I love that people do that just for the love of helping. Suggest you make a post on one of the Bib track sites on facebook as lots of experts there. The Bibbulmun Track, south Western Australia. Required fields are marked *. Glad you found my post useful. If you take this option, be warned you WILL get sick of the food you make yourself, so be prepared to improvise. Ive only done Bibbulmun day hikes as of yet. a long weekend) its best to take a tent with you. And if youre tired enough youll fall sleep! Its a good idea to split your food into two parcels and bury them in different places to reduce the chances of losing everything. The best word to describe it is pleasant. Still buying from towns did provide some good flexibility. But its still an awesome pack with a really strong hip strap. Lines in his book A long walk in the Australian bush.. I vividly remember the day I committed to walk the Bibbulmun Track. Therefore, we will put "30 day fixed", "7 day auction", etc in this column. The most important item on any hike is a pair of comfortable, well worn-in boots. Summer is not recommended as Western Australia has extremely hot dry summers, making it a high-risk fire season. Preparing the right kind of food for an overnight or extended walk on the Bibbulmun Track is one of the most important considerations walkers need to make. Short and sweet, to the point, just what I needed. The track goes through every resupply town, which is also rare to find. Let's see how we go! Just read your article, brilliant! This Bibbulmun Track FB Group page was started by David Baird in mid 2009. How much food you need to take will depend on your metabolism, how long you are walking for, and which section of the track you are doing. Cheers, Andrew. Bibbulmun Planner then met with a track veteran, "Wrong Way Jim" (eeeeekkk) at the Bibbulmun Track Foundation (BTF) to hone it further. The Bibb connects the outskirts of Perth on the west coast with the town of Albany on the south coast. Metal rungs were hammered into the tree trunks to form a spiral ladder leading up to a look out in the canopy of the tree. We are flying to Perth from London on Qantas new direct flights. But be warned, this is not a stroll in the park. Again, thank you and happy hiking! How do you keep it charged, do you have a solar charger of some sort? The only place you might need to plan ahead is the Kalamunda to Dwellingup section, where the only resupply point is the North Bannister Road House. Theres all kinds out there, Best thing I have ever done. (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). It won't be gourmet dining, but it will do the job. (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). During the summer months (December to February) very hot weather, low water supplies, and abundant flies can make long walks very uncomfortable and even dangerous. The WA Parks Foundation is running two prize draws online throughout March to encourage membership to help support the Foundations, Dark Sky Festival celebrates total solar eclipse, The Dark Sky Festival from 19 to 21 April will take place in the Shires of Ashburton, Carnarvon and Exmouth, Signing up to protect endangered black cockatoos, Murdoch University is working closely with Main Roads Western Australia on projects to minimise the impact of motorists and road. If youre walking alone, make sure someone knows your itinerary and sign the registers found in each hut. Tank water is often yellowish from the tannins in the leaves that get stuck in the shelter gutters, but is still perfectly safe to drink once treated. Hi we are considering heading over to WA from SA in September to experience a section of the Bibbulmun Track, imagining that the border will be open by then. Thanks for your comment. If youve got a decent budget, Id recommend looking at equipment made by speciality manufacturers in the US like Zpacks, Enlightened Equipment, ULA and others (detailed gear reviews coming soon!). I was really happy to be a trail angel for one of your re-supply days. Doing it sandals should surely count for more than a regular end-to-end. I speak from experience many times Ive wearily had to retrace my steps to look for a waugal. This is useful for working out how much food you will need for each section and for arranging to meet other people. The Bibbulmun Track is a walking trail located in Western Australia running over 1000km between Kalamunda in the north and Albany in the south. If youre inspired to try, heres (some of) the info youll need to make it happen. Im passionate about the Bibb, and am forever encouraging others to give it a go. As a rough guide, there should be five waugals per kilometre in forest areas, and two per kilometre in more open areas. A "horrifying" attack on Perth's world-famous Bibbulmun Track has left two hikers in hospital after one was allegedly run down by a car before both were allegedly set upon by the driver wielding a . The other participants spoke of travelling to exotic places or going on