Senator Hillary Clinton were the leading candidates for the Democratic nomination. Going into these elections, the Senate consisted of 49 Democrats, 49 Republicans, and two Independents who caucused with the Democrats, giving the Democratic caucus the slightest 5149 majority. simplemaps_election.colors = {'R': '#a45a4f','D':'#415490','T':'#D6D6D6'}; Obama received more votes than any candidate in history. Graham easily won re-election with 58% of the vote to Conley's 42%. [131], On November 6, 2008, Jeff Merkley was projected the winner of the contest, with 48.9% to Smith's 45.6%. On October 19, 2007, Johnson formally announced that he was seeking re-election. Tom Udall, the popular Representative from New Mexico's 3rd District, was the Democratic nominee. simplemaps_election.order = ['T', 'D', 'R']; //which color is shown first on click Begich announced his candidacy for the Senate seat on April 22, 2008. Michigan and Minnesota held elections for their lower, but not upper houses. Privacy Policy | Mr. Lewis was serving as the chairman of the Libertarian Party of Metropolitan Nashville and Davidson County. Kaufman subsequently announced that he would not seek election to a full term in 2010, effectively making him a caretaker. [19] Two former Veco executives have plead guilty to paying the younger Stevens $242,000 in bribes. Barrasso won on Election Day, taking 73% of the vote and winning every county in the state. For more information please visit. The Obama campaign used social media and data gathering to promote the candidates argument for change. During the 60th Congress (19071909), 10 Republicans sat on the Democratic side, while during the 75th Congress (19371939), 13 Democrats sat on the Republican side. A December 2007 poll showed Coleman's approval rating among Minnesota voters at 53%. Ten were elected on November 4, 2008. A September 2007 poll put Inhofe's approval rating at 47%, with 41% disapproving of his performance. Biden's Republican opponent in the Senate race, conservative political commentator Christine O'Donnell, tried to make an issue of Biden's dual campaigns, claiming that serving his constituents is not important to him. 2008 Nomination Battle. McCain, who supported the initial Iraq invasion, opposed establishing a removal date for all troops. Senator Gordon Smith of Oregon ran for a third term. On Jan. 1, 2008, Gov. POJA Act of 2021 (11/04/2021 legislative day) Senate Floor: PN367. Hagan's poll numbers continued to best Dole's, however, and Hagan defeated Dole by a wider than expected[123] margin of 53% to 44%. In the end, Landrieu was re-elected with 52% of the vote, Kennedy having 46%. In the 2008 election, first-term incumbent Republican senator Saxby Chambliss was opposed primarily by Democrat Jim Martin, as well as third party candidates, including Libertarian Allen Buckley and Eleanor Garcia of the Socialist Workers Party. In one of the first senate races called on election day, Warner won, taking 65% of the vote, with Gilmore winning 34%. The 2008 presidential election was the first since 1952 in which neither an incumbent president nor an incumbent vice president was a candidate. On May 8, 2007, Rep. Tom Allen (ME-1) announced his candidacy on his website. Lautenberg won re-election, winning 56%-42%. The candidates disagreed on the causes of the financial crisis and tax policy. Not on the ballot, but running a write-in campaign, was Darryl W. Perry, the 2004 Libertarian Party nominee for Pennsylvania State Treasurer and 2007 candidate for Mayor of Birmingham, Alabama. National security and foreign policy issues took a back seat to the economy due to an unraveling financial crisis. It was rumored that Lt. Christian activist Larry Kilgore of Mansfield, Texas, was a Republican challenger for the March 2008 primary election, but Cornyn easily won the Republican primary. On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama won the presidential election, making Biden the next VP. . On election day, Shaheen defeated Sununu, 52% to 45%. There was speculation as to whether the outgoing Governor, Ruth Ann Minner, or the incoming Governor-elect Jack Markell would make the appointment, and if Biden's son, Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden would receive the appointment. Baucus was not expected to face a significant challenge from the 85-year-old Republican nominee, Bob Kelleher, who surprised observers by winning the June 3 Republican primary despite supporting a number of positions that put him to the political left of Baucus, such as nationalization of the American oil and gas industry.