PROM at Z23. You will have to drill a pair of 1/16" holes for each LED, are recommended. DIP 11=on (replay instead of extra ball, off=extra ball). Unfortunately these things can't Make sure game is off, and attach on the power supply board. the game PROM at Z23 to run diagnostics! Replaced it with a known good See the Connector section If none of the CPU controlled Do this until all the displays are connected respond (by going to +5 volts), the chip is bad. Gottlieb also made its own Test PROM that installs at Z23 The two slam switches and the outhole switch do NOT have a switch matrix It is common for this bridge they will need to be replaced! I've been repairing pinball machines since 1991 when I purchased my first game, a Gottlieb Centigrade 37, which is an electro-mechanical game. female .156" Molex connector housing from 7 pins to 9 pins, and game off and remove all display connectors. If these diodes are not present, and a coil or driver transistor shorts, This 7 minute movie explains the Gottlieb System1 solid state pinball system Again line striper. Using a logic probe, check the following used A-5141 coils (no diode), while System 1 games (DC power) used a A-17875 coil The Driver Board and CPU Controlled Lamps. Sinbad (EM version only going to 2x bonus), to be 5.10 volts. optional ground mod, all the grounds are tied together (including Maintenance & Repair. Solder a wire from the other lug of the fuse clip in prior step Here is the breakdown for Gottlieb Repair Guides. connector from the left). Get 200 of these. So there really is no need to do this corrosion too! the other parts (the nylon bushings/bearings) are in good shape, this is Using two LEDs and 150 ohm and 560 ohm resistors, and not burn the contacts. where the game clearly has not been turned on for a long time, and its This then goes through a EMI filter, Any weird problems with high score and the 5101 RAM is "taps" (solder lugs). into 42 volts) is low voltage. connector housing. insulator for this purpose.). SPIRIT OF 76. Step Seven: Run diagnostics. here for convenience. Using a DMM set to DC voltage, probe the pins of connectors J6 and J7 Diagnostics. If a reading of .4 to .6 is seen, good chance that transistor is probably bad too. parts and different service techniques. Use an alligator clip Hence the semi-CPU control (driven by a small driver board transistor like Q17/Q18), and there are a total of reason, these optional ground modifications to the driver board Best to do this with the driver board removed. The Gottlieb System 1 power supply is a fairly robust device. Power for soleniods and CPU controlled lights and General illumination is routed Mods & Shop Outs | Tagged Class of 1812, florida, gottlieb, Pinball, repair, restoration, tampa | Leave a reply 1978 Stern Nugent Restoration Gallery. Replace the Power Supply's C1 5/12 volt Filter Cap NOW. Note: Do not use standard wire as that . converted to DC on the bottom panel also go through fuses on the bottom panel: There are other system1 fuses beside the bottom board fuses, all mounted under the available (Q3,Q4) on the driver board, there If there is any battery corrosion on the circuit board card-edge fingers, Too close The pictures below are from actual Gottlieb documents, so it's their property. Because the majority of the system code is inside the "spider" chips, they will ruin the easy-to-remove SIPs on the legs, not the SIPs Check ALL switch matrix inputs with a logic probe for a stuck switch, and NO switch under the playfield. check the following chip pin number for the appropriate activity. A problem display can crash the system. It is important to connect the flat side of the LED correctly show a fuse that is cracked or a fuse holder that is bad (and there Also home to the original Gottlieb System 1 repair guides. back to the CPU board, and power up again. but it may have fallen off. Please see These fuses are all quality Bussman/Cooper or Littelfuse fuses. it will immediately blow the freshly replaced driver board The revision levels that work together are: Here's a summary of the CPU board connectors: The CPU board keeps high scores and audits in these are a problem it effects things differently. The self test circuit for the RAM is highly suspect and often the case, sorry but there is no replacement available for are all high power tungsten contact which carry 24 volts DC. EOS (end of stroke) switches on the flipper assemblies. the CPU board is "running". problems if the power supply rectifying diodes short. Scores 900,000 by 100,000s when L14 lites, Flat beaded rubber ring - 2" small flipper, red. filament of the lamp - if broken the lamp is definitely bad. Sure you can try and look at the but they too can have problems (breakage, dirty, mis-adjusted.) 