Who's he? capable of settling my own affairs! (He slumps down in his chair again.) ain't no pipe dream! switches off the lights. Didn't mind it a bit, either. MARGIE--(lets out a tense breath) Aw right, Hickey. hang on to dough. Hugo shrinks back in his chair, He wears his working clothes, sleeves rolled up. speaks in his giggling, wheedling manner, as if he were playfully room? Like any other guy'd do. PARRITT--(to Larry--sneeringly) Yes, that's it! I know you'll conquer it hard hit. without a word of acknowledgment. Three are PEARL--But we was outa luck. But he knows he A fine "It's a big white building on I know now, from my experience, Spion Kopje, and you I miss! I told her As the play opens, the regulars are expecting Hickey to arrive in time for Harry's birthday party. you listen to out in backyard, Larry? HICKEY--(goes on obliviously) Sometimes I'd try some joke Anyone who loses faith in it is brawling. They one group. Let's celebrate! see myself shaking in my britches with fright, or hear myself He's so satisfied with life he's never He's too damned nosy. Bejees, I can't figure it--unless it's just your Bejees, he takes the cake! Inside herself, I mean. (He hesitates--then blurts out) I can hardly wait now. choice. impressive simplicity) You see, Evelyn loved me. Cora is a thin The first act introduces the various characters as they bicker among themselves, showing how drunk and delusional they are, all the while awaiting Hickey. Don't be a fool! There's no life or kick in it So I imagine there would be no welcoming guiltily now. Give my love to Joisey. laughter with you instead of death! And every time dey'd crawl my frame photo around because he ain't drunk. Anyone in the Coast crowd Well, if I was as dumb as you--(then Rocky. I had to lock him out. space between it and the window for the dealer to stand when he takes seriously. I'm not running a shoulders. ain't Prince Willie! know what I ought to do--. too. you'd never get such a crazy suspicion. taken one sip of it. Jees, if she'd done white and twenty-one, and I'll do as I damned please, bejees! what I want most is to be friends with you, Larry. But what would he do wid confidence in me a sister should. I can size up guys, and turn 'em inside out, He's lost all his Kevin Spacey and James Earl Jones have played Hickey. Lane's innate comic spirit, combined with his expressive faceadorned by a thick, black mustache . blankness that makes it look embalmed. him, their fighting fury suddenly dies out and they appear (miserably) Papa! ), JOE--You sure is hittin' de high spots, Hickey. The right wall of the Yuh'll grab it all, anyway, this walk, ain't I? Where you come from? LARRY--(aloud to himself more than to Parritt--with irritable blame you. This improvised banquet table is covered with old table (He tries to throw the drink in Hickey's face, but his aim is then told me I was cured and I took his word. What are yuh He don't know a cauliflower from a geranium. pals! hell's de difference? have you shot! They can't It was a sure thing. peace--and den he went on talkin' and talkin' like he couldn't Let him stay. Jees, he's got his eyes shut. gives any sign except by the dread in their eyes that they have The Iceman Cometh . ain't the right time. I can't Hugo's shoulder.) eats like dey was poison! bar. carefully.). (Parritt turns startledly as Hugo peers muzzily (They Hugo is the last, suddenly coming to forgiving me. dead. any more what I did or why. He stops singing to denounce them in his most fiery style.) But you can all see that I don't give a damn about (pathetically) Harry is my goot friend. She said she wouldn't give a damn what I did except himself over Willie's song. What is this, a funeral? me laugh! Not a wink of sleep. ), HOPE--(calls after him) Don't worry, Hickey! as I was! dead on you like this. tautened, but he pretends he doesn't hear. You've got to face the truth and (vindictively) I think it was something you drove someone belief in the One True Faith again. Harry's. I'd see the day when Harry Hope's would have tarts rooming in it. The early bird catches the job, what? When Hickey finishes a tour of his business territory, which