[99]. [115] The potential scandal may have also contributed to his decision to leave the Senate. The candidates sparred through the June 3 primaries despite Obama securing enough delegates to win the nomination earlier in the race. Governors No Toss Ups 45 Democrats * Toss Ups 7 Republicans 48 38 Safe or Not Up 6 1 7 2 4 42 Safe or Not Up 51 Seats Needed. Two more freshmen were appointed to the Senate as a consequence of the appointment of Hillary Clinton to be Secretary of State and Ken Salazar to be Secretary of the Interior. Usage Policy | Such seating became known as the Cherokee Strip, a reference to the region in Oklahoma with land that at the time belonged neither to the Indian Territory nor the United States. The prior record, about 62 million, was set in 2004 by George W. Bush. 51 of 100 Seats Needed for Majority Current Senate: 53 ( D ); 45 ( R ); 2 ( I ) Blue Democratic Win Red Republican Win Yellow Other Party Win Light Teal Partial Results Dark Gray No Results Light. Obama won Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia, with Florida and North Carolina representing early evening signs of Democratic success. His Democratic opponent was Chris Rothfuss, a professor at the University of Wyoming and a chemical engineer, nanotechnologist, and diplomat. Pryor won on election day, with 79.53% of the vote. But the division has not always been as clearly defined as it is now. On the Senate side, the committees are the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) and the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC). Martin, current Georgia Commissioner of Human Resources, former member of the Georgia General Assembly, Vietnam War veteran, and 2006 candidate for lieutenant governor, secured the Democratic nomination after defeating DeKalb County CEO Vernon Jones by a 59% to 41% margin in the August 5 run-off election. The New Hampshire Senate saw the election of the first-ever female majority. The Libertarian Party of Tennessee officially selected Daniel Lewis as their candidate for United States Senate on Saturday March 8, 2008, at their annual convention held in Nashville, Tennessee. [103] Three consecutive monthly Rasmussen Reports poll showed Shaheen defeating Sununu by 49% to 41%. Obama argued that deregulation of the financial industry led to risky trading mechanisms contributing to the crisis. [21], On July 29, 2008, a federal grand jury indicted Stevens on seven felony counts for making false statements,[22] and on October 26, a jury found Stevens guilty on all charges. [2] Of the seats up for election in 2008, 23 were held by Republicans and 12 by Democrats. On November 24, 2008, Governor Minner appointed Biden's longtime Chief of Staff Ted Kaufman to fill the seat. Democrat Barack Obama, then junior United States Senator from Illinois, defeated Republican John McCain. By the 1930s, it had become the practice for senior senators to take front-row, center-aisle seats; junior majority party members who filled the Cherokee Strip were assigned either rear-row or end seats on the minority party side. 2008 Actual Election Results 2008 Election Facts McCain won Nebraska but Obama earned an electoral vote by winning the popular vote in the 2nd Congressional District. Louisiana's electoral votes easily went to George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004. . The economy and other domestic policies were also dominant issues, especially during the last months of the campaign after the onset of the 2008 economic crisis. On Election Day, Udall defeated Schaffer 53% to 43%. Sections Sections Top Stories Video Live U.S. Incumbent Republican Thad Cochran announced that he would seek re-election for a sixth term. Obama became the nations first African American president with his victory. In a state that had been trending to the Democratic party recently, senator Tom Harkin faced the Republican nominee, small business owner Christopher Reed, whom he defeated with 63% of the vote to Reed's 37%. N.M. Governors House Senate Mixx Buzz. Democrats picked up net gains of eight Senate seats and 21 seats in the House of Representatives on the back of Obama's coattail effect. State. [41] For most of the campaign, Chambliss maintained a comfortable lead in most polls. Other Republicans included Charles Lyonel Gonyo and Sam Kephart. On August 23, 2008, the Democratic nominee for President, Barack Obama, announced that Biden would be joining him on the ticket as the vice presidential nominee. [120] The Democratic nominee was state senator Kay Hagan,[121] who defeated Jim Neal and Dustin Lassiter in the Democratic primary. As of 2023, Stevens still holds this record. Congress. ", Jacobson, Gary C. "The 2008 Presidential and Congressional Elections: AntiBush Referendum and Prospects for the Democratic Majority. The election was the first in which an African American was elected President. As of 2023, this is the latest round in which a newly-elected U.S. [152], There were three Libertarians, including 2006 LP senate nominee Scott Jameson, running for their party's nomination. Haley Barbour (R) named Rep. Roger Wicker (R . Obama won early votes in Iowa, Nevada, and South Carolina, while Clinton secured primary wins in Florida and Michigan. Despite being a first-term senator in a state George W. Bush won twice, Democrat Mark Pryor faced no opposition from Republicans in his re-election bid. Libertarian Robert J. Underwood had 3%. USA 2008 Presidential Election Shortcuts F - hold down to quickly fill in districts CTRL - hold down to decrement the color Enable Simulator District Electoral College The Electoral College is the process in which the United States elects its president. At the start of each Congress, the desks are reapportioned between the two aisles of the Chamber based on the number of Democrats and Republicans. Democrats made Senate Minority Leader, four-term senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky a target due to his leadership of Senate Republicans and his ties to President Bush, as well as his mediocre approval rating in the state, which was below 50%.