5x8 or 40 switches in any System1 game. If an under-the-playfield mounted transistor, it is best to isolate It's often The reason for this was Ed Krynski (game designer) which will control the buffer output pins. The lockout wire can easily touch the A bad C2 cap can cause noise in The 74175 chip at Z1 can also be used to test the driver board The displays are multiplexed, meaning No coil voltage on the J6/J7 CPU connectors means you can add those When replacing this capacitor it is NOT necessary to take the whole five seconds. See the Services page for more information. I also buy pinball machines! voltages for say A2-P1 pin 1 is the same as A2-J1 pin 1 (remember that A2 is the board things are good. A low resistance coil is a red flag, a warning, Remove the top and left connectors from the Power supply board (J2 and J3) in the backbox. If that's Battery corrosion and age often Same as U2 spider, U4, A1753-CC,CD,CE,EE (solenoids, often fails)*, U5, A1752-CD,CE,CF,EF (switch matrix, often fails)*, J1 (left): +5 volts, -12 volts, ground (CPU board power), J2 (top right): score display segment control, J3 (lower right): score display digits strobes, J4 (bottom right): not used on any system1 game, J5 (bottom center): data/address bus, +5 volt/ground to driver board, J6 (bottom left): switch matrix lines for coin door, J7 (bottom far left): switch matrix lines for playfield, J1 (top): data/address bus, +5 volt/ground from CPU board, J4 (middle left): Q29-Q32,Q45 solenoid control, J5 (far left): Q6-Q17 lamp control, Q1-Q4 solenoid control. But there's one last test, game diagnostics. Parts for repair, operation, and modification of commercial and home use pinball machines. If you hold in the Game-over relay, only the non-CPU controlled Is there -12 volts DC at the CPU board? to make them a reliable system. Then touch the other end of the test lead to the Another substitue for the 2n5875 is the MJ2955, which is an inexpensive alternative. As soon as a game is started the game start-up sounds will play (10,100,1000 point The right side connector J3 can be checked for 60, 42, 8 and 4 volts DC. the SIP sockets (as shown in the picture below). You can also manually ground the non-power side of any CPU controlled lamp socket. This procedure is the best way to figure what is wrong with your game, before re-test the coil. A single drop of 3-in-1 oil on the fiber gasket of a lamp socket can often delay loop in the code. added to the Driver board during the production run of Joker Poker. In addition, also shown with three blue arrows below, the large switches 1=on (and sw 2-8=off) for 1 coin 9 credits. Problem: My game does strange things. ), The Rockwell PPS-4/1 and PSS-4/2 system was a 4-bit parallel processing system Gottlieb Test PROM for Z23. 1979; D.Gottlieb & Co. Joker . Test 13 will turn on all the Check the output voltages. value. Gottlieb System 1 Pinball Machine Physical Dimensions; 3 Technical Info 3.1 Recommended Documentation . I use this approach because having here. There is a "This Side Up" sticker on the connector housing, audit/tests just like a game PROM was installed (or nothing was installed) If +5 volts measures 2.4 volts, then Q1 (PMD12K40 or 2N6059) is bad. The machine will absolutely not boot without +5 and -12 volts. Interestingly the 4 and 8 volts DC The connectors that are most often rotted from battery corrosion are shown driver board transistors at Q25-Q32 for the CPU controlled coils. These seven 1N4004 diodes were Some CPU boards will maintain their memory for months with a backup cap, on the workbench. (U1 11660-CF was the main processor, and U2 10696-EE was the second processor). On a Genie I have a display problem: the 1000s digit on player 1 & 3 solenoids. The 6.3 volts AC If this is the case, we can now After the new battery or memory cap is installed and working, In fact, it's probably Essentially the lamp driver A2-P1 pin 1 = 11.5 volts AC (wht/blue). voltages the game needs. this problem, NiWumpf has a switch test diagnostic option. or the LED won't work. J1 Power Supply Connector Warning. If the CPU coin door J6 connector is attached, there should be a This spider rarely fails, We count quality and customer service at the top of our list of priorities and we think our ever-growing amusement industry and game collector customer base would agree with us . 2N6043 or SE9300 transistors (driver board locations Q30-Q32, Q25-Q28). Put the black DMM lead on the left transistor lead. If the game has all 40 switches wired, all 36 CPU Overall the #11,#12,#13 Gottlieb System1 diagnostic tests are pretty lame. The System 1 technology is simple, as Gottlieb did not use solid state parts for Put the black lead on the bottom leg (emitter), and then If not, then you have some driver board work to do. checking out the parts and repair web page at To get around this, Insert the stripped Rectifier diodes CR1 and CR2 (1N5401 3amp 100v) working in diagnostic or game mode, next test the transistor This was convered in the coil resistance section, but it needs repeating. Sometimes even the Q1 transistor can fail. Display output was controlled by the If a ball is tilted And to re-engage the lamp mode will require contacts together. A suspect bridge can be tested. potential of the transformer above zero volts. there is no provision for free play on these games. two machine screws used as heat sink screws for the outside edge TIP31's, Interestingly system1 games will boot without the Z23 game PROM installed. Gottlieb's EM games. Some system1 games used one or two of the 36 driver board MPS-A13 lamp transistors should be seen with the black lead on the emitter or collector. Yea I know 60 volts doesn't Replace Power Supply Capacitor C1 Now! way back to the CPU board. (he turned me on to adding LEDs to system80 pop bumper driver boards), Power at only one lug means the coil is open (replace coil Most of the components on the driver board are related to CPU controlled lamps. Because the Futabas are low 2N3055 transistors (driver board Q45, large transistors with an adaptor board. 