When I was invited to accept this assignment, I looked to it as a great honor and one to which hopefully I can contribute something. It might be seven years, or fifteen years, or maybe not in this life. Of course Ido not know when the Savior will come. Her hair was done appropriately, and they did whatever else it took to make her more attractive. Id see that great high priest and store owner look at the letter, then look down at me, and tears would come to his eyes. The bus driver looked down, saw this black driver, and started trying to force him off the road. (I should mention that we met in a little shabby roomgray, dull, dingyand one of the women who taught us was about the same age as the man and was blind.) when will wendy williams return; list of gift cards in thailand; jackson hole lacrosse; jimmy kimmel band members; tractor supply cub cadet yellow paint; porque mi ex me sigue hablando; maxwell funeral home obituaries manahawkin; Vaughn J. Featherstone January 03, 2012. The video presents alast days timeline that places the Second Coming in the very near future. Then he laid his hands on my head, and he told me something that I didnt know until that day. I didnt know what to do, so I knelt down. But I promise you, as surely as God is in heaven, that those promises made by righteous priesthood bearers will take place in your life. Featherstone was born in Stockton, Tooele County, Utah. Juli 2022 Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone an emeritus General Authority, former temple president, and beloved youth leader died Saturday night at his home in Bountiful, Utah. He opened up a whole new dimension of life because he said, Do you know that when you pray you can ask God for things, and he will answer those prayers? I hadnt known that before. He said, I have a family. Over at church I am somebody. You must simply trust in him as Job did. You recall the scene where King Arthur finally, after many months, received reports and innuendos and whatever that Lancelot and King Arthurs wife, Guinevere, had had an affair and were having an affair at that time. Elder McConkie would not have said what he did, in is final inspired address, unless he believed he was correct, but he was familiar enough with church policy to know that it was not his place to declare his views as those of the Church, spoken in general conference. If only I had their skill. We wouldnt suppose that a king would have problems, but do you suppose that any physical ailment could be near the hurt of having the one you love most dearly on this earth be unfaithful to you? Anyway, when they finally finished, they had a picture. Vaughn J Featherstonewas born on month day1931, at birth place, Utah, to Stephen Elvin Featherstoneand Emma Marie Featherstone (born Johnson). The Atlanta Temple is the first temple in the South. I went downstairs, and the teacher had us sit in a big half-circle. God bless each one of you that youll feel your sense of worth, that youll understand who you really are. Youve put a time limit on the Lord. Finally he said this (and this is the way I feel about my wife; the other point, about the suffering even kings go through, I will make later): Proposition: If I could choose, from every woman who breathes on this earth, the face I would most love, the smile, the touch, the voice, the heart, the laugh, the soul itself, every detail and feature to the smallest strand of hairthey would all be Jennys. Elder Maxwell doesnt know either. They came back and eventually found companions and got married. Theres a crazy man at the door talking to our father. (I was eighteen at the time.) If you had a diamond mine, you could place your children on thrones throughout the world., After the Buddhist priest had left, Ali Hafid went to bed. We were talking for just a few minutes with each oneThanks for coming. Then pour in the rest medium-fast and pump like crazy! Ive-prayed-and-God-has-sent-me-to-you., The little girl went running to her mother and said, Mother, come quick. I didnt think the Lord would be pleased with my working, and we really didnt need both incomes, so I stopped working. Were here on the earth, and were going to have the benefit of all those great things that President Brownas a prophet, seer, and revelator in the First Presidencycould probably see were ahead for us. Someone said that when a person is really enthusiastic he gives off measurable wavelengths that leave his body for four or five feet. If gladly youll sweat for it, fret for it, plan for it, In the past, when this letter circulated among the Saints, it was usually to discuss Featherstones prophecy of the American South, rather than his statements on the Second Coming. by Vaughn J Featherstone . I am satisfied with it. What the artist had just discovered was that, if he was satisfied with the picture, he didnt know how to improve. RussellM.Nelson, The Future of the Church: Preparing the World for the Saviors Second Coming, Ensign, (April2020), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Klg4aj7C5vk, https://catalog.churchofjesuschrist.org/assets?id=3438179d-a8c0-499d-a2cc-82d6a239cef7, https://archive.org/details/conferencereport1918sa/page/56/mode/2up, https://www.fairmormon.org/answers/Joseph_Smith/Prophecies/White_Horse_prophecy, https://catalog.churchofjesuschrist.org/record?id=f7fda731-7fd2-48f6-adb5-ce3236a2b841, https://sites.google.com/site/kieransmissionnotes/quotes-spiritualthoughts-extracts/elder-vaughn-j-featherstone-given-at-the-manti-temple-in-april-1987, https://web.archive.org/web/20000916092439/http://www.ldstemplepage.org/vjfeathr.html, https://speeches.byu.edu/talks/vaughn-j-featherstone/things-wonderful/, https://speeches.byu.edu/talks/gordon-b-hinckley/need-not-fear-coming/, https://speeches.byu.edu/talks/m-russell-ballard/shall-things/, https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/2020/04/the-future-of-the-church-preparing-the-world-for-the-saviors-second-coming?lang=eng, https://byui-media.ldscdn.org/byui_ft/devo_audio/15_10_2013_Devo.mp3, Letter For My Wife Rebuttal, Part 6: The Early Church The Translation [B], Come, Follow Me with FAIR: Faithful Answers to New Testament Questions Matthew 8; Mark 24; Luke 7, For the Strength of Youth: A Higher and Holier Way, The Prison Journal of Belle Harris now available from Church Historians Press, Letter For My Wife Rebuttal, Part 5: The Early Church The Translation [A]. His idea kind of wraps up what Doug said about his experience: You see, Im a stutterer, and Ive spent twenty-five years of my life doing a pretty good job of it. What I am saying is that if the Lord will take a scroungy little kid like that, who had to wear nurses