Us Too. Double-stranded DNA libraries were built from 25l of DNA extract, without the presence of uracil DNA glycosylase (ds_nonUDG) or in the presence of uracil DNA glycosylase (ds_halfUDG), following a double-stranded UDG-half library preparation to reduce, but not eliminate, the amount of deamination-induced damage towards the ends of ancient DNA (aDNA) fragments58. However, the research team found no evidence for this, on the contrary: hunter-gatherer populations associated with the Gravettian culture and living in central and southern Europe are no longer genetically detectable after the LGM. In addition to her rich experience, including bioinformatics cancer research at OICR, Tina is a . This is also validated by f4-statistics of the form f4(Mbuti, Zlat k; test1, test2), which are consistent with zero for all other pre-LGM hunter-gatherers (Supplementary Data 2.C), indicating an equidistant relationship of Zlat k to the tested groups. Separating endogenous ancient DNA from modern day contamination in a Siberian Neandertal. I help students become independent data scientists who are not just good at data analysis, but are also able to think about their own learning and the world around them. Gravettian cranial morphology and human group affinities during the European Upper Palaeolithic. Biol. She supports Propel on the business and marketing side. Ive always liked the idea of using data to make predictions. We did not correct the calibrated dates for marine or freshwater reservoir effects but, when available, we report individual stable isotope values (15N/13C and C:N ratio) in Supplementary Data 1.A to evaluate the potential impact of such reservoir effects. Sign up below if you'd like to join a growing community that is enthusiastic about learning and improving their lives. Sci. Moreover, two of the oldest published groups from western Russia belonging to the Sidelkino clusterPeschanitsa (13ka)43 and the newly reported Minino individuals (11ka)showed extra affinity to the Oberkassel cluster, possibly owing to variability in this ancestry proportion during the initial formation phase of the Sidelkino-ancestry profile. In sum, we describe the formation and interaction between the Oberkassel and Sidelkino clusters, the two main hunter-gatherer ancestries present in Europe from 14ka onwards. Posth, C. et al. In her journey of eventually becoming a data scientist, Tina started out with an undergraduate in Pharmacology. Her first stepping stone into data science was being a research assistant in Bioinformatics. Nat. Life During Adulthood: Should One Get Credit Cards? One-time payment. As a general rule of thumb, we start from the simplest issue and gradually increase in complexity. The labels in italic denote previously published individuals without new data generated in this study. Our capabilities include CNC machining, sheet metal Schmitt, T. Molecular biogeography of Europe: Pleistocene cycles and postglacial trends. To bind DNA, silica columns for high volumes (High Pure Viral Nucleic Acid Large Volume Kit (Roche)) were used. Second, the ancestry of individuals associated with the Epigravettian culture (Villabruna cluster), which was found to genetically connect European and Near Eastern hunter-gatherers, reached southern Europe well before the transition between the Early and Late Epigravettian4,15 and possibly as early as the GravettianEpigravettian transition. Klaric, L., Goutas, N., Laccarire, J. Science 346, 11131118 (2014). In this video @Tina Huang and I go through 5 subscriber submitted resumes and review them. As a Graduate and Consultant in the Business Tax Advisory (Financial Services) team, I provided tax advice and tax compliance services to organisations in the banking and capital markets, wealth and . Connect with them: Email: PubMed This research aims to determine whether a neural response telemetry (NRT) threshold determines the success of surgery. 62, 3643 (2020). CAS Rohrlach, A. Genetically, however, the populations from western and southwestern Europe (today's France and Iberia) differed from contemporaneous populations from central and southern Europe (today's Czech Republic and Italy). This finding, in conjunction with the genetic affinity of the Villabruna cluster to ancient and present-day Near Eastern ancestries4,15,16 (Supplementary Information, section8, Supplementary Fig. A user manual including an installation guide is available at The PCA was calculated with 1379 individuals from 87 western Eurasian modern populations on the 1240k_HO dataset, which was intersected between the 1240k and Human Origins datasets (Supplementary Data 1.K). 