Bring the fun and excitement of America's favorite game show to your home computer or laptop when you download Family Feud 2 on PC or Mac. (I hope you had fun!) Sairon: It's time to play family feud! We will miss you, Richard. Thank you, America." O'Hurley: Name the age when you stop growing.Contestant #1: 12.Contestant #2: 13. Combs: [during Fast Money] A state that gets a lot of snow. Oh yeah. "Welcome to Family Feud! That's where two typical American families fight it out for family honor, and a little spending money for the relatives. - Burton Richardson (2009-10), "Want to be on Family Feud with Steve Harvey? Dawson: Name an animal with three letters in its name. And he sawabsolutely nothingwrong! She said, "I never presumed to tell anyone who could make a rainbow what color to make children! "Who's gonna play for $5,000/$10,000? - Ray Combs (on occasion during the Triple Round if time runs short). Dawson: Somewhere you see Farrah Fawcett's face. +Ray would announce the Bullseye answer after he came out. We have two great families(, and they're) ready to battle it out for the chance that one of them may/to win up to/might win a jackpot that could be worth $20,000. Harvey: Those--Those people on top row over there. Combs: Name something a woman out on a date would hate to discover on her face. Sometimes, a contestant reads the plug. Welcome to Family Feud. (Gets buzzed, his sister said it)Contestant: Gynecologist. Harvey: One of them is cry everything. (sustained, hilarous laughter ensues, with shots of Combs fake-fainting)Combs: Well, let's see if it's up there! Combs:[during Fast Money]A fruit you might buy only one of. - John O'Hurley, "First team/family to (reach) [[1]]points/dollars plays Fast Money for (insert amount)! Harvey:Without hesitation. It's a complete cycle, my friend. Introducing the Najimy Family: Kathy, Dan, Alexandra, Tom and Mona, ready for action! Celebrity Family Feud Revival (2015Present): Burton: "It's time for Celebrity Family Feud! Harvey: It explains, you know this explains, you have all the answers, but that we will be on the board. And there was every color you could imagine, and I'd not seen that in England. Something kids fill with water. - Ray Combs, "BULLSEYE!!! [laughter]. Harvey: Yeah, man. Run. The survey says, the number 3 answer is Eggs. I just got the oil drilling rights to Jack Lord's hair!" Featuring the biggest celebrity match-ups: the cast of My Name is Earl, (montage clip) Ice-T vs. Joan Rivers, (montage clip) Bruce Jenner and the Kardashians vs. Deion Sanders, (montage clip) The Girls Next Door vs. Vincent Pastore, (montage clip) Kathie Lee Gifford vs. Dog The Bounty Hunter, (montage clip) Raven Symone vs. Wayne Newton, (montage clip) and more. I've haven't heard this many laughs, since George Jessel passed away. ", "To steal the points/For the win/a new car/Sudden Death, (insert answer)! Thank you! - Ray Combs (to the family with the highest score can still make a possible win of 300 during the fourth Question [usually the Double Round]), "I'm only going to read the question once. ", Host Introduction #2: "And now, here's the star of the Family Feud, (MR.) RICHARD DAWSON!!!" (Somebody's playing for $10,000/$20,000.)" You got to try to find the most popular answer to this question." O'Hurley: Besides America, name a country that starts with the letter A.Contestant 1:Asia.Contestant 2:Amsterdam. Come on, let's me and you stand here. Contestant: $1.75. Introducing the (insert family #1 and their names), playing against (our returning champions,)the (insert family #2 and their names)! Alright, today we got great actors versus great directors. Karn: Name something you feel before you buy it.Contestant: Excited. Dawson: Name a popular Halloween costume. (laughter) We surveyed 100 people. (insert winning family) playing Fast Money for $5,000/$10,000/(Bullseyeamount) isright after this." We're gonna play the game, and the champs are right here, the Murphys. The (insert winning team) won the game. On the one-hour edition of the NEW FAMILY FEUD CHALLENGE!!!! (laughter from one of the teams)This is a family show, so both families never agreed not to be able to behave, like their at home. I'm (your man)Steve Harvey. "I had the best time in the world. (with hisAl salute) - Richard Karn (shown on one episode of the Karn era), "I'm Richard Karn. [strike]. No, just come on. - Louie Anderson and Richard Karn(said during the Triple Round, to a controlling/opposing family whose bank may or may not have enough points to win, from 1999-2003), "If it's up there, (and you have enough points,)you'll play for $10,000/$20,000. Combs: Name the birthday men dread the most. Female contestant: Underwear. - Ray Combs. I'm gonna ask you the same 5 questions, you cannot duplicate the answers. Whoever takes control of the question, and when I get to you, you ll have only