As part of the application process, you'll do a video interview. We submitted our application for the apartment, put down a deposit, and moved in Mid-May 2021. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Since 2018, the Tulsa Remote program has offered remote workers moving to Tulsa $10,000 in cash, a desk at a local co-working space, and help finding housing. An award-winning team of journalists, designers, and videographers who tell brand stories through Fast Company's distinctive lens, The future of innovation and technology in government for the greater good, Fast Company's annual ranking of businesses that are making an outsize impact, Leaders who are shaping the future of business in creative ways, New workplaces, new food sources, new medicine--even an entirely new economic system. Tulsa Remote is a one-year program designed to attract remote workers from around the country by paying them to move to and work from Tulsa for at least 12 months. Tomm now volunteers for a tutoring program called Reading Partners. But Tulsa Remote's backers anticipate some of the participants won't be remote workers forever. Funded by George Kaiser Family Foundation, Tulsa Remote has basic requirements. Wealth in Tulsa is lower than national averages, according to the 2015 American Communities Survey. One of the other biggest perks is that there is NO traffic; the worst traffic would be just a 5 minutes delay. It was one of the most widely publicized bids by a city to become a hub for remote work and so far, its succeeding, according to two recent studies of the program. Recommended for you Cobot en espaol Check out the Visit Tulsa page of our website. Rent - $658 Tulsa vs. $2,669 Boston, 2 BR Avg. by the Economic Innovation Group, a think tank, estimated Tulsa Remotes effect on the citys economy using standard models of economic development. Thats especially true when the program involves attracting outsiders. The application process for the 2020 program is now under way. Fast Company & Inc 2023 Mansueto Ventures, LLC, Tulsa paid people $10k to move there and work remotely. The Tulsa Remote team reviews each application. Rent - $658 Tulsa vs. $1,184 Austin, Median Home Price - $157K Tulsa vs. $917K SF, Median Home Price - $157K Tulsa vs. $390K New York, Median Home Price - $157K Tulsa vs. $546K LA, Median Home Price - $157K Tulsa vs. $394K DC, Median Home Price - $157K Tulsa vs. $484K Seattle, Median Home Price - $157K Tulsa vs. $443K Boston, Median Home Price - $157K Tulsa vs. $442K Denver, Median Home Price - $157K Tulsa vs. $385K Portland, Median Home Price - $157K Tulsa vs. $610K San Diego, Median Home Price - $157K Tulsa vs. $242K Chicago, Median Home Price - $157K Tulsa vs. $296K Austin. ), Lower cost of living compared to other major cities in the US, You can move within 12 months after you are accepted, You have full-time remote employment, or you are self-employed outside of Oklahoma. The interview process in order to be considered for the grant is fairly standard . It doesnt have much in the way of a technology sector, and it has a smaller share of residents with a college degree than the U.S. as a whole. Tulsa Remote is intended for individualswho reside outside of Oklahoma at the time of application. The participants report no decrease in productivity since moving. Tulsa has seen unparalleled investments to public space for a city of its size. The program, explains Stewart, furthers the George Kaiser Family Foundations mandate of reversing the cycle of generational poverty in the local community. Simply just be yourself! Transcript. I had major cabin fever since we were cramped in our tiny apartment that we spent way too much for. You are 18+ years old. We mailed many items that were not fragile, like cloth, bedding, etc., fit everything else plus our cat and dog into our SUV, and started our trip to Tulsa. ". Of the nearly 800. Rent - $658 Tulsa vs. $2,111 DC, 2 BR Avg. Over two years, about 500 people have moved to Tulsa under the program, Ben Stewart, the executive director, told me. At that point I had learned that they wanted me to live in Tulsa proper and our lifestyle is more suited to the suburbs. r=o.createElement('script');r.async=1; Who is the ideal candidate for this program? When Tulsa Remote first launched in the fall of 2018, Stewart says organizers were anticipating 15 to 20 applicants. The City of Tulsa and other community organizations lend their support to ensure program participants are fully immersed and engaged in the community. For one thing, the cities with the most remote work are the same big superstar cities that dominated the pre-pandemic economy. Today, Tulsa's quality of place is resonating with applicants to an innovative program called Tulsa Remote. He said yes, I applied, and the rest was history. The 2020 edition of the Tulsa Remote program seeks to welcome over 200 applicants. Can I apply? We even offer a $10,000 grant to help kick-start your new journey. They received nearly that many in one day with inquiries from more than 200 countries and . So after some cocktails by Bartender Sen, I started browsing the internet, and I came upon the Tulsa Remote Program. Google Analytics r.src=t+h._hjSettings.hjid+j+h._hjSettings.hjsv; By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Yes, I am from Los Angeles, where the crime rate is high too! Tulsa Remote is not able to aid in the acquisition or approval of such credentials (work visas, etc.). The term remote employment refers to individuals who do not have to physically travel into their place of work on a daily basis. During our consideration, we liked that Tulsa is in the middle of the country, and there are so many opportunities for road trips! I dont currently work remotely, but I can transition to remote work in my current role. Nervous about making