", Says Tim Smithe, "Pop culture is always changing and so are we.". Tim recalls Walt trying to smother him -- repeatedly, apparently -- with a bean bag chair. 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. While we still have traditional pieces, our showroom appeals to a number of different lifestyles. He also hosted telethons. You may have noticed a change lately in those Walter E. Smithe (smithe.com) siblings-on-a-couch commercials. "They go a long way with a limited budget through the use of creativity," he says. The Feldco guy creeps me out more. Still, she never dreamed of working full time for Walter E. Smithe Furniture, even while growing up in Barrington with her three sisters, Maureen, Caitie and Colleen. But always start from a place where we love each other and enjoy working together., Between the ages of 10 and 18, former Barrington High School soccer, For Olympian Patrick Gasienica, ski jumping has been a part of his, Dr. Rekha S. Rajan has devoted her personal and professional life to, One of the most prestigious dance companies in the world, The Joffrey, Saint Anne Catholic Community Churchs Project Hope ministry, A night of sequin-studded disco fever, the 5th Annual Hoosier Ball was. Customers were more concerned with what we were selling versus the people who were selling it, she adds. Timothy Smithe Jr. (m. 2013-2018) Kyla Lynn McCarthy (born October 8, 1986) is the daughter of politician and former Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy. Ellen is very serious about design and had a definite voice in what this modern-rustic-meets-farmhouse collection would be. Our learning curve has been steep and long, with a lot of challenges, says Colleen, flanked by her sisters at the familys Lincoln Park location, a 10,000-square-foot boutique store. "In what seems to be their unending and over-the-top zeal to self-promote, they just may be helping drive traffic," he wrote, adding, "If nothing else, the advertising suggests the chain has some suits with personality attached. Last edited on 17 December 2022, at 02:33, https://incfact.com/company/walteresmithefurniture-itasca-il/, Walter E. Smithe gives royal treatment to Royal Manner. Walter E. SMITHE corporate office is located in 1775 W Rand Rd, Arlington Heights, Illinois, 60004, United States and has 382 employees. The company made its website easier to use and more modern-looking. I'm so annoyed that I won't buy anything from there. Walter E. Smithe is a furniture company based in Itasca, Illinois. But repeated airings of the ad have made him and his door legendary. The CBS Chicago team is a group of experienced journalists who bring you the content on CBSChicago.com. To see these serious, stuffy guys laughing and having fun someone yelled out, `You should use that as a commercial. Draftfcb. If you grew up in Chicago, you can probably hum it. Currently, there are 3 generations involved in the business: Walter Smithe Jr is retired, but regularly visits the showrooms. Not as long as they keep the commercials clever and topical, O'Neil says. They're going to be the ones buying furniture for the next 50 years, so we have to be ready to serve them the way they want to be served," said Walter Smithe, 57. For decades, the public faces of the privately owned company have been the sisters father, Walter E. Smithe IIIthe 59-year-old grandson of the businesss namesakeand the sisters uncles, Mark and Tim. At-a-glance. Those early Smithe commercials were straight-forward affairs, with each brother talking about his area of expertise -- Walt discussed the merchandise, Tim the company's designers, and Mark Smithe's delivery system and customer satisfaction -- and, of course, the furniture. In some of the footage, youll see my dad installing a dimmer or my uncle driving a truck. Chicago, IL. Haute Living is a network of luxury publications with bimonthly regional editions in New York, Los Angeles, Miami, and San Francisco. 2023 Zoe Communications Group | 332 S. Michigan Ave., Suite #LL-M974, Chicago, IL 60604 | 708.386.5555 | Website by Web Publisher PRO, ParentEd Talks: Free Virtual Speaker Series, A Concerned Parents Guide to Gun Violence and Gun Safety. Main Telephone (630) 285-8000. When Smithe makes a furniture delivery, Its not uncommon for our crews to bring a 25-year-old sofa with a Smithe sticker on it back to this warehouse, Meghan says. The seven pieces featured in the Quincy Master Bedroom vignette below (chair, trunk . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_E._Smithe. Margie, who used to be a buyer for Smithe, moved to St. Louis with her husband, who worked for Anheuser-Busch's ad agency. The chemistry among this familial foursome is something parents can only hope for from their children. Meghan and Colleen spent several years working at advertising agencies in Chicago. They look hungry. There's a lot of blurred lines, and we have to learn when to defer to each other.". That cartoon of Bob has BDE and you can't deny it. officially retires, although he still enjoys visiting showrooms and meeting clients. "He'd come up from behind and drop in it on us," Tim says. This has been our priority since we first began serving the Chicago area back in 1945. I havent seen the Tile Outlet lady in a while!! There is no rule book that says they all need to matchmetals always compliment one another. Shop the label. "You think a huge corporation is going to have pencil pushers and button touchers," says Lynn Hamilton, vice president of the Shirley Hamilton Agency, a Chicago talent agency. The founder of well-known Chicago-area furniture company Walter E. Smithe has died, his family announced Wednesday. It was like the empire jingle. The brothers spend most of their time in the company's Itasca headquarters, which also serves as a warehouse, customer service center and point of departure for the fleet of Smithe trucks. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . "That is the top priority for the four of us," Meghan Smithe said. Bringing new and various textures into a room can take it from plain and lacking in interest to exciting and memorable. Rocketreach finds email, phone & social media for 450M+ professionals. "And a woman was there with her daughter, and she nudged her and I heard her say, 'That's the Walter E. Smithe guy.' They decided on an ad campaign that would, simply, pitch their product. Walter e smithe is a high end furniture store, no surprise their ads are geared towards middle aged women from high income households aka suburban moms. This led to the development of Walter E. Smithe Furniture & Design. Chicago magazine newsletters have you covered. walter e smithe, furniture stores near me, ballinger vase buy, gold side end table, tall mirror, walter e smithe daughters, furniture . [4][5] In 2008, they filmed and edited a takeoff of the Sex and the City franchise, with the brothers sipping "Smithe-o-politans". Warehouse workers go over every piece of inventory awaiting delivery with a fine-tooth comb, looking for things an untrained eye would never see. hbspt.forms.create({ Start shopping. The original simple jingle and slogan was perfect. The two renamed the store Smithe and Shanahan, but Bill Shanahan eventually sold his share to Smithe's brother Charlie. walter e smithe furniture - inc. walter e smithe furniture. Feb 20, 2022 - The 4th generation of Walter E. Smithe family stops by to visit Bob and Marianne. The spot showed the brothers at a news conference announcing that they had purchased Wrigley Field, home of the Chicago Cubs, with plans to rename it Walter E. Smithe Field. CHICAGO (WLS) -- Walter E. Smithe, Jr., founder of Walter E. Smithe Furniture & Design, has died at the age of 86, his family said. Then they tie in pop culture it shows that they're sort of a with-it furniture company. The Smithe brothers used good-natured humor on countless TV commercials selling furniture. He was still spending weekends at Smithe furniture showrooms until recently and he volunteered for many years for Habitat for Humanity, building houses in the U.S. and Central America. Smithe was born in 1936 to Margaret Slifka and Walter E. Smithe Sr., and grew up in the Northwest Side's Belmont Central neighborhood. "With a strategy to continue Smithe parodies of relevant topics, really, the future is limitless," he says. As the oldest sibling, Maureen was the first to officially join Walter E. Smithe in a professional capacity in 2004. The process starts with Tim Smithe, Pam Thorson (the company's director of advertising) and director/editor Bill O'Neil of O'Neil Productions of Wilmette. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. "They were loved," said Colleen Smithe, the youngest daughter of Walter Smithe III. When the boys took over from their father, there were about a half-dozen stores. We are a 4th generation family-owned business, and our employees are an integral part of . In family businesses, thats the only way to ensure a companys continued success. Today, Maureen is a buyer, Meghan is the director of marketing, Caitie is a designer and assists the merchandising team, and Colleen is the director of advertising. We can be real nimble when we're this tight and this spread across the business.". I'm a brand manager and their commercials make the brand seem like a discount bin. I gave up sleep and TV, Maureen jokes. This is useful in estimating the financial strength and credit risk of the company. As they grew into their teens, there were the usual summer jobs -- caddying, yard work, selling ice cream from a motorized three-wheeler. But they do have a business. "It's never gone completely crazy -- no one can say that one commercial will bring customers in -- but we kind of thought it re-established us in the marketplace. Walter E. Smithe, Jr., founder of Walter E. Smithe Furniture & Design, has died at the age of 86, his family said. With a 71-year history and 11 stores sprinkled throughout Chicago and the suburbs, Walter E. Smithe