, Durock comes in various colors and textures. Yes, cement board can be used outside as long as it is properly installed and protected from the elements. include smooth, brick, stone, slate, embossed, and wood grain, offering great versatility and freedom in custom design. CUSTOMxaes RD lab has tested and found that a continuous single coat of RedGardxae is sufficient to waterproof WonderBoardxae Lite cement backerboard-covered walls for shower application in order to meet building code requirements. << /Type /Catalog WonderBoard cement boards have numerous applications for construction, and they offer a high level of versatility. Here we will look at the differences between these two types of backer boards and detail the pros and cons of each one. However, in areas that dont get wet you dont need it. 65. This is because it is so much easier to cut, and it also wont crumble and cause damage to your room. Tile Backer Board. This is because it is waterproof and can stand up to consistent moisture. A waterproof niche does not get filled with water. Decks, floors, countertops, pools, and hot tubs are also made with it. The process of sealing WonderBoard involves applying a sealer specially designed for the product to its surface. It can also dry out and be perfectly fine. A moisture barrier is necessary with any cement board product. /F2 9 0 R It is the leading choice in commercial construction due to its high level of fire resistance. I prefer Durock (1/2") for shower walls, but like Hardiebacker in 1/4" for floors, mainly because they have an embossed fastener legend on the face. Water Dripping From Ductwork In Basement: Causes & 5 Fixies, Inset VS Overlay Hinges: 3 Differences You Need To Know Now, Gutter Apron Vs Drip Edge: 5 Differences You Need to Know, Schluter VS Bullnose: 4 Differences You Should Know, Maple Syrup Smell In The House: Causes And Fixes, Pewter vs Brushed Nickel: The 6 Differences You Need to Know. Additionally, durock is easy to cut and install, making it a popular choice for DIY projects. Wonderboard is only available in gray, but its also popular with contractors as it is classic, neutral, and easy to combine with other elements. and theyre used for different applications and tasks: : This type of WonderBoard contains a layer of gypsum core reinforced with fiberglass mats. Both of these types of backer board are a good choice for interior projects, but if you are working on an . While it is water-resistant and has mold-resistant properties, water can still penetrate the board and cause damage if it is not properly sealed. Husband: it's not needed, yes I could've placed a plastic sheet but that's overkill . document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Your email address will not be published. What you are leaving out is the Schluter system, which is another more expensive way to tile. Backer Board provides a stable surface for installing tile or stone and protects against moisture. Once the cement board is installed, you will need to use a waterproofing sealer, specifically designed for this purpose. Finally, WonderBoard offers a more extended. So, if youre looking for a cement board with a more extendedwarranty, WonderBoard may be the better option for you. 2 0 obj if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'remodelormove_com-leader-3','ezslot_19',165,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-leader-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'remodelormove_com-leader-3','ezslot_20',165,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-leader-3-0_1');.leader-3-multi-165{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}Finally, there can be staining of the cement board, which can discolor the tiles and make them more difficult to clean and maintain. How do I stop my toilet flapper from closing too fast? That is very unconventional. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'remodelormove_com-leader-2','ezslot_16',164,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-leader-2-0');It also offers a superior bonding base, so it wont crack or chip easily. Known as "dimple mat" by some contractors, an uncoupling membrane is a 1/8-inch-thick sheet of plastic material with a synthetic fabric or fleece backing and a surface covered with square cavities, or dimples. On the other hand, cement board does not offer the same moisture protection as WonderBoard and is harder to cut and install due to its heavier weight. endobj Sealing the grout and tile helps protect against water and mildew build up and also helps protect the WonderBoard. This will fully encase the cement board and seal any remaining gaps between two boards or other surfaces. This will provide a good, solid, and waterproof base for tiling. If you want the area behind the backer board to remain dry, then you must use RedGard Waterproofing and Crack Prevention Membrane. Required fields are marked *. 1 0 obj The pros and cons of WonderBoard Lite. THE BACKERBOARD is WATERPROOF and SO ARE THE TILES. Its. What you need to know to receive CUSTOM's Lifetime System Warranty on your tile job. MongoCT. I [] It just comes down to personal preference and the needs of your project. as the thicker boards and isnt recommended for larger projects. /ProcSet 4 0 R Custom Building Products PG13517T Instructions / Assembly. bZ@'`(TJPqg4I!M! Three EasySteps to One Lifetime Warranty. When installing on walls, you may have to cut the sheets to ensure the joints occur in the middle of a stud face. WonderBoard is a cement board product made specifically for use as a substrate for tile and stone, and should be sealed prior to tiling or other applications. It is also important to make sure the WonderBoard is not damaged before applying the adhesive. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. This makes it ideal for use in high moisture areas, such as bathrooms or kitchens. for pricing and availability. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Sheetrock in a wet area is a major no-no. It just comes down to personal preference and the needs of your project. Stable in use and resistant to environmental damage. It is made of a. board that is then covered with a water-resistant surface. is never easy, as so many things to consider. Consult local building code for moisture barrier requirements." Wonderboard (Custom Building Products): " WonderBoard Lite is not a waterproof barrier. Cement board is not waterproof. Youll find that Durock can be quite hard to cut and carry, and it often crumbles when you try to work with it. x 5-ft. and 3 x 5-ft. sheets of cement board are sized for efficient use around bathtubs and showers.The core isn't waterproof, but it can withstand getting wet without falling apart, so even if your . The size of the board is also something to consider when choosing between WonderBoard and Durock. . Durock is made with a water-resistant core, while WonderBoard is not, making it the obvious choice for wet areas like showers and tub surrounds. Alternatively, the same size of Wonderboard branded backer board costs 12.89$. In fact, it has been used outdoors for nearly a century due to its resistance to moisture and more extreme temperatures than other types of drywall. It is a cement-based backer board that is designed to be used as a substrate for tile installations, but it is not waterproof. You will need a hammer, screwdriver, utility knife, and a level. WonderBoard Lite is not a waterproof barrier. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Both Durock and WonderBoard are excellent choices for cement boards. But lets be clear. Waterproof composition throughout entire board saves cost by eliminating the need to apply a . 4 . to help you install your WonderBoard cement boards, as they are pretty heavy. ZC6Ek(AUCMwW'86*zCm;p5>j h % Ideal for both interior and exterior . , meaning it will not crack or break easily. It will be easier to carry from a truck into the home and easier to maneuver into position in the room youre working in. WonderBoard also provides a long-lasting, easy-to-work-with tile backing surface and can be used with both ceramic tile and natural stone installations. They dont damage the walls as you carry them into the house and upstairs. . Yes, you can certainly put tile on WonderBoard. that is used as an alternative to drywall. In this guide, we will explain all their pros and cons. Hardibacker is considered to be the easiest type of backer board to work with; however, it can require studs to be positioned in non-standard spacing in some applications, which may put off inexperienced users. Schluter Systems. It's a good idea to choose the thinnest board possible if you . The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. . >> . Following these steps will ensure a successful tile installation on WonderBoard. This makes it an excellent choice for use in high-traffic areas or places where there is potential for things to fall on it. Yes, WonderBoard is a good material to use for showers. James Hardie Technology Limited. Additionally, it should be installed on a structure strong enough to hold its weight and one that is protected from UV light, which can easily damage the cement board. It has a composition that is most similar to traditional cement board, so if you are used to working with cement board, then Wonderboard would be an easy transition as it is very similar to work with. 2818713 on Jul 21, 2019. What about WonderBoard lite vs Durock or WonderBoard lite vs HardieBacker? However, Durock is generally slightly more straightforward to install than WonderBoard. (1.81kg/M 2) Compression D2394 <0.050@2500psi Indentation: (175.8kg/cm 2) FlexuralStrength Wet /Dry: C 947 > 0psi(62. kgcm 2) Fast e nrHo ldi g: D 10 37 >4 b . ease of use and excellent tile adhesion creating a solid base for projects. 1xUj * 0e( 6^4AUy4RlP_fF"~OYlukqE,~y#VS+a#=wqg(I 2{i}QVEK!F9m vh )qGjP@y4LO4 bv/X9-$8F0C@MwW'y86s*_!g80=wRXa4,ga>Cy4LO/A03v{8kd~P|LQ A:+v/bT~Y1Txz'xucc8aa^z~X6/E[YcswfVW +0. Again, it is important to make sure that all seams and joints are fully sealed with the membrane. Get 5 free searches. But I think it could work. WonderBoard Lite is not a waterproof barrier. WonderBoard is more focused on waterproofing, so it is generally a more reliable option for high-moisture areas. If it's a cement board, like Durock, Hardibacker, or Wonderboard, do I need to apply a waterproofing membrane (like RedGard) as well? Wonderboard: - a true cement board with a mesh facing for integrity. 