extravagant cruises. Photos featured on this site are courtesy of Tourism WA, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Doug Coughran, Colin Ingram, Peter Nicholas, L-A Shibish and Nature Play WA. There are eight towns along the way, where well be able to buy supplies, but other than that, well be relying on what we carry to keep us going. Able to buy peanut butter, tortilla flatbread and instant pasta meals like those kind of things? Well be weighing out all our food and making decisions on menus based on the weight/calorie ratio ( and cost will have a small impact on decision-making), to ensure were carrying the most calorie efficient food. You can get some pretty light self-inflating mats so Id explore that option if you plan on hiking regularly. Follow the bright yellow waugyl through towering forests, over creeks and rivers, along wild beaches and up and over some impressive granite features. Well be talking & typing all things #tinyhouse #hiking #permaculture #gardening #bushwalking #simpleliving #organic #wastefree #reading. The Group page. I ate out in town more than I had originally planned, and so a few of my homemade meals were repacked for the next section. Sugars and fats might be your enemy in the real world, but theyre your friend on the trail. There are plenty of great online resources with more info on long-distance hiking. Keep up to date on our projects, our supporters, opportunities for involvement and more. Either plan to supplement your meals with town-bought supplies, or make sure you cook up a decent range of dishes. Sharing the journey. Pembertons first settler was Edward Brockman, the son of Perths first mayor, who moved to the area in 1861 to breed horses. I put together a list of distances from the details on the Bibbulmun Website today and a rough guide on how long I would potentially take, it's roughly based off your times but I've added a few extra days to sections as I won't be doing it as fast as you did. Cheers! Unless you can talk friends into bringing supplies to you, which could be difficult to coordinate, youll need to do a food drop before you go. Thankyou in advance! This is a very rewarding and quite remote expeditionary hike. Each town has its own distinct character, and the offerings of each are there to be savoured by walkers who have spent a few days in the bush. My kneecaps tend to rub against their track if I allow my IT band to get too tight, so I make a point of stretching it and rolling it out whenever I get the chance. I have done many day walks, 2 overnight walks and one 4 day/3 night walk on the Bibb. If you ever got foot pain while walking, its worth going to a podiatrist to get your feet assessed. Walking the Bibbulmun has been one of the best things Ive ever done not only because it whipped me into shape after years of being overweight, but because it gave me an appreciation for adventure and the natural world. Very jealous, Ill add it to my ever-growing bucket list. Two of the original fire lookout trees can still be climbed by daring visitors. It underwent many changes over the next two decades until, in 1993, work began to turn the Bibbulmun Track into one of the worlds great long distance walks, modelled on the Appalachian Trail in the USA. Cooking for two, I prepared and dehydrated batches of 8-12 serves (4-6 days) of 11 different dishes, once or twice a week during our preparation time rather than all at once at the end, so the task wasn't too overwhelming. Reflections from the reality & how it all worked out. cooking at home with bulk foods & predominately organic or local vegetables that were purchased from independent stores but would then travel to Western Australia, buying food in these small towns from local businesses that sell ethical products to support their local food economy, understanding I would be shopping from supermarkets and purchasing standard food, sold in packaging both here at home & in Western Australia. Karri trees grow in the high rainfall areas of south west Australia. The current incarnation of the Bibbulmun Track was opened to the public in September 1998. This occurs on the first stretch (on a north to south hike) between Kalamunda and Dwellingup and involves walking for at least 10 days with no opportunities to resupply. While I had mapped out many of the places to shop along the way, where I planned to buy certain items, sometimes that didnt work out. Over its (roughly) 1000-kilometer length, the Bibbulmun winds its way through dense native forests, passes through a handful of sleepy country towns, climbs up and down ranges with magnificent views, and traverses the white, sandy beaches of WA's powerful southern coast. If youre an experienced long-distance hiker, you could aim to finish in as little as a month. Most hotels, hostels and post offices along the track will happily hold resupply packages for you, just be sure to call in advance before you send them. I created a spreadsheet which recorded, for each date, the starting and finishing