116, 105100 (2020). Gamble, C., Davies, W., Pettitt, P., Hazelwood, L. & Richards, M. The archaeological and genetic foundations of the European population during the Late Glacial: implications for agricultural thinking. Yang, M. A. et al. 4 and Supplementary Data 3.C). A recent bottleneck of Y chromosome diversity coincides with a global change in culture. Genetic sexing revealed 78 maleindividuals and 38 femaleindividuals (Supplementary Fig. Its not clear if shell compete for a spot on the top 200, but I bet shell be there. Genet. A high-coverage genome sequence from an archaic Denisovan individual. Tina Huang. However, the level of genetic continuity between individuals associated with these cultures and the population structure among Epigravettian-associated individuals have not been fully explored. By the year 2014 however, 'vape' was named Oxford Dictionary's word of the year. Moreover, we reveal a north-to-south decrease in genetic diversity among the Epigravettian-associated groups, with the highest PMR and heterozygosity values found in northern Italian individuals (group 1), intermediate in western and central Italian individuals (group 2) and the lowest in Sicilian individuals (group 3) (Fig. English company number 3898053New York | Boston | Chicago | Austin | Toronto | Brighton | London | Copenhagen | Berlin | Stuttgart | Frankfurt | Paris | Madrid | Budapest | Sofia | Chennai | Singapore | Sydney | Melbourne. The inferred pattern of short ROH (48 cM, visualized in blue) being common is in stark contrast to most later farmer populations, where the majority of individuals have no short ROH whatsoever (see101), and evidences small effective population sizes across West Eurasian hunter-gatherer groups. The x-axes report the geographic regions as divided in Fig. and H. Ringbauer developed the contamination-estimation method. In product development, we do lots of opportunity sizing to decide which features to build and what opportunities to invest in. Modern humans have populated Europe for more than 45,000 years 1, 2. Both newly sequenced genomes from Solutrean-associated individuals (Le Piage II (23ka) from southwestern France and La Riera (level 14, 21ka) from northern Spain) show a generalized affinity with members of the Fournol and GoyetQ2 clusters in outgroup f3-statistics (Supplementary Data 2.A). Ontario Institute for Cancer Research Toronto, ON. Y.H. Google Scholar. AMAZING COURSE! The suspension was then centrifuged and transferred into a binding buffer as previously described56. Early Alpine occupation backdates westward human migration in Late Glacial Europe. Freshwater radiocarbon reservoir effects at the burial ground of Minino, Northwest Russia. Genetics 192, 10651093 (2012). Admixture events were dated using the ancestry covariance pattern-based DATES 753 program105, with a bin size of 0.1 cM for covariance calculation and the start of exponential fitting at d0.5cM. Yu Ting Wang, Wen Lin Huang, Yan Ting Cheng. Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of a Middle Pleistocene cave bear reconstructed from ultrashort DNA fragments. A Free Service of Your Local Public Library and the Pennsylvania Public Libraries Film Center of the State Library of Pennsylvania Touchstone Pictures In celebration of our twentieth animated feature, we invite you to relive with us the story telling magic, the wit, the wisdom, the humor, the understanding of a very special person who gave the world a timeless and universal art form. My name is Tina and I'm a data scientist and YouTuber. Check out Why is Burnout So Common in Tech? C. Posth, H.Y., A.G., A.B.R., W.H. Quat. Corporate Financial Managementspring term (BS 2508) Second year of undergraduate. "Unlike diving into the university life directly, the pathways program is a buffer that allows international students to be better prepared. Sci. 10 and 11). Within the pipeline, the adapters were removed by AdapterRemoval 2.2.065, reads were mapped with BWA 0.7.12 aln/samse algorithm66, duplications were removed by DeDup 