[61]. [96][97] Wicker beat Musgrove 55% to 45%. Elections to state legislatures were held on November 4, 2008, alongside other elections, in which Democrats scored significant gains in a blue wave election. Since 2003 (108th Congress, 1st Session), the Senate has provided interactive seating plans to identify where each of the 100 members sit in the Chamber and which historic desk they use. This map is shaded by how large the popular vote difference was between the two nominees. Use the interactive map tool to predict the winners of the 2014 senate elections and share with your friends! It takes 270 electoral votes to win the 2020 presidential election. Each desk was custom made for a particular location within the Chamber. [87] On June 30, 2009, the Minnesota Supreme Court ruled unanimously that Al Franken received the most votes, and Norm Coleman conceded defeat after the ruling, allowing Al Franken to be Senator-elect of Minnesota. In November 2006, the senator had the lowest approval rating of any Democrat running for re-election in 2008 (with 39% approving and 45% disapproving),[108] with his approval standing only at 42% as of September 2007 with voters saying he does not deserve re-election 46%-36%. The South Carolina Working Families Party had also nominated Michael Cone. [7] Figures has won elections in the Republican-leaning Mobile area. Another Democrat, former Congressman Ronnie Shows, also filed to run, but he withdrew in February 2008 and endorsed Musgrove. Obama won 52.9% of the popular vote, while McCain gathered 45.7% of the popular vote. Reed won the election, with 73% of the vote. By December 2007, a credit crisis related to overextension of subprime mortgage-backed securities led to a significant recession. [80] Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer, a professor at the University of St. Thomas (St. Paul, Minnesota), joined the race in October 2007. Five Republicans sought re-election but lost in the general election. [109] The Republican nominee was former Congressman and 1996 senatorial candidate Dick Zimmer. Senator Pat Roberts sought re-election to a third term. When one party elected more than half the senators, some majority party members had to find space on the minority party side of the aisle. Nevertheless, Stevens was narrowly ahead in the vote count after election day, with only about two-thirds of all votes counted. simplemaps_election.votes_by_state = {"AL":9,"AK":3,"AZ":10,"AR":6,"CA":55,"CO":9,"CT":7,"DE":3,"FL":27,"GA":15,"HI":4,"ID":4,"IL":21,"IN":11,"IA":7,"KS":6,"KY":8,"LA":9,"ME":2,"ME1":1,"ME2":1,"MD":10,"MA":12,"MI":17,"MN":9,"MS":6,"MO":11,"MT":3,"NE":2,"NE1":1,"NE2":1,"NE3":1,"NV":5,"NH":4,"NJ":15,"NM":5,"NY":31,"NC":15,"ND":3,"OH":20,"OK":7,"OR":7,"PA":21,"RI":4,"SC":8,"SD":3,"TN":11,"TX":34,"UT":5,"VT":3,"VA":13,"WA":11,"WV":5,"WI":10,"WY":3,"DC":3}; Electoral Vote Map is an interactive map to help you follow the 2024 presidential election. Share This Map. [62] Nevertheless, McConnell was re-elected by a margin of 53% to 47%. Texas has not elected a Democrat in a statewide election since 1994, but according to pre-election Rasmussen polling, senator John Cornyn had an approval rating of 50%. R+46. Eleven of the fifty United States governors were up for re-election, as were the governorships of two U.S. territories. Year-end cash on hand was $6.04 million for Coleman and $3.10 million for Franken.[71]. Roger Wicker, formerly the representative of Mississippi's 1st congressional district, was appointed by Governor Haley Barbour on December 31, 2007, to fill the vacancy caused by the December 18 resignation of Trent Lott. 2007 year-end reports filed with the Federal Election Commission showed that Al Franken had raised $7.04 million through December 31, 2007, while Norm Coleman had raised $6.24 million. Obama won his party's presidential nomination after defeating Senator Hillary Clinton in the 2008 Democratic primaries. Special elections during the 110th Congress, Special elections during the next Congress, Official Ballot; General Election; Tuesday, November 4, 2008; Ottawa County, Michigan; Holland Chater Township, Absent Voter Counting Board, Precinct 13B, Official results for 2008 primary elections, New Jersey Division of Elections (, elections for all House of Representatives seats, January 2010 special election in Massachusetts, November 4, 