3 Joists or framing should be spaced no more than 16" on center. Although there are at least six categories of WRB asphalt felt, Grade D building paper, plastic housewrap, liquid-applied WRBs, rigid foam, and Zip System sheathing building codes calls for just one: asphalt felt. shouldnt be too complicated, but if youre unfamiliar with the process, its always best to ask for help from a professional. Wedi board seems to be stiffer than most. David Kessler is a CSLB licensed contractor with over 25 years of experience. Second, ensure that the surface youre installing Durock on is. The different Durock boards offer additional benefits but also have certain drawbacks, so choosing the right one for your project is essential. >> It is the only backer board I currently recommend. Any dirt or dust will make it harder for the Durock to adhere correctly. First, make sure that you have the right tools for the job. However, it does not make a shower, bathroom or kitchen area waterproof simply by installing it. 17 0 R Ceramic and porcelain tile, more than almost any other surface material, need a stable . Where do you think the water will go if you install something that is "waterproof"? The board can resist up to 3,000 psi of water pressure and is durable enough to withstand regular water exposure without sustaining significant damage over time. If the installation involves large tiles, then cement board is the better choice. Use RedGard Waterproofing and Crack Prevention Membrane or Custom 9240 Waterproofing and Anti-Fracture Membrane if the area behind the backerboard needs to be kept dry. The first is that it is important to apply the proper adhesive to the board when installing tile. endobj However, this cement backer board is not as strong as the thicker boards and isnt recommended for larger projects. are the thickest and strongest options. Backer Board The Custom Building Products WonderBoard The Custom Building Products WonderBoard Lite 5 ft. Water penetration can lead to deterioration of the cement board, warping, and can create an environment ideal for mold growth and infestations. It absorbs moisture as well, but it has excellent drying properties. Wonderboard is only available in gray, but its also popular with contractors as it is classic, neutral, and easy to combine with other elements. A free app for Android, by 3DLogical. When it comes to the price difference between Durock and WonderBoard, it depends on the project youre working on. WonderBoard does have some advantages over Durock, though. The board itself is waterproof so need for additional waterproofing. You can use WonderBoard as a backer board for tile in wet areas such as showers, tub surrounds, and waterproofing systems since theyre specifically formulated to resist mold and mildew. , so its easier to maneuver around tight corners. Log in. As far as installation goes, both Durock and WonderBoard are pretty easy to work with. /Contents 7 0 R Your email address will not be published. $2.86. While they may seem pretty identical, it is essential to note some significant differences between these two cement boards. It can easily be cut to fit unique shower designs, such as those with curves, and it is also resistant to mold and mildew. stream Theyre great for large projects or areas where you need extra support. The -inch and 1-inch Durock boards are the thickest and strongest options. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Get Chris D's email address (c*****@custombuildingproducts.com) and phone number at RocketReach. >> (6 5k ) LinearVariation withMoistureChange: D1037 <.07% FlameSpread SmokeDevelopment: E84 0/0 WindLoad: E330 30lbs.persq.ft . Most of the new generation tile backer boards are somewhat moisture resistant because of a dense surface coating (like Densheild), or a very dense, uniform consistency (like Hardibacker). WonderBoard can be cut with a saw and nailed or screwed into place. How to Install GoBoard Tile Backer Board | Video. As moisture can penetrate through some types of tiles and grout over time or seep through any gaps in grout, drywall would be a poor choice of the surface underneath the tile because you would end up with a mold and rot problem that could cause health implications, as well as weaken the structural integrity of the room. However, WonderBoard only works with tiles that are smaller than 6-by-6 inches and is not designed to be used as a countertop material. They are available in a variety of different thickness sizes, as different applications will require a different thickness. 8f33)sW It is able to provide stability, water, and impact protection. While it does provide some protection against water, it is not designed for this purpose. It is the leading choice in commercial construction due to its high level of fire resistance. /CreationDate (D:20230304073457+00'00') >> Wonderboard Backer boards are pricier than the Durock backer boards. Furthermore, swelling of the board can lead to the grout losing adhesion, resulting in cracked and loose tiles. The board itself is waterproof so need for additional waterproofing. First, the seams between panel edges need to be filled with an epoxy putty. HB1506 11/19 HardieBacker Cement Board USG Durock Next Gen Cement Board Custom Building Prods WonderBoard Lite Backerboard National Gypsum PermaBase Cement Board Product Composition Portland cement, ground . Additionally, durock is easy to cut and install, making it a popular choice for DIY projects. Whats more, one of the main differences between Durock and WonderBoard is the warranty. Wonderboard is sometimes cheaper, so I've used it as well. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Another important consideration is to make sure the WonderBoard is level. 