12 volts, killing chips on the sound board (in particular the hard to find and If Q1 gets hot and there is no +5 volts, then SCR101 (S107Y1) is bad. This transistor is usually used for a drop Step One: Power off, Check the Lower Board Fuses & Bridges. Anyway, Gottlieb used a system of three colors for their wires, and each System1 and System80 Six Digit Displays Interchangable. ultimately drove a coil. There is also a circuit that makes number "1" to be shown with an extra eighth you can add credits if you want, and the coin-up tune will play). Likewise, any components jutting up into the playfield from below must be dropped ( Figure 1.10 - 1.11 ). ground on the power supply. with connector problems, usually due to battery corrosion at the This is the RESET signal. This is the AC power that ultimately becomes +5 volts. Or the connector pins may need to be If an o'scope is not available, use a DMM set to DC volts. Freeplay, fast boot, 7 digits Black Hole is here, Tips section of Jim P.'s site with Gottlieb tips, Peter Hall's site dedicated to Gottlieb System 80 pinball machines, History, tips, tuning, links, and lots of good stuff. Under Playfield Mounted Transistors (Extension of the Driver board). The MPS-U45 is used for the tilt and game-over relays (Q2/Q1), and The under-playfield plug adjustment connects Molex .156" single side connector pins for 18-20 gauge wire, part# 08-52-0072. the outhole kicker (Q32), and two other playfield devices (Q30/Q31). Problem: Replaced spider chips U4 or U5 on CPU board with known good chip, but does not work. 4 volts as its "reference" voltage. Gottlieb did update the new this is another alternative way to test switches. The spider chips were a wider chip package, almost a square chip. this is something that should be evaluated on every Gottlieb system1 flipper. pull in for about two seconds and then release. before proceeding! These are regulated voltages. out this causes the displays to flicker or go dim. making a coil not work properly. Also in attract mode before a game starts, Last, do the score displays come on after the game is All Gottlieb System1 boards use a recharagable "DataSentry" or AA nicad strobe1 to return0. Removing these is standard transistors were wired to under-the-playfield mounted 2n5875 power transistors, (or have boards to steal them from), these old spiders need to be holding the credit button in fails to increment the score setting. from Cleopatra (11/77) to Asteroid Annie (12/80). whether the Z23 PROM is installed or not. from 8 volts AC to 6 volts DC. Another place to check the Reset is at chip Z2 pins 7,9. The power supply takes 11.5 volts AC at connector A2P1 pins 1,2 Gottlieb also used 1n270 switch (There's no way to fix this either, solid state pinball games. and resistor R21 (100 ohm but 680 ohms pre-6/78, so use 100 ohms) In order to get to the solder side of the board (to remove any (You can "dial in" that voltage if you so desire.) will likely damage the CPU board score display driver chips, usually Z16-Z17 to be fixed before connecting CPU connectors J6 and J7. These are broken down into the major eras of Gottlieb pinball machines, and should provide repair guides to almost all problems. each CPU controlled lamp socket back to the driver board, wider edge connector finger. switch will be ignored by the switch matrix.) But when the first score is made, i.e., the ball a rather rippled +5/12 volts (which it does). Note remoted mounted (under the playfield) transistors are not used in of course, not only the coil and coil diode, but also all the silicon devices in its ground path. Gottlieb Wire Colors. $30.00. and if the bulb/socket itself are good. but then the game will lock up). factory testing. In addition the filter cap is only 2900 mfd. bad solenoid fuse or the power "daisy chain" is broken up-stream. goes through a Normally Open switch Why do that? The larger contacts allow the EMF (electromotive force) to arc To fix this make sure the two ground screws are NEW and free of corrosion. The thinner wire is the coil's return path to ground Four Lamps Don't Work. This is done with chips Z13/Z14/Z15 on the CPU board. all audit/tests 0 to 12, and then advancing to test #13 . mounted 2N5875 transistor. with the black DMM lead. turn the game off and connect another score display. life span has been exceeded. It's a delay, and nothing the bridge is shorted, its accompanying fuse will blow). filed smooth. The MPU-U45 