is a local furniture icon. The sisters get together at least twice a week, traveling from their homes in Chicago, Barrington and Riverside, leaving behind their children, husbands and home duties. The sisters are making their official debut in a new campaign theyve recently launched called the Smithe Family Makeovers. Fielding countless applications, the Smithes choose a home where they redesign a space and showcase the full range of interior design services and furnishings Walter E. Smithe Furniture & Design offers. The Empire Carpet Guy, of course. '", "The business steadily increased since we started the commercials," Walt says. It's all a part of an effort to hang on to the company's loyal customers while persuading younger shoppers that Walter E. Smithe isn't just their parent's go-to store. "[7] Maria Coons, a marketing teacher at Harper College, has also defended the advertisements, telling a Daily Herald reporter, "Some people who aren't in that [30 to 60 year old] demographic might consider them dorky, but for their target market, they're not. Lewis Lazare. People are buying a look, but they want it to feel curated and personal., Its up to Maureen and Caitie to monitor the market, make sure the showroom reflects current palettes, while staying a few steps ahead of what is currently trending. Even if you weren't sure that Walt, Tim and Mark Smithe were brothers -- yep, those Smithe brothers, of "Walter E. Smithe, you dream it, we build it" fame -- their banter at a recent commercial shoot was a dead giveaway. Our lives can be overrun with technology, commitments and schedules. Now, a lot more people know about us than knew a few years ago.". The Bob's puppet is a far better actor than the Smithe girls though. Tim, 41, is the vice president of sales; he and his wife have four kids and live in Winnetka. "They've done a wonderful job building a distinctive brand," says Tim Calkins, a professor of marketing at Northwestern University. We dont always agree on things, Colleen says. (Antonio Perez / Chicago Tribune). For the most part, that relationship translates well in the business world, they say. That sentiment applies to their lively commercials, too, which frequently feature the sisters chatting on a stylish couch or gathering with family members in a beautifully staged home. They can really do great things. Visit Website (opens in new window) Walter E. Smithe. . walter e smithe furniture & design. With 16 1/2 children among them (Colleen is due with her third baby this month), the sisters also find work as a time to be togethersans children. "It was kind of ingrained in us," Caitie Smithe said. Favorite design style: Modern mixed with traditional. "I think it's time for us to get out of these TV commercials," Walter said. "But these are guys who you'd go to dinner with, you know? Home Cities Chicago Meet the Smithe Sisters, The new generation is shaking things up at furniture icon Walter E. Smithe. The Smithe sisters now serve as the face of the firm, offering a female perspective that better reflects the company, the industry and the country today. She sounds annoyed that the spill isn't absorbing, like there's some insurance scheme that hinges on being able to stain this white couch. The Smithe sisters are working to expose the brand to a new customer base Photo credit: Robin Subar. "They took different career paths," Tim says. Their camaraderie is genuine, and they can easily share ideas and bounce between conversations. Press J to jump to the feed. Tomorrow, Hubbard Woods Design District (Green Bay Rd. The Chicago native attended Fenwick High School and the University of Notre Dame. Sip A Negroni While Exploring This Stunning New Home Boutique, Peruse Artisan-Crafted Collections At This Chicago Boutique, Fresh And Feminine Vibes Rule This Winnetka Boutique, Whats In Store At Chicagos New Must-See Surface Destination, 3 Things To Know About The Latest RH Gallery, Do Not Sell Or Share My Personal Information. My hope is to inspire people to slow down enough to talk with a designer and hopefully buy something.. They've transitioned into the spotlight. Meghan is director of marketing, Caitie is a designer and stylist and Colleen is director of advertising. Their advertising is creative, it's timely and it's interesting, so people remember it and they like it.". Were really excited about this program, explains Meghan. Their grandfather, who is in his 80s, remains active in the company, frequently visiting showrooms and making connections with clients. Visit . We are sad to announce that on October 9, 2022 we had to say goodbye to Walter E. Smithe Jr. of Chicago, Illinois. While they took breaks from the biz to make their own way after college, each came back when the right positions opened up. They've been able to weather the unexpected storm of the coronavirus pandemic. "An hour and a half. Be sure to visit Sawbridge Studios, which will showcase sustainably harvested, live-edge furniture by David Stine. Sibling