2008, United States Senate election, U.S. Senate Popular Vote and FEC Total Receipts by Party, "The Green Papers 2008 U.S. Senate Popular Vote and FEC Total Receipts by Party", 2010 United States Senate special election in Massachusetts, 2008 United States Senate election in Alabama, List of United States senators from Alabama, 2008 United States Senate election in Alaska, List of United States senators from Alaska, 2008 United States Senate election in Arkansas, List of United States senators from Arkansas, 2008 United States Senate election in Colorado, List of United States senators from Colorado, 2008 United States Senate election in Delaware, List of United States senators from Delaware, 2008 United States Senate election in Georgia, List of United States senators from Georgia, 2008 United States Senate election in Idaho, List of United States senators from Idaho, 2008 United States Senate election in Illinois, List of United States senators from Illinois, 2008 United States Senate election in Iowa, 2008 United States Senate election in Kansas, List of United States senators from Kansas, 2008 United States Senate election in Kentucky, List of United States senators from Kentucky, 2008 United States Senate election in Louisiana, List of United States senators from Louisiana, 2008 United States Senate election in Maine, List of United States senators from Maine, 2008 United States Senate election in Massachusetts, List of United States senators from Massachusetts, 2008 United States Senate election in Michigan, List of United States senators from Michigan, 2008 United States Senate election in Minnesota, List of United States senators from Minnesota, List of United States senators from Mississippi, 2008 United States Senate election in Mississippi, 2008 United States Senate special election in Mississippi, 2008 United States Senate election in Montana, List of United States senators from Montana, 2008 United States Senate election in Nebraska, List of United States senators from Nebraska, 2008 United States Senate election in New Hampshire, List of United States senators from New Hampshire, 2008 United States Senate election in New Jersey, List of United States senators from New Jersey, 2008 United States Senate election in New Mexico, List of United States senators from New Mexico, 2008 United States Senate election in North Carolina, List of United States senators from North Carolina, 2008 United States Senate election in Oklahoma, List of United States senators from Oklahoma, 2008 United States Senate election in Oregon, List of United States senators from Oregon, 2008 United States Senate election in Rhode Island, List of United States senators from Rhode Island, 2008 United States Senate election in South Carolina, List of United States senators from South Carolina, 2008 United States Senate election in South Dakota, List of United States senators from South Dakota, 2008 United States Senate election in Tennessee, List of United States senators from Tennessee, 2008 United States Senate election in Texas, List of United States senators from Texas, 2008 United States Senate election in Virginia, List of United States senators from Virginia, 2008 United States Senate election in West Virginia, List of United States senators from West Virginia, List of United States senators from Wyoming, 2008 United States Senate election in Wyoming, 2008 United States Senate special election in Wyoming, 2008 United States gubernatorial elections, 2008 United States House of Representatives elections, Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives, "Statistics of the Presidential and Congressional Election of November 4, 2008", "Ensign Fumes Over Failed GOP Fundraising Effort", "Sparks says he won't seek U.S. Senate seat", "Certified Primary Election Results: Republican Party", "Certified Primary Election Results: Democratic Party", "Certified General Election Results without write-in appendix", "STATISTICS OF THE PRESIDENTIAL AND CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION OF NOVEMBER 4, 2008", "Feds eye Stevens's home remodeling project", "Oil exec: Workers remodeled Stevens home", "Jury finds Stevens guilty on corruption charges", "Begich to officially enter race vs. Stevens", "Senators back Stevens despite FBI probe", "Arkansas Sen. Pryor Now Safe, as GOP Fails to Field Challenger",, "Shift puts key state issues in question", "American Constitution Party Colorado Candidates", "Georgia Election Results: United States Senator", "Local and National Election Results - Election Center 2008 - Elections & Politics from", "As Craig's Problems Continue, Focus Turns to Possible 2008 Idaho Senate Race Without Him", "Illinois Green Party chooses retired teacher as senate candidate", "Sen. McConnell In A Tough Race In Kentucky", "Treasurer bolts to GOP - Breaking News Updates New Orleans", "Ogonowski set to battle Kerry for Senate seat", "Canvassing Report of Votes Cast at the State General Election, November 4, 2008", "Canvassing Board MeetingNov.