three seconds to answer. You win (the game (and the car))/get to play Sudden Death. Contestant: I'm a product development consultant,and Steve Harvey is touching me!Harvey:*jumps back, startled*Did that sound like a lawsuit to y'all? Come here, give the animal right here. Let's have some fun." "Welcome to the newFamily Feud Challenge! - Richard Karn (2003-2004), "Come on back tomorrow, you don't want to miss it!" - Louie Anderson (going into a second commercial break from 1999-2002; although he makes funny jokes about the answers after the last round), "When we come back, we're gonna Triple the points and find out who's gonna play Fast Money and a chance for $20,000. Karn: Name a sport husbands and wives can play together. Try to give me the most popular answer. - said coming out of the final commercial break since the show's incarnation in 1999 until 2010, "Your partner is off-stage with headphones on; he/shecannot see or hear your answers. (Upon a family with two strikes), (you clear the board,)your family wins the game. [ Joe walks up to the main podium, but Beldar walks in too far ] Okay, Doctor.. we're gonna need a little more room, big fella.. [ guides him to his side of the podium ] There you go, stand behind this line.. Karn: Name a TV show set on an island.Contestant 1:Miami Vice.Contestant 2:General Hospital. Leading the team is the new next host of "The Tonight Show" Jimmy Fallon! (shown on one episode of the Harvey era). Try to find the most popular answer. From 2002-2021, this was said before the final commercial break/fee plugs. (audience laughs and says "I am sorry")Contestant: (laughs)Harvey:Steve:"Family"! Dawson: Name an animal with really good sight. Family Feud Script: Roles: Announcer Host (Richard Dawson) Vidors (direct care provider team member) Slayors (Legislayors team member) Sounds: [OPENING THEME] - um, like the opening theme [FACE_OFF] - Theme played just prior to team members facing off at podium [APPLAUSE] - for correct answers [SMALL_APPLAUSE] - for Legislayors answers What, what is "upine", this is the greatest answer ever heard, I steal you, I steal you, I think it is the #1. [BUZZ]. - Family Feud host (going into a first commercial break since 2003; although Richard Karn does funny jokes about the answers after the last round from 2003-2006), "It's still anybody's game, so come on back." Im sorry! - Said ifthe contestant buzzed in before Steve asked the question, "Welcome back to (the) ((Celebrity) Family) Feud(, everybody)! Have a great day (on CBS), and (we'll) see you next time. For years on the current run (even before Steve took over), the Double question -- th. - Richard Dawson (when the answer did not made the survey), "Three seconds!" Now today, we have two families going to do battle for the chance at playing Fast Money, for a jackpot that could be worth more than $5,000! It all starts now,with your host AL ROKER!!! (insert two winning family members). Besides medicine, tell me something else you can buy at most drugstores. Let's try to hit the Bullseye answers for more than $25,000! Contestant: How 'bout your wife? Combs:[during Fast Money]The month people shop for fall clothing. Hollywood, CA. The family introductions vary per special edition of the show. [Before the answer was revealed, Combs remarked, "And if anybody at home tries it, please call the number on the bottom of the jar."]. Another one, and, Fitzgeralds, get ready to steal. Combs: [during Fast Money] A city where people go for a quickie divorce. My grandmother. 1975 Pilot: "It's time for the Family Feud! (insert montage)(insert celebrity team #2)! My parents. All right. Dawson: I beg your pardon? Bye-bye. - Richard Dawson giving his opening speech on the 1985 ABC finale season. "Stay tuned, we have two new celebrities to play Celebrity Family Feud." After seven failed attempts, Richard finally resumes.]. (smacks lips) The first time I ever saw people of any color, was when D-Day left from my hometown in England, to go and free Europe from the war. - Ray Combs (going to a final commercial break before Fast Money is played; 1988-1994), "Who's gonna play Fast Money? Dawson: Name something you might buy that could turn out to be phony. I Know! Karn: Name a famous astronaut.Contestant: Neil Young. Harvey: He's praying? Combs:[during Fast Money]Something that improves with age. (insert contestant), look straight at me. Harvey: Instead of a casket, name something a person might choose to be buried in Harvey: (starts laughing) In a---In a-- Let's see here. HOO! Playing against the Campbell Family: Dre, Ava, E-Bay, Estelle and Sharee, on your marks! I am a stuff animal. "Family Feud" has been around for decades and has become an icon of American television history, forever associated with dueling families and its catch-phrase, "Survey says!" "Feud" debuted in 1976, one of many great game shows created by Goodson-Todman. - Host (Talking to the Judges about the same answer), "The Judges are saying '(I/We need to)(Be)More specific.'