revelry; Their offbeat commercials have made the Smithe brothers cult heroes. Getting the Smithes in front of the camera wasn't easy. His four daughtersMaureen, Meghan, Caitie, and Colleenare now the new faces of this historic Chicago brand, a spot he and his brothers held for decades. Since 1945 the company has . As the fourth generation to run their family-owned Chicago furniture store, Walter. Unlike their brothers, they chose other careers. But I never forget that these are my sisters and I completely respect them. Now, the Itasca-based furniture and interior design company wants you to get to know the Smithe sisters. We all trickled back in, and it happened really organically, says Meghan of the industrious quartet, who collectively has 17 children. Let's go Cubbies! - Linn Burton: He started selling appliances in Polk Bros. ads in 1953, but the majority of his 35-year TV career was spent hawking cars -- Kaisers, Frazers, Joe Rizza's Pontiacs and, most famously, Bert Weinman's Fords. 1251 West Thorndale Avenue. We strive to bring our clients the best in home furnishings for every style, budget, and stage of life. It said he passed away peacef "Case in point, I was just this morning sketching out my first ideas for The Three Tenors, featuring, of course, the Smithe brothers in a coliseum. Since 1945, the company has established itself as a reliable family-run retailer, with the second- and third-generation Smithe men at the helm. Whoever said brick-and-mortar is dead hasn't met the Smithe sisters. Walter Smithe, president of the furniture company, climbs the stairs March 21, 2017, at the Walter E. Smithe furniture store in Oak Brook, alongside his four daughters, Colleen, from left, Caitie, Maureen and Meghan. But they still manage to get out to their stores about once a week, touching base with their employees, surprising customers or hosting events such as book signings or wine tastings. Today. Industry: Home Furniture & Housewares Stores. With a 71-year history and 11 stores sprinkled throughout Chicago and the suburbs, Walter E. Smithe is a local furniture icon. Subscribe for free today! My sisters and I loved being a part of it.. Like their brothers, the four Smithe sisters were all in the business when they were in high school. During a stint in the Army, Smithe attained the rank of captain and became an expert in the field of computers. /r/Chicago is the place to discuss and stay updated on the daily happenings of Chicago, Illinois, USA. Take dress up and glam up a notch with a self-care day at this luxurious spa for kids and tweens. (847) 933-1481. The store, which has 10 locations in the Chicago area, has been open for nearly 75 years and has faced all the challenges of . "The girls have all worked elsewhere before coming back to Smithe," says Walter of his daughters who have had careers ranging from merchandising to advertising. Watch. While their father and grandfather are still actively involved in the day-to-day, the women have taken over the companys marketing, design, advertising and buying effortsand immediately went about altering brand perceptions. Mark admonished Walt to keep his feet off the furniture. She had been a buyer for Abercrombie and Fitch for a few years after college when a job opened up in the Smithe merchandising office. Walter Smithe III and his brothers Mark and Tim helped make the furniture store a household name with clever commercials -- a tradition that's continued with Smithe III's four daughters, Colleen . She has a few ideas for how to add a little spring to your home. The company makes, sells, and repairs furniture, . In the late '60s, the growing family -- there are also four sisters, Cindy, Margie and twins Hope and Amy, none of whom is involved in the family business -- moved to a slightly larger home in Park Ridge. Read the rest of the issue. Were now getting calls from all over the world., Under Colleen and Meghans direction, Smithe now has a beautiful new lookbook in its marketing toolbox and a stable full of breathtaking photography, as they become the exclusive distributor for Ellen DeGeneres new furniture collection from Thomasville. How could the Itasca-based company break the mold and reach a new audience while still carrying its message into a fourth generation? "So that drove us, I think, to be successes.". }); Chicago Parent is Chicagolands trusted parenting hub since 1984. Updating your home theater? ("Did you notice he used the wide-angle lens when he shot your [rear end]?"). Falling asleep. Who are these guys? Their dad, the company's president, continued filming his signature ads with his brother, Mark, for a short period of time, Colleen said. Here, get to know this powerhouse quartet. There are so many cool and unique materials being used to manufacture furniture these dayssuch as capiz shells, bone inlay, faux shagreen, concrete, rope and slate. The company began in 1945 as Tone Appliances and Furniture, a single store on Belmont Avenue in Chicago.