the move? Rent - $658 Tulsa vs. $2,415 Portland, 2 BR Avg. Do I still qualify? Nov 26-Semi-finalist interview real chill convo, I sold my community involvement I take part in and spoke about my job etc. No, you are not eligible to apply if you recently moved to Oklahoma. I got an email asking for a background check and income verification about two weeks after. Interesting that you say that. No. I way overthought the interview. He adds Tulsa Remotes success is partially owed to the appeal of the city itself, which he describes as a hidden gem, as well as other redevelopment efforts that have been undertaken in recent years. IF YOU TELL THEM YOU ALREADY HAVE PLANS TO MOVE HERE, YOU WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY DISQUALIFIED. That kind of thing. Funding is currently provided by the George Kaiser Family Foundation. Thats the logic that leads EIGs models to estimate such a high payoff for Tulsa Remote. I found out that I was accepted and just needed to move within the next 12 months the following week. In Tulsa, an 8.517 percent sales tax, one of the highest in the nation, funds the city's operating budget, he explained. Burlington, Vermont, rolled out a similar program in June and all Alaskans are eligible for payouts via the state's Permanent Reserve Fund. Press J to jump to the feed. APPLY NOW We're paying remote workers $10,000 to move to Tulsa. I work for a rideshare or delivery service like Lyft or Doordash. Your a Midwesterner. The list wasnt topped by new remote hubs like Tulsa, but by Washington, DC, San Francisco, and Austin. And they estimate every dollar spent on the program creates $13 in economic activity. There does seem to be a sweet-spot nature, not just to the size of the Tulsa metro, but other characteristics in terms of their domestic migration pattern, [and] in terms of their lagging in a certain segment of their workforce, says EIG s president and CEO, John Lettieri. We didn't want to take any of the large furniture to Tulsa since we thought it might just be a one-year thing. Its economy specializes in oil and gas, aerospace, and manufacturing. Aside from the $10,000 disbursed as a house down payment or over time Tulsa Remote members also get assistance with house hunting, access to co-working spaces and weekly social and . Tulsa Remote is an incentive program offering $10,000 to out-of-state remote workers who move to Oklahoma. It means that if you are open to making new friends or joining a new community of like-minded individuals then this is for you. So we planned for a 7-day journey making multiple stops along the way like Zion National Park, Horseshoe Bend, Shiprock, New Mexico, etc. From tiki lounges to speakeasies and hole-in-the-wall neighborhood bars, there's no shortage of places to grab a drink or celebrate with friends or make new friends. Tulsa remote challenges the notion that remote and virtual must equal placeless. Glassdoor has 1 Tulsa Remote reviews submitted anonymously by Tulsa Remote employees. The . With the pandemic easing, work-from-home declining, and some companies pushing for a return to the office, Tulsas main competition might not be Wichita and Omaha but New York and Chicago. (this is my favorite! Additionally, they must be working remotely full-time or self-employed. In a recent study, Prithwiraj Choudhury, a professor at Harvard Business School who studies remote work, found that Tulsa Remoters have higher real incomes (after accounting for living costs) than they did before the move likely driven in large part by cheaper housing. With many programs like TR, 36 Degrees North Incubator, Endeavor ScaleUp, TechStars, Venture for America, and local venture capital firms, etc., to bring in ideas, talents, and funds to make that vision a reality. Wear some pants and always make direct eye contact!! The researchers estimate that one new full-time job was created in Tulsa for every two Remoters who moved there. And two new studies suggest the program is working: the participants are experiencing a higher standard of living due to the citys low housing costs, and are engaged in the community. According to a report published by the. Just in case anyone is planning on applying: DO NOT TELL THEM YOU ARE OR HAVE PLANS TO MOVE TO TULSA. I applied the day apps open and was notified yesterday I am semi finalist. On the coasts, no one could care less about their stranger neighbors. After decades of brain drain in rural America, Tulsa Remote is working to attract a diverse group of remote workers to live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. For example, if John Doe applies on September 1st, his partner must apply no later than September 14th to be considered. From free coworking space to inspiring educational experiences, our program is designed to make you feel at home from your first day here. And, perhaps most importantly, how many remote workers want to move in the first place? She visited with her husband and two young kids, met other program participants via Slack, and decided to go for it. While the monetary incentive helps put Tulsa on the map for remote workers, they believe the program has been successful in keeping them in town by providing a level of support they wouldnt enjoy elsewhere. They get 1,000 applications a week and interview 200-300 candidates on Zoom. Are there any age restrictions to apply for the Tulsa Remote program? Are there evens or weekly/monthly meetings for the cohort? The program brings remote workers and digital nomads to the community by providing $10,000 grants and numerous community-building opportunities. As we considered why Tulsa has been successful, I think its a lot of the place-making attributes that the foundation and the city have been focussed on over the last decade or so, he says. For more information, please see our I hope