There are of course a lot of rituals and ceremonies that you must perform individually. This is what we are. "YAHVEH. Nevertheless, unfortunately, since we have the ego very alive, we have to know how to conjure the negative forces, beginning with those within ourselves, and then the negative forces from nature, in order for us to have a positive effect in our psyche, spirit, and body. So the first conjuration says, Caput mortum, which means corpses head. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. pp. In the head, Netzach, we find hermetic magic or the hermetic priesthood, in which you exercise power over the mind and over the forces of nature. Chavez responded that the placement of the Tetragrammaton in a triangle was a common Christian symbol in Europe.It represented the holy trinity and was most likely something Lamy had seen . Lamy had well-heeled Jewish friends, merchants who had immigrated from Germany. Lamy had well-heeled Jewish friends, merchants who had immigrated from Germany. When Jesus heard of it (the beheading of John the Baptist), he departed thence by ship into a desert place apart: and when the people had heard thereof, they followed him on foot out of the cities. Well, if a man comes and puts his seed - which in this case will be the wheat (remember the lecture of the letter Hei or remember the lecture of the letter Nun the fish (sperm) if you want; even the word Adonai has the letter Nun) - if a man puts his seed (wheat) into into the womb (the letter Hei) of a woman, then because of her yeast her belly will rise, and after nine months she will be very inflated (pregnant). The column on the left has Binah, Geburah and Hod. Gabriel is the Moon, which is the water. Behold the magical force of the three factors of the revolution of the consciousness. The winged bull is related with the forces of our body, and is in relation with the salt of our body that we have to control and sublimate. Why a woman? In other words, those elements will ferment - alchemically and physically speaking. The column in the middle is composed of Kether, Tiphereth, Yesod and Malkuth. You have to develop your own internal mind, which is developed through the three factors of the revolution of the consciousness: This is how, little by little, your internal mind will awaken, develop, because it is related with the psyche, the soul. But when Fierman sought an explanation from church officials, he received the following response from Fray Angelico Chavez, who had compiled a catalogue of the archives of the archdiocese between 1678 and 1900: It is to be noted that the Tetragrammaton is enclosed in a triangle. And for every one who asks, there are 10 who will answerdifferently. 1 What is the significance of Tetragrammaton? The term "Tetragrammaton" apparently arose in contradistinction to the divine names containing respectively twelve and forty-two letters and formed likewise from the letters Y, H, W, H ( ib. In the oven, which has a shape similar to a vagina; Tiphereth has to enter into Malkuth, because Tiphereth represents the forces of the Son of Man which enter into Malkuth, the woman, the physical body. So Tiphereth the Son of Man performed that miracle in Yesod, the force of sex. The French-born Lamy felt a cultural affinity with these former Europeans and they became good friends; he even sent them fruit and flowers on the high holidays, says tour guide Stefanie Beninato. When we say Or fly before this breathing we blow air because that is the air and you make the sign of the cross with your breath. Also I know it's used to command spirits but how? The story begins in 1869 when Jean-Baptiste Lamy, Santa Fe's first archbishop, laid the cornerstone of the cathedral. You are passive: holy negation; you are just listening. The column on the right has Chokmah, Chesed, Netzach. The most likely pronunciation is Yahweh, pronounced YAH-way or YAH-weh.. Remember the twelve from above relates to the Tetragram in three worlds, and below to the twelve archetypes that we have within, the Tetragram and the three brains. If you say Dominus then this would also be good. In The Mystery of the Golden Blossom, you will learn about Tantra. The tetragrammaton (YHWH) is not found in any extant New Testament manuscript, all of which have the word Kyrios (Lord) or Theos (God) in Old Testament quotes where the Hebrew text has the tetragrammaton. Samael Aun Weor stated that when a woman and a man are united in the sexual act, they form the three primary forces (Kether, Chokmah and Binah), and if they transmute their brute mercury (the semen - in both sexes - within which swims the Nun of Nuriel, the sperm and the ovum) they liberate Venus, Uriel (the electrons, the solar force of the Nun) by means of their will (Thelema), which they have to exercise. have ye your heart yet hardened? Yet, remember that the leaven which multiples the bread is in the heart with the Son of Man; and Tiphereth does it through the three types of priesthood. Now you know why there are twelve tribes of Israel, because these twelve