. (LogOut/ [28], The most important text to feature Procla is the Gospel of Nicodemus, also called The Acts of Pilate, which expands on her mention in Matthew 27:19. [8] However, Tibor Grll and Jill Carington Smith both assert that the name first appears in the works of Saint Jerome (347 to 430). ThisFREE podcast provides a fresh approach to the Lenten season and can be used as a devotional or study for individuals and groups. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Eco's opinion: rename it as "Pontius Pilate's wife (Claudia Procula)" - I think this is a fair compromise. Its believed that her arranged marriage to Pontius Pilate bolstered Pilates political standing and helped him catch the eye of Sejanus,one of Tiberiuss favorite administrators. She is not identified by name, but the author of the apocryphal Acts of Paul says that she received Baptism from the Apostle of the Gentiles. YouTube | So what can glean from Pontius Pilates wife narrative in the Bible? HarperResource. They crucified him. 2 ratings. [11], Pilate's wife has been featured in literature, theater, film and television. [2], A letter, purportedly written in Latin by Pilate's wife from "a little Gallic mountain town" several years after Pilate left Jerusalem, was first published in English by Pictorial Review Magazine in April 1929. Sonny Ramirez, OP, vrd fr telemagazine Sharing in the City), Kristo spelar Mat Ranillo III i titelrollen, tillsammans med Rez Cortez (Judas Iscariot), Ruel Vernal (), Michael Locsin (), frilansmodell och sedan hgskolestudent Charmaine . The York Mystery Plays were performed for the Solemnity of Corpus Christi to tell the story of Salvation History from Creation to the Last Judgment. Very little, except that she was high-born, Roman, well-educated and wealthy - and the wife of the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, at the time of Jesus' death. It is uncertain whether Pilate was actually married, although it is likely. Il nome Claudia appare solo nella seconda lettera a Timoteo 4,21. All rights reserved. monetization of National Catholic Register RSS feeds is strictly prohibited. Saint Luke Orthodox Church - Saints - Saints by Day - January - 1st, L'Ultima al patibolo e La Figlia di Farinata, la moglie di Pilato, ISSANA PRESS: Claudia Procula, Pontius Pilate's wife, Claudia's letter, Pilate's wife, https://it.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Claudia_Procula&oldid=132109123, Voci biografiche con codici di controllo di autorit, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo. While Pilate was still seated on the bench, his wife sent him a message, Have nothing to do with that righteous man. View all posts by adaughtersgiftoflove. Although youve never been a fan of his cruel and brutal tactics, youve always stuck by himas much for your own sake as his. Home / [12], Novels inspired by Pilate's wife include The Bride of Pilate (1959) by Esther Kellner and Pilate's Wife: A Novel of the Roman Empire (2006) by Antoinette May. Also, Marjorie Lord performed the role of Claudia Procula on stage in 1963. or school. Pilate's wife has been featured in literature, theater, film and television. Copyright 2023 EWTN News, Inc. All rights reserved. [59] Hope Lange played Pontius Pilate's wife in the 1980 made-for-television film The Day Christ Died. Only 30 of 175 dioceses ordained an average number of priests at or above replacement level over the five years from 2016 to 2021, according to the report. [13], Novels inspired by Pilate's wife include The Bride of Pilate (1959) by Esther Kellner and Pilate's Wife: A Novel of the Roman Empire (2006) by Antoinette May. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, she is celebrated on 27 October. [43], According to later Western Christian legend, influenced by her name in Pseudo-Dexter, Claudia Procula was a member of the Julio-Claudian dynasty,[11] the illegitimate daughter of Caesar Augustus's daughter Julia the Elder. [38], In the "Book of the Cock", a Late-Antique apocryphal passion Gospel only preserved in Ge'ez, but clearly translated from an Arabic source,[39] Procla (Abroqla) enters Pilate's court with her daughters Dorta and Mkara, who are deaf and mute, when Jesus is brought to Pilate. [27] Other Western Christians, such as Saint Augustine, Saint Jerome, and Protestant reformer John