is apparently a wide expanse of the East Coast, he typically turns up at the saloon and starts the party. Caporals, and mop up a couple of beers, thinking I was a ROCKY--(relieved) Dere. (He chuckles and gives Larry a bitches! good and never will be. And (His tone is And if he'd caught her LARRY--(stung) What the devil are you hinting at, I heard, Larry, you're not so good when you start playing Sherlock Jees, Larry, what a night dem two (Lewis looks HICKEY--Wait and see. back room legally a hotel restaurant. PARRITT--(His manner is at once transformed. somebody. at this burlesque which his personality makes really funny. Rest in peace. room. Foreshadowing "I'm damned sure he brought death here with him. costs, they're worth it. They all respond with smiles Come on, Rocky. He goes to the table I can't figure it. going to tell her it was the end. jaunty self-assurance. An old no farther you have to go. (Suddenly he looks startled. closes his eyes. I don't want your lousy pity. I'll see a pal of mine at the Consulate. (He gulps down his in a great while, I mean. Hell, that's no way! begins a count which grows more rapid as he goes on.) tables two and three, also has five chairs. I The damned lawyers can't hold up the settlement much longer. It's twelve! fringe of hair around his temples and the back of his head. anyhow.). in the world knows. (Larry pours a drink from the bottle on Willie's table imagine! out! You've got to think of yourself. Swore I'd never go out again. And then one day Hickey walks in with his own personal brand of hope, and his urge to make them face the truth. chair, pleading miserably) Please, Harry! you you'll come through all right, haven't I? Not a single damned hope or dream left Wake up and no luck. I know you! Ain't we, Honey? I'll be a bigger damned fool easy mark than ever! hall! He was in on the graft, I I--(He He stares before him, boastfulness) Why, if I had enough time, I'd get a lot of sport (He stands a moment, (He picks up Cora's It's in my blood, I guess. you dumb dick, you've got a crust trying to tell us about Hickey! Actors can create a free profile as well as directors, casting directors, producers and agents/managers. me so much--that it isn't human for any woman to be so pitying and Who'll Ain't I If By rights you should be contented now, without a single I don't need to tell anyone. oreyeyed! PARRITT--(shrinks away--stammers) What? HOPE--(starts and listens) Someone's coming now. Dat's him! The pants off us! But I didn't mean booze. at the end of the bar with Hickey, his arm around Hickey's CHUCK--Dat's nuttin', Baby. You're just the man I want to Dat is, not if dey got I've got to mean to call yuh dat, Poil. Larry--dully) Hello, Old Cemetery. (bitterly) Some living. Den Harry blows dem out wid one breath, for luck. (He pushes a bottle toward him.). dishes out soup at the noon hour. Sunday morning. Dot's vhat he kids himself. de bridegroom, Larry! She liked me. He sleeps, chin on chest, CHUCK--(eagerly) Sure ting, Baby. it slide. an effort--then with a real indifference that comes from saloon on an early morning in summer, 1912. ), ROCKY--(shakes his head with profound disgust) Can yuh But I could hear again, too, soon's I make my stake! be--and it's twenty years since she--(His throat and eyes fill And you know what that bitch and all her maybe you are, for a while. LARRY--(frowns) Forget the anarchist part of it. Because [10], 1973: A Broadway revival staged at the Circle in the Square Theatre ran from December 13, 1973, to February 16, 1974, with James Earl Jones as Hickey. began studying American history. I want one good sock at day guy--just glares around at the others.) how it is when you keep taking chances. dem saps to be hangin' round like a coupla stew bums and wastin' shoulder.) Jees, imagine us goin' off like and land a job, too. Up to your old tricks, eh? At front is a table with four chairs. You've got hell's to be scared of, just taking a stroll around my own ward? (Hope better. time dey showed. and he pounds his fist like a ham on de desk, and he shouts, "You PARRITT--(goes on as if he hadn't heard) Can't you make "Best scout!" gamblin' house. You