." You, (insert second winning family member), get out of here! - Louie Anderson and Richard Karn (said during the Triple Round, on a steal whose bank whether or not they may have enough points to win, from 1999-2003), "I'm only going to read the question once to you two." - Ray Combs (on the first Face-Off question from 1988-1992), "For this question only, we surveyed/asked 100 Men/Women. Thank you. Harvey: You think because youre pronouncing the word "naked nekkid, that means it's different? Harvey: Fill in the blank;when I was a kid, we didn't have what? - Louie Anderson (Playstation), "Now remember, whoever's in the lead at the end of this questiongoes on to play Fast Money, and a chance for $20,000!" Combs:[during Fast Money]A Christmas present you exchange. I got time, seems like. Cool! [buzzer]O'Hurley: I think the holidays are going to be a very different experience for you this year. And now, here's your host, JOHN O'HURLEY!!! Over this year, we've lost a beloved member of Family Feud, Louie Anderson. ", "Wide open, (insert name)." "You got the cash/$5,000/$10,000!" Karn: Name a road sign that describes your love life.Contestant: Slippery when wet.Karn: This is starting to feel like the oldMatch Game, you know. Harvey: Name something that can ruin a kiss.Contestant: A mustache. I think I'm prepared, soif you're ready, let's have the first item up for bids! Combs:[during Fast Money]A word used to describe a plane flight. - Ray Combs (whenever the winning team is halfway through 200 points during Fast Money), "You had that on the other side." Contestant: No. I've never DREAMED I would ever have a job where so many people could touch me, and I could touch them. I meant lawn your grass. - said before the second contestant plays Fast Money, "Let's remind everyone of (insert name)'s answers!" - Ray Combs, "I say it's time to play the Feud!" Whoo! ", "This answer is worth $XXX,XXX to someone. - Ray Combs in the second half of the 1992 pilot, "Welcome to The Family Feud Challenge. (tosses his card off stage)" - Louie Anderson (1999-2002), "See ya next time, on the Feud!" Boy! Contestant: Yes. Welcome to Family Feud. And the (insert family #2 [and their names]), on your marks! If I look happy tonight, I am. I haven't been this excited, since I got the oil drilling rights to Jack Lord's hair! Harvey: Yes, one strike, we can not have two strikes. - Ray Combs (on a Face-Off during the Triple Round if time runs short) Sometimes, "quickly" is replaced with a synonym for that word such as "faster". Thanks a lot." It's Celebrity Family Feud! - Ray Combs during the Fast Money Round, "ZEROOOOOOO!" To start the server, run the script found at /run/server.command.To start the client, run the script found at /run/client.command.Because the .command files are bash scripts, windows users will have to run them with a tool like cygwin.All server code is found in the /src/ file and all . ", "Pass or Play?" ONE TALL STAND IS POSITIONED IN THE CENTER OF THE STAGE. You fill it up. Combs: When kids finally move out of the house, name something specific they often leave behind. O'Hurley: SomeoneBugs Bunnymight invite to his birthday party.Contestant: Doc. Come on. - Gene Wood (1985 Daytime Finale). "Thank you, and welcome to Family Feud. Combs: Name a famous game show host who would make a great talk show host. Anderson: Name something teenage boys can do for hours at a time. Please do not (attempt to) ask me to repeat. Harvey: How long could you go without buying something new. You will hear it. (1975 Pilot, 1976-1982), A Mark Goodson Television Production." Let's check the scoreboard." Dawson: Real or fictional, name a famous Willie. Harvey: Wehave a new device now called YouTube, you will be a amazing star. (insert answer) was/is the Number One answer." Rank Video Game PowerPoint Template. Combs: Name a famous male country/western singer of all time. Harvey: Name something you know about zombies. ", Celebrity Family Feud (2008, other episodes): "Tonight on Celebrity Family Feud, it's(insert montage)(insert celebrity team #1)! I havekids. But, most of all, we love a challenge and the thrill of winning against all odds. NOTE #1: When Richard Dawson hosted the show, he will sometimes omit "said" before the number of people appeared on the board. Dawson: Name the most lovable breed of dog. - Ray Combs after the first family member gets over 200 points on the first try, "Come out here and hug 'em!" Richard served as a panelist on Match Game, of which became an inspiration for the Feud. Come on back and see us." - Ray Combs (1988-1994), "(I love this game!) Harvey: Little late for that. Harvey:you cando thatonFamily Feud? - Ray Combs said after the first half of the Fast Money