to be joining you soon :), Emphasize your desire to shop locally. Yes, the program involves cutting checks to mostly well-educated, well-paid knowledge workers. Rent - $658 Tulsa vs. $2,069 Seattle, 2 BR Avg. The program wants to attract "talented and energetic people" to Tulsa who care about making a difference in their local community . Tulsa is seeking digital nomads to put their roots down here. You have full-time remote employment or are self-employed outside of Oklahoma. Since 2018, nearly 1,300 talented individuals have joined our ranks, found "home" in Tulsa, and are helping shape one of America's greatest cities. The theory of Tulsa Remote was that with a little enticement, remote workers would be drawn to lower living costs. The people in the community all share similar personality traits. The city is also aiming to become one of the country's largest technology and business hubs. Can Tulsa remain a draw for remote workers if other cities copy its model? Sen & I've met so many interesting individuals in the Tulsa Remote community and are great friends with many of them. I do think it had potential to happen.. Summer is hot and humid. They believe that Tulsa Remotes selection process, which intentionally seeks out talent that is needed but otherwise lacking in the city, is what ultimately drives its success. On top of the cash subsidies, the program, dubbed "Tulsa Remote," comes with a free membership to 36 Degrees North, a co-working space in the city, which ordinarily charges members $149 per month or more. I use In my hometown in Wilkinsburg, [part of the Pittsburgh metro area], there were a lot of promises made that the recruitment of tech talent would impact other places besides the city [of Pittsburgh], he said in an interview. Those who are interested in moving to Tulsa and hold a full-time remote job based outside of Oklahoma can apply for this program. There are lots of smaller cities that can offer inexpensive housing. Perry spoke with CBS News in a telephone interview Wednesday. Absolutely. Jared Lindzon is a freelance journalist and public speaker born, raised and based in Toronto, Canada. Along with the introduction of Tulsa Remote, 2018 has ushered in other community-related initiatives in Tulsa. The participants report no decrease in productivity since moving. With Tulsa Remote you get a built-in community, instead of coming here on my own, which was kind of intimidating, says Law. The study also found that for every two household members brought to Tulsa through the program, one new local job was created. The so-called superstar cities are still winning, both for in-office jobs and even for work-from-home. I should find out next week after they meet (apparently its usually weekly, but someone was out this week) on a yes or no from them. When is the earliest people are accepted to move to Tulsa? Tulsa Remote provides resources to help finalists discover and secure suitable housing before they move to Tulsa, including a new housing portal. . I got an email from Tulsa Remote about a week later notifying me that I am a semifinalist and am advancing to the next step with a video interview that happened within the same week. The median family income was about 80 percent of the national average, according to the study. Initially, 100 slots were available, and the program administrators figured they might get 1,000 total applications. Luke Scuitto, who moved to Tulsa from Washington, DC in 2020 and works remotely for a nonprofit, also connected to the local community through volunteer work. In addition to the $10,000 grant, participants will receive a 36-month membership at a local co-working space, support in identifying housing, and regular community-building opportunities. A lot of that money stays in the local economy.. The job came with a raise, which was amplified by the lower cost of living. With hundreds of acres of wilderness areas, urban parks and greenspaces, Tulsa offers countless opportunities to get outside, get some fresh air and explore. Because the people in the city were super welcoming everywhere we went. I applied the day after apps opened and haven't heard back :( will email them. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. What was your example? Browse curated job listings at Tulsa based companies. We're confident you'll fall in love but want to make sure we're looking for the same things. They do ask about your salary, so dont let that catch you off guard. gtag('js', new Date()); Over 90% stay beyond the year., Since moving to Tulsa this past June, Law has herself hired four locals, and has no intention of leaving once her term is up in the summer of 2022. It was not like that at all and lasted all of about 10 minutes. Today I have my interview with the Tulsa Remote Program which was one of my selling points for moving to Tulsa. If you take the relative anonymity of living in a city like New York or San Francisco, and contrast that with the Tulsa Remote experimentof a place rolling out the red carpet for you and saying in monetary, and more importantly, non monetary ways, how much they value youpeople feel good about that, adds Fikri. I dont think people are going to make a permanent life decision, or even a medium term one, based on a relatively small financial incentive, says Lettieri. Tulsa Remote does not offer employment of any kind. Cookie Notice They would recommend coming to Tulsa to visit and see if its a good fit before accepting. Tulsa Mayor G.T. Since its founding in 2018, Tulsa Remote has brought nearly 1,300 remote workers to town, and a new study suggests that the investment is paying off. It's not the first time cities and even states have offered cash to entice would-be residents. Rent - $658 Tulsa vs. $1,475 Denver, 2 BR Avg. 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