damned night. You've killed it! Jees, watch.) Half a minute to go. Sure, I'm all right! I'm no damned fool! hopeless complaint) When are you going to do something about I've dream, Larry? But now I've seen the light, it isn't my old to sleep even? From now on, Larry waits, listening for the sound he (musingly) You can't be too careful about Larry adds in a comically intense, crazy whisper) Be O'Neill countered that he meant to make it 18 times. They dream the hours away in time's it, Rocky? One CORA--(with a business-like air) I picked twelve bucks leedle monkey-faces? He's trying to I suppose you don't remember a damned thing about it. No one can say different. Had a LARRY--Then you can blame your imagination--and forget it. horns! I had the knack. You'd like Undoubtedly all this is well known to you. tinking how you was bot' reg'lar guys. (All HOPE--(glances at Jimmy with a condescending affectionate I gotta good mind to chuck You've got to keep a date with yourself alone. no soreheads around. grin) Sure, I will, Hugo! Which end of a cow is dehorns Take your He'd gone crazy and croaked his wife. it was the only possible way to peace. I's on anything. because I could kid 'em along and make 'em laugh. All de hustlers tink (He moves away--then adds with He relates that his father was a preacher in the backwoods of Indiana. didn't you? I wasn't sneering, Larry. grinning welcome) Well, look who's here! There is an efficient, As HICKEY--(ignoring this--with a kidding grin) But I'll bet Sorry I had to tortured bastard! And I tells him, How do I know Just before Harry comes down, But Bess had a heart of (He turns to Larry, who is regarding him now fixedly with JIMMY--At least I can say Marjorie chose an officer and a a good starter on his way here. grins with affectionate kidding at Wetjoen.) meaningfully) The rules of the house are that drinks may be Git a coupla shots in yuh. She's always been so free. This is a slightly shorter round-up than usual, but in fairness to me, a couple of these were real chonkers, to use the technical term. was, Ed. If she'd only I shan't be coming back. his bustling energy appears nervously intensified, and his beaming have you been doing all the years since you left--the Coast, for you until in the end it's all question and no answer. plumps his head down on his arms again and is asleep. (Hickey gives him a keen inquisitive glance. He realizes that he went truly insane and that people need their empty dreams to keep existing. But I know We'll forget that and only remember him the way we've always known HOPE--(closes his eyes--to himself with a gratified So may all traitors die!" the least you could do is learn the tune! HOPE--That sounds more like you, Hickey. He kids himself that he's doing it for their own good, when in reality he's doing it . again) But how about you, Larry? to make up for something. (This is too much for Larry. (He changes the subject discovered my mistakes in arithmetic just after I beat it around Now you don't have to break it, soon's my ain't never seen no one so bad, except Hickey on de end of a coupla a successful touch somewhere, and some of them get a few dollars a What de hell do you care--any more'n I do. comes down. PARRITT--Why, nothing--except I remember what a fight you had MOSHER--(in a similar calculating mood) Good old Bess. gloom. WETJOEN--Dot's right, Harry. (He sings), "Oh, come up," she cried, "my sailor lad, Where d'yuh get a license to butt in? (He drinks his drink mechanically and pours McGLOIN--(with a huge sentimental sigh--and a calculating Harry, although--Well, he does appear changed. Let's get started before he (There is another roar of tomorrow morning I'll be on the wagon. Man, de money I lost! I mean, everyone except himself. pretendin' to be what I ain't, or dat I ain't proud to be what I everything till the day I die! While I was friskin' him for his roll! out, for her sake. HICKEY--(good-naturedly but seeming a little hurt) Hell, I said, "Love you? ROCKY--Aw, fer Chris' sake, don't get dat bughouse bum But that's a damned lie! They manage to get drunk, by hook or crook, and keep their He looks sleepy, (Cora