0.12.1 ( and damage patterns of each library were checked with mapDamage 2.0.6 and 2.0.967. Therefore,most of the ancestry found in these post-LGM individuals probably traced back to Gravettian-associated groups from western and southwestern Europe. Evol. My name is Tina Huang and I'm a data scientist at a FAANG company. Curr. The more information you have the more data you need to analyze and make your predictions. Olalde, I. et al. The Magdalenian culture was widely distributed in southwestern, western and central Europe after the LGM33. J. Archaeol. Karmin, M. et al. An early modern human from Romania with a recent Neanderthal ancestor. Interviewed Taiwanese designers and analyzed the interview data. Otte, M. Appearance, expansion and dilution of the Magdalenian civilization. Genome Biol. F-statistics suggest that Le Piage II is genetically intermediate between Fournol 85 and El Mirn (Supplementary Data 2.D). Think about some of your favorite apps today: Instagram, Uber, Facebook, and YouTube. Earlier I had practiced a bit of MySQL, but here through this course I got introduced to PostgreSQL. Piezonka, H. et al. Sci. Empirically, the results show that the proposed BERT fine-tuning model with the SRS technique achieves better results. The genetic prehistory of the Baltic Sea region. This secondary analysis of an ongoing adaptive platform trial examines the effect of multiple interventions for critically ill adults with COVID-19 on longer-term outcomes. 370. Extended Data Fig. Ecol. Quat. The length of the colour bar shows the proportion of each ancestry. USA 117, 1279112798 (2020). Ideally, we also want lots of data because this will give us more confidence in our results. Individuals and groups are plotted with the same colours and symbols as in Fig. 3a and Supplementary Fig. Prfer, K. et al. We love meeting interesting people and making new friends. In other words, youll never have to worry about validity issues or having to re-take the course after a certain amount of time. The hunter-gatherers were grouped based on their geographic origins and dates (Supplementary Information, section5). We used the default posterior threshold of 0.01, and mapping and sequencing quality cutoffs of 30. ather than doing some data analysis or looking at trends, we wanted to dedicate this bulletin to seven women in tech, data, and science that you should know about. The Complete Power BI Practical Course 2020, The 7 Biggest Technology Trends Everyone Must Get Ready For in 2020. The LGM could thus have created a corridor south of the Alps for east-to-west human movements that genetically connected hunter-gatherer populations from the Balkans to Iberia, possibly also via dispersals along existing lower-sea-level coasts32. This might have been in part triggered by the concomitant expansion of Neolithic farmers across Europe and/or by environmental factors, such as the climatic event around 8.2ka, the largest abrupt cooling in the northern hemisphere during the Holocene epoch46,47. Commun. Hunter-gatherers across the great Adriatic-Po region during the Last Glacial Maximum: environmental and cultural dynamics. The code for the newly developed ROH based contamination estimate method is available at In the MDS plot, we find that all of the newly and previously reported Epigravettian-associated individuals fall within the Villabruna cluster4 (Fig. Overall, the Solutrean-associated Le Piage II individual links the preceding Fournol ancestry with the succeeding ancestry found in El Mirn, providing direct evidence for genetic continuity throughout the LGM in southwestern and western Europe. Lcuyer, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Burke, A., Julien, M. A. 5 Cliches About computer science flow chart You Should Avoid, What Freud Can Teach Us About brief candle in the dark my life in science. This course is presenting itself as both a refresher and a challenge. Tina started her YouTube channel in 2020. I am attending the Future of Data and AI by Data Science Dojo on March 1st and 2nd, 2023. The nucleolus is the largest substructure in the nucleus, where ribosome biogenesis occurs. Graduate - February 2015 to September 2015. 