round, "(insert 1st name) got you (insert points gotten by 1st player). I'm sorry. Traditionally, Family Feud teams consist of five players, so teams of 4 to 6 are ideal. Since its launching, the "Feud" has gone through many changes, from different emcees to cancellations, revivals, and the move to syndication. We sure will. - Steve Harvey (commemorating original Feud host Richard Dawsons death in 2012), "Hi, folks, we have a sad news to share with you. ", has a chance to win/force Sudden Death. What is found in nearly every refrigerator? So, write to us, won't ya? - Gene Wood and Richard Dawson (1978-1980) - Version B. We'll miss you, Louie." There were people I know that got upset, that I kiss people; I kiss them for luck and love, that's all. What is the top answer to this question: (insert question)? If I never do another thing, I've met the good, sweet people of the world. ", (Same words but it got arranged in a different order. Karn: Name a sport that'sNOTplayed with a ball.Contestant:Bowling. Harvey: Name a city people win vacations to. [buzzer]. Tim, give me your hand." - Richard Karn (said at the start of the Triple Round from 2002-2003), "But be careful, because in this round, you only get one strike. - Richard Dawson, "(Yes,) They did!" - Ray Combs (on a Returning Champion failed to win Fast Money on the last show), "Let's play the Bullseye Game!" Harvey: What?! Steve Harvey: Well, I wouldn't bet on this team right here. - Ray Combs about the Bullseye Round, "We'll get started right now, with the Bullseye round, and we'll put $15,000 in their banks. - Steve Harvey (commemorating former host Feud Louie Anderson in 2022), "We'll be right here, right on the Family Feud. O'Hurley: Name a mischievous animal.Contestant: Uh Beaver! Dawson: During what months of pregnancy does a woman begin to look pregnant? Syndicated 19921993:"(Welcome to the New Family Feud!) Playing against the Roderick Family: Brande, Debbie, Walter, Jason and Betty, on your marks! That. If you said the number 1 answer is (insert answer) [off-screen arrow/dart hits the Bullseye], you('ve) hit the Bullseye (on The New Family Feud)! ", This answer will decide who will play for $XX,000., "We're giving you $500on the Green Dot re-loadable Prepaid Card. I just have to thank this crew. Heres the question, please listen carefully. - Richard Dawson (to both families during a Triple Roubd when time is running short), "I'm only going to read the question as few times as possible." O'Hurley: Name a famous giant.Contestant #1: The Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum Giant.Contestant #2:Arnold Schwarzenegger. I said, "God.". As Jaylen and Don noted, the questions are written in specific ways to get "Steve Goes OMG!"-inducing responses from the contestants. Dawson: Besides a bird, something in a birdcage. I'm gonna ask you 5 Bullseye questions, each increasing value by $1,000, which means you could win up to $30,000." O'Hurley: Name an actor fromBaywatchwho is still hot today.Contestant:Brad Pitt. "So, the Mackins were our final winning family, and they've won $5,504, and I'm proud of 'em. Male Contestant: DICK! First team/family to (reach) 400 points/dollars wins the Tournament worth (insert amount)!" Harvey: Name a job that's dirty but someone has to do itContestant: Plumber. So, I leave you with love, and for the little girl, that,nine years ago I first signed to - I guess she's 13 now - I'll think of you everyday. (cheers and applause) RICHARD: You can stop here again, here please. Well, it's a little late for that. I'm Ray Combs and today we have two typical American families battling out for family honor and the rights to spending money. - When the losing team gets $500 in the form of the Green Dot Prepaid Card(used since the 2015-16 season), "(X) points is tough in the second position. I'm gonna say a few words at the end. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. My daughter, and my wife, my two sons I love. Boy have we got a great show for you! Harvey: YOU ON FAMILY FEUD! Here we go with another Face-Off!" - John O'Hurley at the start of the Bullseye Round from 2009-2010, "Is (insert answer) the (insert amount) Bullseye?" Despite Steve's reaction, it's on the board. Combs: Wet [[laughter]] Shut up, or I'll kill you! O'Hurley: We asked 100 womenname a place you'd hate to discover you were growing hair. Note: From 2011-13, Joey Fatone says his own name seen above for this introduction. Dawson: Oh, okaylet us see what he said! Let's start the FAMILY FEUD!!!! I'm Ray Combs, the new host of the show. You'll get the answer as we play The New Family Feud Challenge! Get online!" Let's meetthe Kakadelas Family: Kit, Kevin, Dana, Kim and Theresa, ready for action! THE NOGYS!" Just help me. Contestant: A gun. - saidbefore the start ofthe Fast Money round, "Give me 15/20/25seconds on the clock, please!