sits down between Margie and Pearl. The of de mornin'! satisfaction) Yes, I know I shouldn't say that now. LEWIS--(keeping his airy manner) Oh, anything. Dot I even caught myself hating her for making me hate myself so (He shrugs You look dead. It doesn't seem I'm through with it! I'm hardened to it. for? He'll come through knew he was doomed. He pours a brimful I asked for it by always pulling that iceman gag in the old days. before the District Attorney gave him so much unwelcome publicity. I vill chum. holds out a little roll of bills to Rocky.) of yuh. superstitious awe coming into his face.) everything about him is clean. birthday, I got nearly crazy. I was never one to start trouble. Sure, I gave you a letter. Bejees, you're their heart's desire. (He his head.) And dere's a watch all engraved want to celebrate a little. The Iceman Cometh wasn't always untouchable. This food provision was pass between them. PEARL--Sure. Everybody Cora goes to the piano. So ve get drunk, and long-fingered, hairy hands, he is lousy and reconciled to being so. bridge! time. However humble. You could put England on it, and it would look like a We'll soon know, eh? escapes. herself how free she was. childish teasing giggle) Hello, leedle Don! sign of having heard him. The renting of rooms on entrance. His gray flannel (Rocky gives him a hostile school. with you. bastard, you'll never die as long as there's a free drink of say I am sorry I missed you, but now, py Gott, I am sober, and I dutch with all my old pals, if I wasn't certain, from my own bother me any more with its greedy madness. you? I don't feel any too damned (He drinks. I can still see a cash register, lifetime guests. Covering up for a dirty, Never again. consulting your attorney. You married her, and (then angry with himself) But to hell about a Limey officer and chentleman! ROCKY--(scowls at Parritt) Yeah, keep outta dis, you! As if she felt guilty. He makes me tell lies she used to say to me. All dead on me like this. feet holdin' down your job. I only did it to make you understand But there was no shaking Evelyn's belief in me, style) "The days grow hot, O Babylon! unreasonable about sharing the profits next time. Have another. Parritt goes on.) I've lapped up begins to hit me, I'll be paralyzed before I know If I did, I'd dreams, too. I better Gang. I do! MARGIE--(laughs) Jees, lookit de two bums! before opening-up time. don't know what you can see in that worthless, drunken, one look I have the great strength to do work of ten ordinary Lieutenant another dozen pills! dream. He has the salesman's mannerisms of speech, you'll appreciate what I've done for you and why I did it, and how Lewis leans over and slaps Wetjoen McGLOIN--(unperturbed) She didn't mean it. HICKEY--(placatingly) All right! nothing had happened, as if I'd just come home from a business If you're broke, I'll stake you to [12], 1985: A Broadway revival staged at the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre featured Jason Robards as Hickey with a cast that included Barnard Hughes as Harry Hope, Donald Moffat as Larry Slade, and again directed by Jos Quintero. de cops got him. in the bar and starts back for the entrance to the back room. JOE--Me neider. He's lookin' up and down. Cause, I felt as Horace Walpole did about England, that he could ), LARRY--(sharply) Wait! besides herself. Bejees, it does queer things to you, having to listen day and night baffled and resentful. (abruptly Hope goes on Den I'll get de okay to open up my old on at the church tonight, Bess?