points and the number of kilometres between them. Over its (roughly) 1000-kilometer length, the Bibbulmun winds its way through dense native forests, passes through a handful of sleepy country towns, climbs up and down ranges with magnificent views, and traverses the white, sandy beaches of WAs powerful southern coast. Pingerup Plains, the swamps comprising days . While on the contrary I bought packets of sugary lollies straight from the huge supermarket at home and packed them in my food parcels. I think the more packs i try the more i go crazy. Im quite an experienced hiker, and find your blog post very usefull. Each campsite has a three-sided shelter, a water tank, a drop toilet and picnic tables. As much as I tried I still arrived in Northcliffe on a Sunday, which is the one day the cooperative is closed! For me, that meant getting a pair of custom orthotics from my podiatrist after experiencing some serious arch pain on multi-day hikes in the Darling Range. This creates a logistical nightmare. North to South - South to North: as we pass through the eight track towns along the route, but other than that will be camping out in the specially designated campsites for Thru-hikers with only the snakes for company. We will be able to top up our food supplies (and replace our worn out shoes!) Leave No Trace is all about promoting and inspiring responsible outdoor travel and recreation through education, research and partnerships. With that decided, training should have been next on the list, but I was pretty fit so figured I didnt need to do much of that. However, although I couldnt live in a country town full time, I enjoy getting out of the city and spending time in the country. The only bad time to walk the Bibbulmun is summer. Ive lived in Western Australia all my life, but it wasnt until I walked the Bibbulmun that I really appreciated what a rich and incredibly diverse landscape were blessed with. Since I started using this I havent had a blister. Maps, other guides and information on diversions can be found on the Bibbulmun Track Foundation website. I waited for my turn, not knowing which of the places on my bucket list to choose. The Bibbulmun Track takes hikers through the Karri trees of the southern forests | credit: Bibbulmun Track Foundation. Dont know why I packed them), and not enough dried fruit & nut snacks. The Bibbulmun Track is one of the longest continuously marked trails in Australia, stretching 963 kilometres from Kalamunda, 20 kilometres east of Perth, to Albany on the southern coast of Western Australia. If you ever come this way let me know so I can return the favour Bushwalk Australia and contributors 2007-2014. Most of the towns on the Bibbulmun Track are serviced by buses, but they are infrequent and may need to be booked in advance. Posted on July 8, 2018 For a thru-hike or multi-day section hike youll need: The key difference between hiking equipment and regular camping equipment is its size and weight. The next most important consideration for a long distance hike is your pack. Im okay with sleeping on a hard surface (we are sleeping in a tent) but would you definitely recommend bringing one? SA, WA & NT specific bushwalking discussion. They cost nearly $700 and dont look like much, but theyre probably the best money Ive ever spent on hiking gear. The Track was radically realigned (retaining less than 10% of the old route) and extended to Albany. Many Different Landforms. Is there anything else less essential you can leave out of your pack? But why? Youll need more if you walk when the water supply is less reliable. This isnt a problem on the outward journey, but on the way back it may be difficult to predict what time (or even what day) youll reach a town on foot. Answering these questions helped me map out how manybreakfast, lunches, dinners & snacks I would need across the hike, & where they would potentially come from along the way. Northcliffe had a great food cooperative selling bulk and local food that I wanted to support. Shane Johnstone, who set out to break a record of WA's Bibbulmun Track, has finished the gruelling run well ahead of schedule.. Ill call them and ask and add something to the blog about that section, it probably warrants a mention. If youre of average fitness, you could expect to finish the Bibbulmun in somewhere between 40 and 65 days, depending on your pace and how many rest days you take in towns. The Bibbulmun Trackis a 623mi/1,002km trail that runs near the Southwest coast of Australia from Kalamunda (near Perth) to Albany. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Thanks for the feedback, really chuffed you liked it! Water is available from tanks at each of the 48 campsites along the. Therefore, if my boots fit well at the heels, my second toes end up getting battered on hikes and eventually, the nails turn black and drop off. Not a fussy eater at all, just after the basic hiker foods. Nick. You should always use this calculator in conjunction with the Bibbulmun Track maps and guidebooks as whilst the distances are a good guide, they are rounded to the nearest 100 metres. Of course this is all a bit subjective but if there is a lot of unstable rocky ground or long, steep walks uphill then I might be in trouble, Thanks for your quick reply, Andrew. Trekking The Bibbulmun Track End to End - Planning. Winter conditions (June to August) are not for the faint hearted, particularly further south where temperatures are lower and rainfall higher. Feel free to comment below for advice, or suggested additions to this guide. It was originally envisaged by keen bushwalker Geoff Schafer, in 1972. It was originally envisaged by keen bushwalker Geoff Schafer, in 1972. Starting from just outside of Perth, it will take approximately 45 days to hike through the towering forests, quiet farmland and wild beaches until we reach Albany. Hey Ben! If you are doing more than a day walk on the Track, you will need to take a lot of equipment: sleeping gear, cooking equipment and food, a change of clothing, basic toiletries, a first aid kit and maybe a tent. Slower Hiking 12/9/22 Slower Hiking 12/9/22. The Bibbulmun Track, Western Australia Ranging from inland planes to beaches, limestone ranges to damp gullies, the 965-kilometre Bibbulmun Track, spanning from Perth to Albany, is one of Australia's great walks. Bibbulmun Track Food planning & resupplying on the Bibbulmun Track! March 27, 2018 Bibbulmun Track Planning - Spreadsheets and an obsession with weight In May this year, Tim and I will be flying to Western Australia to take on our biggest challenge yet; we'll be hiking the Bibbulmun track, 1,000 km through the remote Australian wilderness. During the workshop, Susan asked everyone to talk about what their dream trip would be. Hi! Some hikers drink straight out of the tanks without treating the water, but I wouldnt take the risk. Then bury it. The Duke of Edinburghs International Award, . The Bibbulmun Track passes through many different environments; we saw an astonishing 85 different orchid species and hybrids. There is also a natural outdoor pool, but it wasnt warm enough for that when we were there. If youre an experienced hiker you probably wont find much here for you, but hey you dont know what you dont know! Western Australia generally doesnt experience snow or extreme cold, although it can get a little chilly at nights and in the early mornings, so warm clothes and sleeping gear are a must. After all, hiking is only walking for a long time. However, we went there last weekend to hike on the Bibbulmun Track a 963km walking trail that stretches from Kalamunda in the eastern suburbs of Perth to Albany on the south coast of Western Australia. It is named 'Bibbulmun' after a group of . This was just so I could purchase my muesli there in bulk & support their local business. The Pingerup Plains between Northcliffe and Mandalay Beach are usually inundated in late winter and spring, but many hikers believe its worth a few days of wading to see their magnificent wildflowers in full bloom. You should have a separate inventory spreadsheet where you record how much the item cost you to . If you want to get the most out of your Bibbulmun Track walk, use it as an opportunity to explore the South Coast of Western Australia . Notes for Potential Hikers of the Bibbulmun Track Introduction. Water is available from tanks at each of the 48 campsites along the. Deciding what equipment you need for a Bibbulmun Track walk doesn't have to be a daunting process. You will know the right one when it comes along! It may be several weeks before you arrive there on foot, so make sure your food parcel is water- and vermin-proof by packing the food in plastic bags, inside plastic boxes, inside another large plastic bag. With a couple of exceptions (like the excellent Tier Gear, Wild Earth and Paddy Pallin), the Australian industry seems to have decided its simply not going to even try and keep up with technological advancements that are making it into the mainstream of the global hiking community. Solar chargers arent up to the job, especially on the Bibb where theres so much tree cover. May 27, 2020 thebanksiaburrow Over the last couple of weeks before I left for the Bibbulmun Track, I was up until midnight planning my itinerary, counting sections, cooking up curries, dehydrating meals, weighing portions & allocating food for each day. Thanks for the reply. If you can't find what you're after, please contact us. Restocking food has been one of the biggest dilemmas for my hikes. Matt. One of my favourite places to escape to is a little town called Pemberton, 335 kilometres south of Perth. Thanks Kelly! These pages are bursting with information to help you have a safe and pleasant journey. Open the map and click on a hut and then there is a button to download photos - so do that on Wi-Fi too. You will need to take some sort of shelter, both for safety reasons (getting caught out inbetween the huts) and just because sometimes the huts do get full.