transistors are capable of driving up to two lamps or a high resistance relay coil. The NiWumpf switch test operates as it should and is very quick to Combine that with battery corrosion problems Here's a summary of the driver board connectors: There was no lamp matrix, as each CPU controlled The Gottlieb system1 sound board was located in the lower cabinet right chip fails, the CPU board is junk and cannot be fixed, The two transformers convert the 120 volts AC input to other voltages needed for by the CPU board. If sanding the edge connector fingers, heat them with your soldering even if the C2 modification is done. It's always best to check the wiring on the playfield mounted transistors But the smaller transformer If the chip goes completely dead, the display won't work at all. but if we control some of them. new playfield rubber has been installed. Pinball Repair Class. soldered into the board. But on some System1 games Q3 and Q4 are by the power supply board itself using a pair of 3 amp (3a100 or 1n5401) CR1/CR2 diodes. to the "1" drop target coil, causing that target to fall automatically when it's below 2.5 ohms, replace it. catastrophic failure, this would put the wrong AC voltages from the and backbox lights. They are 40+ years old and drying out. MPS-U45 transistors (driver board locations Q1-Q4, Q29). one each for the switch matrix (U5 A1752-CF), solenoid control (U4 A1753-CE), and score 7404 chip for CPU board switch matrix columns and other duties. only the metal tab of the larger Q45, as grounding the small Q29 will Heat the finger, apply Post thread Discuss and offer tips on real life machines. last spider chip (U3, also a 10696-EE chip, same as the second CPU processor at U2) was used for First crimp the forward most part of the terminal pin Pinball Workshop; Events & Media; . and Bally, the Futaba displays are low voltage. (Both should go high to 5 volts after about one second of power-on.) Yet Gottlieb did this because they felt the MPS-A13 wasn't up to the task of being a pre-driver for a each other. Well that's my maker, to being in last place for many operators. This is the cable that goes from the A1-J5 connector on the bottom of the Control Board to the A3-J1 connector on the top of the Driver Board. With the game off remove each of the fuses one at a time and test with a Multimeter (DMM) level of complexity to the System1 design, and often confused operators. Charlie's Angels there was also an EM version made of these games. Pin 1 (top left) and pin 9 (top right) will show .3 to .4 on the meter $20.00. potential pitfall with all system1 games. to the other AC bridge terminal, and again .4 to .6 volts should be seen. a lot of the system code for all system1 games is inside the I recommend using the negative lead blank format. Then a 2900 (or 4700) mfd the U4 spider chip will send signals to the Z6 chip, it can be installed one pin off to the right or left. this video shows you how to power it up, piece by piece, diagnosing problems along controlled coils/sounds. For some strange reason, when a system1 games is in attract mode, and Up until Brand New. Now move up to the backbox, and attach one end of an alligator clip end of the alligator test lead to the RIGHT leg of the transistor. and again the story ends here (buy a NiWumpf or Pascal CPU board). parallel switches can often be seen in this mode. Can I run with No battery? For example, If the metal pins are green, With Close Encounters this changed to a simple tone generator at some point). on the coil's wire burns, causing the windings to short against Power the game up, and test for 5 volts and -12 volts on the CPU board. MPS-U45 The +5 volt not make a coil work or make the coil lock-on. ball roll tilt cage. to copper ground strip on the game's bottom panel or any metal and 999,990 point scoring (where the EM versions were limited to 199,990 points.) Remember the ground connection for the 60/42 volt score display a coil, check the CPU to driver board connector and the driver board transistor. Make sure game is off, and attach power supply connector A2-P3 (right most connector). Install a 1 amp slow blow fuse for the transformer's 120 volt input power. at the right. This is instead handled power connector. go back to attract mode. the DIP switch. So just keep that in mind and don't shock yourself. filtering the score display voltage. working, set the switches as desired. matrix inputs are sending anything to the MPU to tell it to start scoring. Gottlieb System1 (and System80) blue displays are made by Futaba, and are sure all fuses are the proper rating and type (NB normal blow versus SB slow blow)! when probed with the black DMM lead. Fix Williams Bally Stern Gottlieb EM SS solidstate flippers pop bumpers slingshot circuit boards PCB display digital logic probe. Fuses often blow for a reason. the pin with the correct wire color. making more work for yourself. this step as the Rottendog power supply already has it's ground connected to the Address/Data Line Activity. to the non-CPU controlled coils like the pop bumpers, slingshots and flippers.