255, 106796 (2021). Otte, M.) 105160 (Errance, 2013). In practice, we use machine learning in different conjunctures. However, using f4-statistics, we show that all Magdalenian-associated individuals, and not only El Mirn, carry Villabruna-related ancestry whencompared tothe Fournol cluster(Supplementary Data 2.H). This is in sharp contrast to the genetic history of Iberian hunter-gatherers, where the spread of the Villabruna/Oberkassel ancestry involved multiple local admixture events with groups carrying high proportions of GoyetQ2 ancestry14 (Fig. PACEA co-authors of this research benefited from the scientific framework of the University of Bordeauxs IdEx Investments for the Future programme/GPR Human Past. Previously, she has interned at Goldman Sachs where she used Python and Scala to implement machine learning techniques for automated anomaly detection. After 2 washing steps using the manufacturers wash buffer, DNA was eluted in TET (10mM Tris, 1mM EDTA and 0.05% Tween) in two steps for a final volume of 100l. Then pseudo-haploid genotypes were called using pileupCaller ( under random haploid calling mode. The newly defined Fournol cluster is closely related to Aurignacian-associated individuals from Belgium dated to 35ka (Goyet Q116-1 and the newly reported Goyet Q376-3 individual). Teaching Assistant. Hi, my name is Tina and I'm a data scientist at a FAANG company. Limits of long-term selection against Neandertal introgression. Sci. . The competition is based on a pretty strict data set thats been collected by the Stanford Computer Science department. A phylogeographic reconstruction of different lineages carrying this ancestry further suggests its entry point into northeastern Italy from the Balkans followed by a north-to-south expansion into the Italian peninsula alongside a population decline through sequential bottlenecks. Wonderful course so far Tina. Tina Huang, a former engineer at Apple, Google, and Twitter, explains why she started API management startup Transposit. Consistent with previous findings, none of the analysed groups show the derived allele at SNP rs4988235 on the LCT gene, which is responsible for lactase persistence. These data suggest that the genetic ancestries identified in the pre-40ka individuals analysed so far went largely extinct or were assimilated by subsequent expansions1,9. van de Loosdrecht, M. et al. The tool qpAdm 810 in ADMIXTOOLS 5.1 was applied to model the ancestries of admixed populations, with allsnps mode and the outgroup set selection described in Supplementary Information, section11. L. Sineo, M.L. Nature 524, 216219 (2015). 7,794 Followers, 14 Following, 9 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Tina Huang (@hellotinah) hellotinah. Archaeological background, method descriptions and discussions additional to the main text, including sections 113, Figs. As recommended, we analysed individuals with over 400,000 SNPs called on the 1240k panel101 and we called ROH longer than 4cM (Supplementary Data 3.B). Xiamen Guansheng Precision Machinery Co Ltd is a company integrating R&D, production and sales. Details are provided in Data S2.B. Search 210,843,632 papers from all fields of science. Extended Data Fig. and H.F. produced a subset of the radiocarbon dates. of estimates from 5-cM-block jackknife analysis. I am super excited to join the 365 Data Use Cases series, and in this post, I will share insights about my favorite data use case: product development. I hope you brings out more courses like these. The inferred topology reveals a phylogeographic pattern irrespective of individual ages. Cambridge Archaeol. Tina Huang Profile page. Is a data scientist at one of the world's largest tech companies (she keeps the firm anonymous so she can publish more freely). We give some of our best tips to improve them and hopefully help you all land a data science interview. 6, 16581668 (2022). Nature 513, 409413 (2014). Jodie Sweetin. A genome sequence from a modern human skull over 45,000 years old from Zlat k in Czechia. The Villabruna ancestry later appeared in central Europe and it is thought to have largely replaced groups related to the GoyetQ2ancestry4. Genomic insights into the origin of farming in the ancient Near East. By co-analysing previously published data with our newly reported genomes associated with the Magdalenian from La Marche (18ka) and Pincevent (15ka) in western and northern France, respectively, and Maszycka (1816ka) in southern Poland, we confirm that the Goyet Q116-1 ancestry survived in all studied Magdalenian-associated genomes besides in Gravettian and Solutrean-associated individuals from southwestern and western Europe (Fig. She graduated with a degree in Computer Science and Applied Math. Subsequently, I worked in bioinformatics for a year and then did my Masters in computer science (MCIT) at the University of Pennsylvania. 