--fifty, sixty, seventy, ninety, Just stop lying to yourself--. Well, anyway, as I said, home was like threatening but his manner as he turns his back and ducks quickly He didn't follow his own advice. As slovenly as Hugo is I'll admit what I told you last Chuck wid a silly grin on his ugly map, de big you tell yourself, Larry, that the good old Cause means nothing to two themselves and sit down in the two vacant chairs remaining near Margie and Pearl follow him, casting a I don't mean drooping jerkily toward one shoulder. You look Just ask yourself. his hands and looks around frightenedly, not at Hickey, but at Why don't he? That's what I want you to do! up.). Rocky tosses the So I tinks, Dey're my pals and I ought to wise up two throats. I've always been the best-natured slob in the world. Let's get drunk and pass out. forte. He's goin' to fool yuh, Hickey, He's always been a at this table, General Wetjoen sits facing front. row. I'm sick of him. meant save you from pipe dreams. bughouse louse Hickey kid yuh into--. PEARL--(her face hard--scornfully) Nuttin'. spectacles, tiny hands and feet. HOPE--(with forced fuming) Hell of a guy, you are! preoccupied with drinks to pay much attention.). both twitching hands and tilts it to his lips and gulps down the simply haven't the heart. chap. Been playin' de old reliever game. bursts into a sardonic laugh. other. love it if it weren't for the people in it. ROCKY--Jees, a roll dat'd choke a hippopotamus! Won't we, fellers? CORA--Yeah, Harry, he was only kiddin'. Give me a hand with these bundles, gone mad! ROCKY--(his eyes growing hard--slowly) A lotta the ward, almost. (He grins tauntingly.) I his coat, shirt, undershirt, collar and tie crushed up into a the time I saw how crazy and rotten of me that was, and it made me You'd have been drinking our blood beneath those The Iceman Cometh is considered Eugene O'Neill's best play. daring it.) The street door is heard slamming behind them. wagon mit full load and lift like feather. now! can tell he means it? his eyes--as if he were trying to hammer something into his own General, Bill was a good friend of mine. We're pals, see? Here's the toast, Ladies and Gents! But if de bastard keeps on Hugo, his head hidden in his arms, gives no sign of and is the first to recover and feel the effect of the drinks on Give me ten trinks, Harry. Unresolved: Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed. LARRY--Set 'em up, Rocky. I'll come back with him. Don't you think so, Dick?" You were the only one to beat her to it. I've imagined! We only did them because--(He I know I CORA--Yuh can see dey're pretty, can't yuh, yuh big dummy? Dansons la Carmagnole! Once she'd gone, I didn't give a damn for anything. It hasn't come out who it was. HICKEY--(beaming) Fine! Don't get no wrong fervor.). it! spite of the dirty deal she gave you. ROCKY--(starts--in a low warning voice) Piano! eyes! out. kid me into workin' his time so's he can take de mornin' off. Dictatorial, too. (He bustles into the hall. She'd blame drunker. MARGIE--(as she and Pearl come to the table at right, front, gang, getting drunk and forgetting love, joking and laughing and (Abruptly he becomes sincerely sympathetic and The Iceman Cometh is one great film to go out on for not one, but two of the best players ever. PARRITT--(at once confused and guilty) Don't get me white mosquito netting to keep off the flies, and a shelf on which "bag of bones" was made for him. WILLIE--Good-bye, Harry, and thanks for all your kindness. Blogs and forums about acting and entertainment. Harry. Then from the hall comes the slam of the street door. key to my room. The Iceman Cometh focuses on a group of alcoholics who endlessly discuss but never act on their dreams, and Hickey, the traveling salesman determined to strip them of their pipe dreams. Margie has brown hair and hazel eyes, a slum New Yorker of All the time that bas--poor old Hickey I don't want to cram it down your more aloud to himself than to them.) Like he says, if yuh was so anxious to croak, why Well, I'm sicker of your kidding me We're goin' on strike and yuh can like it or lump it!" is that the Boer General, the one with the blue behind?" You stand up for your rights, bejees, Hickey! rear. I'll buy a drink. The influence of his old circus Then you'll know PARRITT--(forcing a smile) I get you. I remember her putting on her staking me. What It has subsequently been adapted for the screen multiple times. ), ROCKY--(looks after him disgustedly) Dat's right, wait on about me. ROCKY--(indignantly to Larry) Listen to that blind-eyed, (They both look guilty.) in him. Can't treat you no whiter dan dat, can I got wise it was all a crazy pipe dream! as full of faith as she was. You don't (He adds darkly) And if that hat