13 years ago. In short, when wet, cement board is prone to all kinds of damage, which can be costly and time-consuming to repair. Either way, both products are excellent choices for waterproofing your shower. It features an glass-fiber reinforcement and is also waterproof, mold and mildew resistant, and has high compression strength, however, it does not have the same structural integrity or thinset adhesion as Wonderboard. In this guide, we will explain all their pros and cons. WonderBoard is a backer board made of cement that is mostly used for tiling in wet environments. When it comes to the price difference between Durock and WonderBoard, it. However, Durock is more suitable for areas with high humidity, as it is more water resistant. For walls or ceilings that are going to be tiled, such as in a bathroom or laundry room, use a backer board with a thickness of half an inch or of an inch. Either way, both products are excellent choices for waterproofing your shower. Compared to HardieBoard, its substance is more akin to classic cement backerboards, making it a bit more robust and long-lasting. The panel surface should then be covered with an acrylic waterproofing coating, a layer of sheet waterproofing membrane, and a final coat of paint or a waterproof sealant. No, USG Durock cement board is not completely waterproof. Additionally, WonderBoard is lightweight and easy to install, making it an ideal choice for shower renovations. Get James Bell's email address (j*****@custombuildingproducts.com) and phone number (714826..) at RocketReach. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Durock cement board is a type of drywall made from. When applying, it is important to make sure that the sealer completely covers all seams and joints, and that it does not puddle in any areas. like a basement finishing system, WonderBoard may be more cost-effective in the long run. The main differences between WonderBoard and Durock are density and weight. What are the differences between WonderBoard and Durock? Para la instalacin de azulejos de cermica y & Anti-Fractur por celana en instalaciones sumergidas, JAMO recomienda el mortero para la prevencin de grietas !Z@Z. 1247 0 obj <>stream Wonderboard is made from a cement mixture with mesh support. Shop James Hardie 3-ft x 5-ft x 1/2-in HardieBacker Fiber Cement Waterproof Backer Boardundefined at Lowe's. 12-in x 144-in Statement Collection Hardie Soffit-Hz5 Arctic White Fiber Cement Solid Soffit. Nada, I'd use tile! These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. If the area behind the backerboard must be kept dry, use RedGard Waterproofing and Crack Prevention Membrane or Custom 9240 Waterproofing and Anti-Fracture Membrane . endobj Its perfect for small projects or areas where you need to make precise cuts. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. /ModDate (D:20230304073457+00'00') , whereas its installation can cost more than Durock if you need to hire a professional to assist you in this project. Snaps more cleanly, a good thing because God-help-you if you have to trim it. WonderBoardxae Lite is not a waterproof barrier.If the area behind the backerboard must be kept dry, use RedGardxae Waterproofing and Crack Prevention Membrane or Customxae 9240 Waterproofing and Anti-Fracture Membrane Do not use drywall fiberglass tape for this product. It is made of cement-based composite material, so it can hold moisture, is rot-resistant and is an ideal substrate for tile installations outdoors. WEIGHT: 2.6 lb/sq. So, if youre looking for a cement board with a more extended. WonderBoard Lite. , so it may require additional support if used for large installations. The Custom Building Products WonderBoard Lite 5 ft. x 3 ft. x 7/16 in. HydroDefense, most of its products are only water-resistant, not fully waterproof, and need to be used with additional waterproof sealants. The texture and design options with Durock include smooth, brick, stone, slate, embossed, and wood grain, offering great versatility and freedom in custom design. . qNoce? 3 Bp`VLO4!97Qhuq?3>Bf'{K'Yq2^N;5Y':hr5)?xk|sw{p%N\,?n/lw.n8GB9?.-/lJc*4Y{1?s%hDeD8W@V. Everyday Low Price. Theyre also often used as soffit panels. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Thinset mortar provides a better bond between the tiles and the backer board, increasing the overall stability of the installation. /Pages 3 0 R >> If you do not have plastic or roofing felt behind it, then a liquid-applied membrane is in order. Remember that WonderBoard is also generally heavier than Durock, so it may require additional support if used for large installations. , making it a popular choice for do-it-yourselfers. While they may seem pretty identical, it is essential to note some, They share many essential characteristics, but they also. If youre using regular WonderBoard, which is 5/8 thick, youll need about 5 pounds per square foot. However, if youre working on a large project like a basement finishing system, WonderBoard may be more cost-effective in the long run. 2 Answers. and have many common characteristics, they certainly cannot be considered the same. << /Type /Pages WonderBoard is also safer for wet areas than HardieBacker. Cut it into thin strips and the strips can easily break. Both Wonderboard and Wonderboard Lite are suitable for use in tiling projects, but Wonderboard offers greater protection and structural integrity, whereas Wonderboard Lite is lighter, but slightly less durable. You have various options when it comes to. Is the cement on hardibacker siding waterproof? Durock offers a 15-year limited warranty, while WonderBoard provides a 30-year limited warranty. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Just pick a waterproofing material that has no thin-set restrictions. WonderBoard vs Durock: Are they the same? 5 0 obj /MediaBox [0.000 0.000 595.280 841.890] In areas where a high risk of water damage is present, additional measures, such as taping seam edges and applying cementitious waterproofing, should be taken. Theyre great for large projects or areas where you need extra support. Finally, WonderBoard offers a more extendedwarranty, whereas its installation can cost more than Durock if you need to hire a professional to assist you in this project. Cement board sheets are typically 3 feet by 5 feet in length, but also come in 4 foot by 8 foot sheets as well. When WonderBoard is installed properly the tile installation can last for years. When installing onto cement board, it is important to remember to coat the surface with a thin layer of thinset mortar before laying the tiles down. /I6 19 0 R Unlike other cement backerboards, WonderBoard is not completely stiff. Durock cement board is a type of drywall made from gypsum board. Do not use wallboard joint compound for this . To top it off, WonderBoard comes in a variety of sizes and colors, so it should be easy to find a finish that fits your aesthetic.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'remodelormove_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_9',158,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'remodelormove_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_10',158,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1');.large-leaderboard-2-multi-158{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. When installing regular ceramic or porcelain tiles, cement board should be installed first with the help of screws and adhesive. For exterior uses, such as waterproofing a shower or steam room, the WonderBoard needs to be completely sealed. The choice of construction material is never easy, as so many things to consider. We do NOT offer shipping. Cement board comes both in 1/4-inch-thick and 1/2-inch-thick versions. /Outlines 2 0 R Installing a Durock board shouldnt be too complicated, but if youre unfamiliar with the process, its always best to ask for help from a professional. ] If the area behind the backerboard must be kept dry, use RedGardxae Waterproofing and Crack Prevention Membrane or Customxae 9240 Waterproofing and Anti-Fracture Membrane Do not use drywall fiberglass tape for this product. Cement board is a mineral-based board, usually 30 inches by 60 inches, that is used as a lower, dimensionally stable surface for installing ceramic tile, porcelain tile, or stonework. So, we have to find our answer from this term, whether the wonderboard is resistant to fire or not. Its perfect for small projects or areas where you need to make precise cuts. The thinnest Durock board, the 1/4 inch, is also the lightest and easiest to work with. : The cementitious core of Type C WonderBoard is reinforced with fiberglass mats. However, as the panels are only water-resistant, unlike WonderBoard, which is waterproof, it's inadvisable to use them in areas of heavy water exposure such as the bathroom or wetroom walls and floors. Hence the question "Is cement board waterproof?" Well, here's what some manufacturers have to say about waterproofing: PermaBase (National Gypsum): PermaBase PLus is not a water barrier. Pros and Cons of WonderBoard Lite. 4 0 obj HardieBoard is in between at 2.6 pounds sq ft or 39 pounds for a 3 x 5 foot sheet. /Producer ( d o m p d f + C P D F) It is also suitable for countertop applications, thanks to its superior strength. Durock is also fire resistant and can be used in, Furthermore, durock is mold and mildew-resistant, making it a. . Great for the floor but not for a shower wall. . . Both materials have advantages and disadvantages that need to be considered on a case-by-case basis. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,100],'remodelormove_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_29',168,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-narrow-sky-1-0');Yes, you can tile directly onto cement board. It is manufactured with an embedded glass-fiber reinforcement and is also waterproof, mold and mildew resistant, and has high compression strength. When choosing between WonderBoard and Durock, it is safe to say that these two options are among. Fiber cement boards are commonly used to construct roofs, decks, and exterior walls, and are great for areas that experience heavy rains and other elements. WonderBoard is a lightweight cementitious backerboard made of cement, aggregate, glass mesh and water. Tile and grout are not waterproof Cement board will not fall apart when exposed to water. Do not use WonderBoard Lite for exterior surfaces where imposed wind loads exceed 30 lb/sq ft (146 kg/sq m). Get 5 free searches. What is the difference between a deadbolt and a deadlock? No, WonderBoard Lite is not waterproof. WonderBoard is more focused on waterproofing, so it is generally a more reliable option for high-moisture areas. While HardieBacker has a waterproof line named HardieBacker HydroDefense, most products . Both of these types of backer board are a good choice for interior projects, but if you are working on an outdoor area such as a ceramic tiled patio area, then Wonderboard is absolutely the best option. The lightweight quality of Hardibacker also makes it the best choice if you struggle to lift heavy items or want to avoid strain or injury. If cement board gets wet, it can cause significant damage to the material. paneles de metal, de fibra de vidrio, de plstico o tabler os Lite OSB.