Archetypes relate to the Tetragram in three worlds Yetzirah, Briah, and Atziluth. The archangels of the world of Briah obey the will of God of the world of Atziluth, which is the world of the Logos. He is a solar man, but during his alchemical work, when I meet him physically in Mexico, he was a white king, yet before developing the white king within himself, he was a black king, still with ego, as he stated: In that forgone epoch of my present existence, I had not even died within myself. What Is the Meaning of the Chi Rho Symbol? He is the one who is fulfilling the will of his God, but he does it through thirteen repentances. The Holy Spirit is not a person; it is Gods active force. This entry was posted on September 28, 2010 at 7:04 am and is filed under travel, Travel writer, Uncategorized. The four holy creatures are named in these four lines. The Meaning of the Tetragrammaton. More than a hundred of her works have been featured in publications ranging fromThe Christian Communicator toKeys for Kids.Find out more about herhereand on social media@alyssawrote. Adam or the angel among the four creatures belongs to the two lower Sephiroth, Yesod and Malkuth. And when the seven among four thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? The origin of the taboo on pronouncing Gods name aloud viewing this as irreverent or possibly even a violation of the commandment not to take Gods name in vain is not entirely clear. The answer is that Latin is a mantric language but English is not. Her passions for Biblical study and creativity collide in her writing. As a man, I need a woman, because I need the yeast that she hides within her three brains and within her own nature, in order to develop, in order to ferment my own yeast. It represented the holy trinity and was most likely something Lamy had seen in his youth in France. We are that Tetragram. I would like to ask all those preachers why Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven is similar to a woman that hid yeast into three measures of wheat flour until it became fermented. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The French-born Lamy felt a cultural affinity with these former . Above them you find two forces represented by the sun and the moon, the man and the woman; this is precisely the symbol of alchemy. So, you find the marvelous doctrine of alchemy with the four elements everywhere. The exact pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton is not known; it is usually pronounced "Yahweh." A common variation is "Jehovah." I was still with my ego very much alive. He further explains that these four phases are represented in the four-letter name of God, Yud Hei Vav Hei . Cherub, imperet tibi Dominus per Adam Iod-Chavah! The tetragrammaton is the name par excellence. Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude. When we want to exercise control over any plant we utilize our mind in order to command the elemental related to that plant, but always we ask permission of our inner God in order to do it, because God is the one who does that type of magic, which is called hermetic magic. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Will a rifle serve me if I do not have bullets? As we said, the forces that we have within (the Micro) have to merge with the superior forces of nature (the Macro). The Tetraforce is a name given to the Triforce by those who believe in a four-piece Triforce instead of three. Why not a man? The Power of the Tetragrammaton. Thus, the solar forces go into the ocean (Yesod to Binah) by means of the willpower (scythe) that we have to utilize in order not to spill the sexual force, so that the soul of the mercury (the light of God, Uriel) can arise through Ida and Pingala, the two serpents that you see in the caduceus of mercury. So in both cases, whether as a single person or a married couple, you can do this, up to this point. Adonai is Hebrew for the lord in English. Listen, in the middle of the pentagram are the symbols of the four elements. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. In Ten Luminous Emanations, Rav Ashlag teaches that there is a spiritual process through which all true Desire is created. In the beginning it is very difficult for students to understand, as many people say, Our lectures are from the clouds above; and we say, you need to eat that bread and drink that wine of transubstantiation. Omnipresence means God is everywhere at the same time. Alchemically speaking, mercury exists in three forms: brute, soul, and fecundated mercury. Throughout history, the Bible has been translated into dozens of languages. In other words, through willpower he put all those multitudes in the fourth dimension, because it is in Yesod, sex, where the Bodhisattva performs the miracle. Each depends on each other; they are in communion. What are various methods available for deploying a Windows application? They are diligent, so how is a lazy person going to command them, by yawning? However, when the married couple are accumulating a lot of soul of the mercury (which is the light of God, Uriel liberated from the Nun, of Nuriel, the brute mercury) the transmutation of such mercury is the fermentation, alchemically speaking. 