18 and Supplementary Data 2.O), suggests the Balkans as a source of the incoming Epigravettian-associated population. The newly reported individuals with over 15,000 SNPs on the Human Origins dataset are shown in black-outlined and filled symbols, as illustrated in the legend on the right, while representative ancient genomes are shown in outlined symbols, as illustrated in the legend at the bottom of the PCA. In the video above, she explains the two major components of big data: data warehousing and data science. ScienceDaily, 1 March 2023. First Name Tina #39. 1c) and a west Eurasian principal component analysis (PCA) (Extended Data Fig. Martiniano, R., De Sanctis, B., Hallast, P. & Durbin, R. Placing ancient DNA sequences into reference phylogenies. Riddle Solved: Why Was Roman Concrete So Durable? Tina Huang. Life and career Early life. In our case, we had data about people who had fallen off the internet, and we wanted to predict the probability that they would fall off at a certain time. Maier, A. in The Central European Magdalenian 81180 (Springer, 2015). Its no surprise that she was selected for the Code Cup, a yearly event where students from all over the world compete in coding challenges. Claim Author Page. October 28 Actress #31. Overall, the literature suggests that Chinese Canadian students demonstrate high levels of achievement and that this academic success is associated with factors such as stronger feelings of ethnic identity, better English language skills in the family, Chinese . & Nielsen, R. ANGSD: analysis of next generation sequencing data. In other cases, you may have to create a more complex database structure (such as SQLite). Natl Acad. Nature 555, 197203 (2018). Basically, you minimize effort and maximize outcomes. This free online conference is featuring panel discussions from Nat. This suggests that genetic links between southern and southwestern European hunter-gatherers around the time of the LGM extended north of the Pyrenees. The expansion of farming by9,8, 7.5 and7 kais shown as green shades. This suggests that the newly reported Neolithic individual from central Asia carries an ancestry that might be a good proxy for the ANE-related contribution to Iran and the Turan region45 from around 5.5ka but not to roughly contemporaneous hunter-gatherers from eastern Europe. EY. Substantially contaminated libraries as well as marginally contaminated libraries of individually analysed genomes were filtered to maintain reads showing postmortem DNA damage (Methods and Supplementary Figs. They were linked by a common archaeological culture: they used similar weapons and produced similar portable art. My name is Tina and I'm a data scientist and YouTuber. Bronk Ramsey, C. Bayesian analysis of radiocarbon dates. 15, 193223 (2005). Gronenborn, D. in The Spread of the Neolithic to Central Europe (RGZM, 2010). For phylogenetic reconstruction (Extended Data Fig. Olalde, I. Billed once. Sci. Herein, methane is upgraded through the photocatalytic oxidative coupling of methane (OCM) over a ternary Ag-AgBr/TiO 2 catalyst in a pressurized flow reactor. Raghavan, M. et al. 26, 827833 (2016). Int. The emergence of hunter-gatherer pottery in the Urals and West Siberia: new dating and stable isotope evidence. & Fennema, K. Hunters of the Golden Age: The Mid Upper Palaeolithic of Eurasia, 30,000-20,000 bp (Univ. 2022 Weird Science Plus - All Rights Reserved. Slider with three articles shown per slide. Big data data warehousing and data science are two sub-tasks of a larger endeavor . No need to do it alone our community of learners and instructors is there for you. We explain it all step-by-step, including how to download and install the necessary software, e.g., Excel, Anaconda, Jupyter Notebook, Python, R, MySQL, Tableau Public, etc. 5, 820825 (2021). 27 and 28). In addition to her rich experience, including bioinformatics cancer research at OICR, Tina is a popular YouTuber with over 60K subscribers.