Calvin, argued for a divine origin of the dream, but without holding Pilate's wife to be a saint. When Pilate and Procula return to Rome, she begins secretly attending Christian gatherings. [5], Procula (Procla, Prokla) is recognized as a saint in two churches within the Eastern Christian tradition: the Greek Orthodox Church and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. By doing this we know our celebration is pleasing to God for without faith it is impossible to please God.. [15], In theater, the life of Pilate's wife has been the subject of the dramas A Play for Easter by Jewell Ellen Smith [16] and Claudia Procula by Curt M. Instagram | [17], In films, Pilate's wife was called Proculla in the 1927 Cecil B. DeMille epic The King of Kings; Majel Coleman played the role. [3], Soia lui Pilat este menionat n apocrifa Evanghelie a lui Nicodim (scris probabil la mijlocul secolului IV)[4], care d mai multe versiuni ale episodului visului dect Matei. Seven years later Pontius Pilate was judging Jesus for treason against Rome, and Claudia tried to save Jesus. . She joins a host of other minor characters in the Easter story to help display the sovereignty and grace behind Gods redemptive plan. Claudia Procula ; este numele atribuit celei de-a doua soii a lui Pilat din Pont. [36] The Martyrium Pilati, possibly of medieval origin and preserved in Arabic, Coptic, and Ge'ez,[35] opens with a portrayal of the now Christian Procula's charital actions. Do not have anything to do with this man.' print and digital media outlets, dedicated to reporting the truth in light of the Gospel and the Contact | She has also frequently been featured in literature and film. For the ladybird genus, see, Early Christian references and theological interpretations, Wikisource:Bible (World English)/Matthew#Chapter 27, The Latin Passion Play: Its Origins and Development, "THE GOSPEL OF NICODEMUS, OR ACTS OF PILATE", The Dream of Claudia Procula - Jewell Ellen Smith, Trunk-In-The-Attic Drama Resources - Contemporary Bible Dramas, This page was last modified 00:53, 5 June 2008 by Wikipedia user, All text is available under the terms of the. [45] The earliest full-body depictions of Procula occur in the eleventh century. [20], Pontius Pilate's wife also appeared in comedy: John Case played her in Monty Python's 1979 Life of Brian. [12] The Biblical scholar Paul Maier, in Pontius Pilate: A Biographical Novel (1968), attempts to take what is known from the documented record and from there construct a fictional narrative as connective material. Producerad av Cine Suerte Productions och Oasis of Love Movement (av Fr. The Orthodox Faith / Stephanie Mann Stephanie A. Mann is the author of Supremacy and Survival: How Catholics Endured the English Reformation, available from Scepter Publishers. Mother of Pilo. Commemorated on October 27. 1st century) is unnamed in the New Testament, where she appears a single time in the Gospel of Matthew. About Claudia Procula. Lives of the Saints /. Rebecca Jones, I'm a Christian writer who loves music and art. She feels a little dizzy; she and her husband are glad to be leaving Jerusalem. While Pilate was sitting on the judge's seat, his wife sent him this message: "Don't have anything to do with that innocent man, for I have suffered a great deal today in a dream because of him" (Matthew 27:19). n Noul Testament, singura referin ctre soia lui Pilat, exist ntr-o singur secven a lui Matei. Questo sogno citato inoltre nel film La tunica del 1953. Portia then has a dream of the pagan philosopher Socrates, who also warns her not to execute Jesus. I used to want the longest life, perfect health and happiness, but really it is that feeling that I am so glad that this isnt all there is and that we have heaven to wait for, and that well be with Jesus, and there will be no more tears Amber VanVickle (1982-2023), The headquarters of the charity, which serves as a consecrated family to 46 disabled children, were badly damaged in major flooding near Rio de Janeiro last year. [3] This portrayal followed a common interpretation of the dream in Western Christianity, which can be found in the works of Hrabanus Maurus (c. 780856), Bernard of Clairvaux (12901153), and others. I won't spoil the end, but it is wondrous, as those words continue to echo: "Crucifixus etiam pro nobis sub Pontio Pilato, passus et supultus es . While Jesus stood silent before his accusers through most of his six trials, God provided seven unlikely people who would verbally proclaim His Sons innocenceJudas Iscariot (Matthew 27:4), Pontius Pilate (Luke 23:4), Herod Antipas (Luke 23:15), Pontius Pilates Wife (Matthew 27:19), The Dying Thief (Luke 23:41), The Roman Centurion (Luke 23:47), and The Roman Guards (Matthew 27:54). The Ethiopian Orthodox Church celebrates Pilate and Procula together on 25 June. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I'm a Christian writer who loves music and art. A second century legend identifies her as the daughter of Julia Caesaris, the daughter of Emperor Augustus (q.v.). Most people have heard of Pontius Pilate, but who has heard about his wife, Claudia Procula? These soldiers came up to Jerusalem at the time of the feasts, when the city was full of strangers, and there was . Pyh Claudia Procula, Pontius Pilatuksen vaimo (1. vuosisata) Marttyyrit Capitolina ja Eroteis, Cappadocia (304) Marttyyrit Markus Thasoksen saarelta ja hnen kanssaan olevat (304) Thessalonikin marttyyri Nestor (306) Marttyyrit Mabrianos ja Valentine. A pagan woman. Pilate's wife is a major character in the 30th York Mystery Play (Tapiters' and Couchers' Play), where she introduces herself as "Dame Precious Percula". (LogOut/ Procla and the other members of Pilate's family declare they are ready to die for Jesus. Fortress Press, Minneapolis, 2005, Ultima modificare pe 30 octombrie 2022, la 22:57, a doua epistol a lui Pavel ctre Timotei, https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Catholic_Encyclopedia_(1913)/Acta_Pilati%7CCatholic, https://ro.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Claudia_Procula&oldid=15247637. During that trial, only one person dared to intervene on Jesuss behalf. But Claudias mother, Julia, lived a notoriously promiscuous lifestyle and was exiled by her husband Tiberius shortly before Claudia was born. She was only 16 when she went with him to take up his position as Prefect in Judea in 26AD. While the historical research is fascinating, and the process of piecing together tidbits of information to create a character sketch for Pilates wife can be satisfyingthe significance of her Biblical account should not be overlooked. Early Christian references and theological interpretations. "Pe cnd sta Pilat pe scaun la judecat, nevast-sa a trimis s-i spun: [13] Pilate's Wife by H.D. Sign up for 6 Free IssuesTry us out with a free trial subscription. Claudia Procula bola manelkou Poncia Pilta, ktor nechal Jeia Krista ukriova. All poetry is original and copyrighted. In this film, she fails to lobby her husband to save Jesus,[20] and consoles Jesus' mother Mary and Mary Magdalene, as she generously hands them towels to clean up the blood from his scourging. Better to keep as is. Procula, Claudia. [37] The text ends with Pilate's wife and Pilate, as well as their two children, being crucified twice, once by the Jews and once by Tiberius, for their faith. [20] Ren Mouterde dated the find to the third century, possibly the early third century, although he noted that some elements appeared much more archaic in style. He suffered under Pontius Pilate. Then Claudia heard a chorus of voices repeating the words of the Apostles Creed: He suffered under Pontius Pilate and crucified, dead, and buried with her husbands name repeated in different languages. Biography According to Christian legend the wife of Pontius Pilate (q.v.). Nell'opera rock Jesus Christ Superstar di Andrew Lloyd Webber, la moglie di Pilato non menzionata, ma il suo sogno attribuito a Pilato stesso, cosa che gli rende ostico e confuso l'agire durante la scena del processo. [citation needed], Cinematic appearances for the character include the film Day of Triumph (1954, played by Barbara Billingsley), the film King of Kings (1961, played by Viveca Lindforsin which the character is identified as the daughter of the Emperor Tiberius), the Italian film Ponzio Pilato (1962, played by Jeanne Crain) and the epic The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965, played by Angela Lansbury). She was a secret follower, or disciple. [26], In the Western Church, Pilate's wife was never canonized and her dream was often interpreted as coming from the devil, who wished to prevent salvation.