5 What are the invisible qualities of God? the Hebrew word for God, consisting of the four letters yod, he, vav, and he, transliterated consonantally usually as YHVH, now pronounced as Adonai or Elohim in substitution for the original pronunciation forbidden since the 2nd or 3rd century b.c. In other words, Adam Iod-Chavah - as we already explained - represents the twelve zodiacal forces from above. The Tetragrammaton is the combination of four Hebrew letters to form the ancient Hebrew name of God, YHWH. So, alchemically speaking, you have to exercise control of your three brains, because the water is in the sex, the fire is in the heart, the air is in your mind, and you are representing Adam, who was made out of the dust of the earth. In other words, the original Hebrew text for Isaiah 61 includes adonai (Lord) which is typically used in place of the Tetragrammaton. I will just have to remain absent so that the leaven can ferment. Through the mind, likewise, because there are many sorcerers, black magicians who utilize the mind for evil. The three brains in the physical body imply the Tetragram. It is done by the lord, the Inner Jesus (Ieshua the Son of Nun). The man is the water, the bull is the earth, the lion is the fire, and the eagle is the air. Tailor's chalk triangle allows for easy measuring, as marks can be seen before any seam . Because a woman - as we explained in many lectures - represents the Sephirah Malkuth; we have also said that Malkuth is feminine. YHWH can be interpreted in multiple ways, from He who will be, is, and has been to He Who Is to He Brings into Existence Whatever Exists to simply I Am., It is perhaps this multiplicity yet cohesion of meanings that most powerfully points to who God is. And he said unto them, How is it that ye do not understand? Remember that you are utilizing the four elemental forces: fire, air, water (three brains), and earth (your physical body) below, that should become one with Adam Iod-Chavah from above. Any mass, any ritual, relates with Hod, which is related with the heart. Thus, in Binah we find the name Jehovah Elohim, which is the Kabbalistic name of Iod Hei Vav Hei, the four lettered name of Elohim, God, which is symbolized here by these four creatures. Another way is "I am that I am", or "I am in order to be". He is a slave of the earth, a slave of the air, of the fire, the water.. The gnomes of the earth are diligent, but if you are lazy they wont obey you, because they obey the one who has power over them. The alchemist discovers the hidden yeast in his woman, who represents the woman who took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was fermented; and he says, I am going to take her yeast so that I can make with her my own bread in my own oven, which is the great miracle of the multiplication of bread and fish. The right side of the Tree of Life is the side of mercy, and the other side is justice, which goes down to Malkuth. And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground. Last Sunday was subject to the power of the full moon in Libra opposing the Sun and Venus in Aries. To do that you can look on the website, where we have a lot of instructions, and there are books like The Yellow Book where you learn how to transmute your sexual force, individually speaking. Adonai command thee by the living and votive serpent. That is Raphael, which symbolizes the mercury in different steps. In the Tree of Life are three columns. In the center is Tiphereth and Kether, which relate to the eagle in the upper triangles above the world of Yetzirah. Man and woman unite alchemically in order to make the miracle of the multiplication of bread and fish, and this is why in the gospel of Mark 8:13-21, it is written: And he left them, and entering into the ship again departed to the other side. They do not care about the will of the angels of Yetzirah. tetragrammaton: [noun] the four Hebrew letters usually transliterated YHWH or JHVH that form a biblical proper name of God compare yahweh. The Tetragrammaton is one example of the phenomenon called "k'ri u'k'siv" ( ), where the word written in the text is not the word spoken aloud by the reader. Chavez responded that the placement of the Tetragrammaton in a triangle was a common Christian symbol in Europe.It represented the holy trinity and was most likely something Lamy had seen . We have so many names for Him, from the Almighty, to Father, to the Lord of Hosts, but none can truly sum Him up. The cross represents the sexual act. If you read carefully The Pistis Sophia, a book written by Master Jesus and later unveiled by Master Samael, you will see how each one of the thirteen repentances is recited or compared with a psalm of David. Adon is lord. God the Father (whose name is Jehovah) is the only true God. So the letter Iod represents the beginning of the forces of Iod-Chavah in Kether, which end in Malkuth. (LogOut/ Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Question: You said the lion represented the heart and fire, but when you compare it to the Tree of Life on the right side youve got Chokmah, but I thought Tiphereth represents the heart, so why isnt the lion represented by Tiphereth. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The nature of God Jehovahs Witnesses believe the Bible teaches that God has four cardinal attributes: love, justice, wisdom, and power. Visitors to Santa Fe who enter the cathedral dedicated to St. Francis of Assisi pass under an oddity that has become the stuff of legend: the four-letter Hebrew name of the God of the Israelites enclosed in a triangle. YHWH is formed from the four Hebrew letters yodh/yud, he/hey, waw/vav, and he/hey. Anael is Venus, the voluptuousness of the Nun (the fish) within the two crossed waters. When Geburah (the fiery serpent) finally comes into our heart or the forces of the serpent are tempting us, we have to say Fiat judicium per ignem in virtute Michael! Though the pronunciation of YHWH would have originally been known, after the Babylonian Exile in the 6th century B.C., the Jews began to use the name Elohim more than YHWH. One way is "I am what I am" (think of the phrase "it is what it is") -- very crudely put, "everying is as it should be, everying is God". The Tetragrammaton (/ttrrmtn/) or Tetragram (from Greek , meaning [consisting of] four letters) is the four-letter Hebrew word (transliterated as YHWH), the name of the national god of Israel. One is that Abraham Staab, the merchant whose home was just a couple of blocks from the cathedral (and which is today the core of the luxurious La Posada Resort and Spa), lent Lamy a large sum of money and said he would destroy the promissory notes if the archbishop allowed him to add a detail to the exterior without revealing in advance what it would be. Michael, the Sun, the fire, which is sulfur. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Transcription from: Defense for Spiritual Warfare Course. It symbolized harmony between Catholics and Jews. My good friend, he says the angel Adonai, who of course works with every initiate. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". So first we have to control our elemental forces then we can exercise power over the elements. So in your heart you have your own fire in relation to the world of Yetzirah, but if you go above in the world of Briah you find that Chesed is a lion. Contrary to what some believe, Jehovah is not the Divine Name revealed to Israel. This conjuration has to be done before any work of alchemy, especially sexual alchemy, or any work of magic related with the three forces of the third triangle of priesthood: Hermetic magic, ritualistic magic, and sexual magic. Isis tells Ra that she could only heal him if she knew his secret name. and they reasoned among themselves, saying, It is because we have taken no bread. How did David kill ten thousand? Iod-Chavah Sabbaoth is the sacred name of God in the mind, in Netzach. When you do this type of work which I am doing right now, which is teaching, the four elements are also there. These same symbols you can see in the book of Ezekiel in the four holy creatures that we are naming here. They said seven. 3. In Exodus 3:14, God said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM. Iod Hei Vav Hei is the name Iod-Chavah. The eagle represents the head, which is the mind, the air. This means God has supreme power and has no limitations. Jesus made those miracles of alchemy with the multitudes. In gratitude, Lamy put their name for God above the entrance to the church. When the Lord God made the earth and the heavens-." Yet within her oven she needs a lot of fire, thus in order to get such a fire she needs a man, because the fire is made by the horizontal and vertical beams. In order to elevate the mercury, we have to perform alchemy, in order to acquire the forces of the elements. However, Y doesnt exist in Latin, so Latin-speaking Christian scholars replaced the Y with I or J to get JeHoWaH, which became Jehovah as it spread throughout medieval Europe. We begin from the very bottom until we reach the level of Solomon, who has that wisdom within. piano urbanistico comunale normativa. perceive ye not yet, neither understand? Anael, Uriel, and Nuriel are the same light force of Venus. But at the end of the lecture, we always invite you to ask questions, because there has to be a communion between the negative force and the positive force (affirmation and negation) in order to conciliate both through a third force. That Tetragram is related with INRI, the fire, or it could be related with Adonai as well or it could be Iod-Chavah, because the Tetragram is related to the Conjuration of the Four. In Hod, we find mysticism. Water, return to water! The Angel of the blind eyes is the angel or the forces of Yesod which act mechanically and that we are wisely, consciously controlling by means of our own will, by the virtue of Michael, the king of fire.