shoes to church and had to go and beg for groceries, and if he will make him a high councilor or a stake president or the second counselor in the Presiding Bishopric, can you believe what he would do for you? I threw my arms around her and said, Id give anything in the world to have had you there with us this morning. She just couldnt make it. I have prayed most of my life, but this day I really prayed: Dear God, help me to know what to do. Then the message came, so I got up, called a taxi, and went down to the LDS chapel. This letter serves as Montemayors final piece of evidence for an imminent second coming. Note: Below is an excerpt from a book entitled "The Incomparable Christ: Our Master and Model" by Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone, an emeritus member of the First Quorum of the Seventy, that he entitled "Holiness to the Lord." The book was published in 1995. Ten times tens of thousands will be baptized into the Lords true Church. Let us consider an experience that happened to GordonB.Hinckley, then an apostle, only five years before Elder Featherstone wrote his letter. Iknow that the spirit of the Lord is brooding over the South. Nor sickness of pain to body or brain can turn you away from the aim It has been cross-posted with permission. I remember the story of a famous artist who painted a beautiful portrait. I thought, Ill put my feet back under the pew so no one can see them, and then Ill wait till everyone leaves. We need to remember a great phrase by President Hugh B. He died a couple of years ago. I am nobody. The competition is so keen here at BYU. Then a Volkswagen pulled in behind him. Job was a great soul, and he said, Though he [God] slay me, yet will I trust in him (Job 13:15). If Ali Hafid had stayed home and dug in his own fields, he would have had acres of diamonds. He went to the door and knocked. I believe my bishop, and hes a great man, and I believe in the stake presidency and the president of the First Council of the Seventy. 22. The pressure was absolutely intense. The videos creator, Masayoshi Montemayor, makes his points largely through official Church sources, including the Churchs website, institute manuals, and conference reports. Elder McConkie did not say he knew who it was, he actually said We know that an angel came from the courts of glory to strengthen him in his ordeal, and we suppose it was mighty Michael, who foremost fell that mortal man might be. In other words Elder McConkie doesnt know either, he supposes it was but not 100% certain. I knew I couldnt start dating and getting serious about a fellow, and so I didnt even look. I remember it was Saturday, and I thought, Ive got to go to church. is prank calling illegal in arizona. Enslen had only acquired this letter the week previous.9However, Enslen, who was serving in an Alabama stake presidency in 1983, recalled that he had heard Featherstone read this letter at ameeting in Alabama ashort time after the letters date.10We have no way of knowing whether Featherstone shared his letter with other general authorities, but its inclusion in the Church History Library does not imply it came with any official approval. In Lunds words, The scholars disagree on exactly how many years the earth has undergone since the Fall of Adam, however, so it cannot be said that the Millennium will occur in the year 2,000 A.D. (as some enthusiastic interpreters of scripture would like to conclude).23McConkie similarly stated, that we cannot tell with certainty how many years passed from the fall of Adam to the birth of Jesus, nor whether the number of years counted by our present calendar has been tabulated without error.24. Brown: No matter how dark the night, the dawn is irresistible. I want to tell you there are times when that gives me a great deal of hope, because the dawn must come. From finding the right means to fund your innovative business idea to expanding a family-run business, from grabbing the keys to your dream car to securing your property for your life's biggest project yet - you've always wished to live life to the fullest. When I went back East, I found the school, went in, and was met by a seventy-four-year-old, white-haired man. Cant you ask one of the other kids? If anyone were to ask me the day and the hour of the Second Coming, Icould only answer that Ido not know. Others can help us be attractive on the surface, and I think its important to look attractive. Featherstone takes for granted the fact that the Second Coming would have occurred by the time these future Saints had read his letter, but he speaks only of seeing in my minds eyes and offers specific details of the future when it comes to the South.16Even in that regard, John Enslen recalled that over time Elder Featherstone seemed somewhat uncomfortable about calling his statements aprophesy [sic]. He preferred that they be referred to as his prediction.17, What is certain is that VaughnJ.Featherstone believed the Second Coming was imminent. When I was about seven or eight years old, a friend of mine, Spike Herzog, said to me as I was coming home from school one day, Why dont you come to Primary with me?. Then I decided that before I did that I had better be worthy. Ali Hafid was rich. You know, I just love my Dad because we sit around the dinner table, and after we finish eating dinner, Dad will say to me, Well, Timmy, what do you think? Then I can tell my Dad what I think., And his teacher said, Well, Timmy, what do you think?. I think it was Michelangelo, blind and reaching his ninetieth year, who said as he felt a sculpture that someone else had done, Even at ninety I continue to learn.. In 1972 he was called to the Presiding Bishopric, where he served for four years before being called as a general authority seventy and presiding over the Texas San Antonio Mission. FAIR is controlled and operated by the Foundation for Apologetic Information and Research (FAIR). His life "was a daily manifestation of faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ." Newsletters Subscribe for free and get daily or weekly updates straight to your inbox Church News Today If you could hear Douglas Snarr talk today, you would find that he speaks about as fast as I do, and I speak very fast. The views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of FAIR, its officers, directors or supporters. I hope you feel about that story the way I am trying to convey it to you. I even avoided trying to speak or taking a chance. Pour out about one-fourth and let er soak to wet the leather. When any man holds twixt hand and chin a violin of mine, he will be glad that Stradivari lived, made violins, and made them of the best.