""Hey, hey, hey. I only ever wanted to be your equal!Loki to Thor. ""I don't. Upset and tearful, Loki refused, demanding to know what really happened and who he really was. [6] One of Loki's antics involved him cutting off a lock of Sif's hair[3] after sleeping with her one night,[16] which caused her to punch him in the face and kick him in the groin out of anger. [citation needed], All of the gods gained wisdom and youth from eating the apples in all their meals. Loki's gifts, however, lay in other areas, most notably sorcery. They all agreed as the gods deemed it an impossible task for the man. Now unsettled about potential failure and more determined than ever, Loki met with Selvig and Clint Barton to discuss their next course of action to complete their plans. Irises:Green Knowing that Loki was truly dead, Thor did everything he could to kill Thanos and avenge him. Shortly after Odin died and Thor learned the truth about Hela and how Asgard really rose to power, Loki genuinely felt sympathetic towards Thor as he had just found out that everything he knew was false, much like how Loki himself did after finding out he was a Frost Giant. However, Loki still kept some of his mischiefs as he stole the Tesseract from Odin's Vault before Asgard's destruction. Then, she appeared before Henry Pym, calling himself the Wasp, to convince him to expel Cassie from the team; but Pym was about giving second chances ever since their escape with the Fantastic Four. When Thor picked up the snake to admire it, Loki dispelled the illusion and stabbed Thor, who survived. They travelled to the realm and the goddess of death agreed, but with one caveat, everything in the Nine Realms would have to weep for the fallen god. Loki watched as Odin began telling Thor he had just started a new great war between Asgard and Jotunheim that put innocent Asgardians at risk; however, Thor argued aggressively while Loki stayed quiet and watched from the side. Loki eventually stopped to observe the ongoing battle as the room shook as a Dark Elf Harrow crash-landed into the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf and the entire army of Dark Elves had then attacked the Palace. Unknown to him, a war raged across the Nine Realms as a result of the Duel at the Rainbow Bridge having destroyed many of the ways across the Realms. For identity. Free from his cell and excited by the prospect of an adventure while also impressed by Thor's clandestine tactics, Loki began to make fun with Thor, claiming that he was surprised that Thor did not wish to use his strength to escape instead. loki laufeyson birth chart. Ultimately, Loki's newfound love for his brother swayed him to help Thor evacuate the Asgardians, risk his life by personally reviving Surtur, and support Thor's coronation. [5], If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.Loki to the Avengers, Barely able to move from the beating he had received from Hulk, Loki eventually summoned the strength to crawl only to find himself face to face with the Avengers, who had defeated the Chitauri army and closed the Tesseract's portal. Before anyone could react, Loki grabbed Heimdall's sword, stabbing the god. Where are you going?Loki and Grandmaster. Cooper, he informed Florence Schaffner that he had a bomb and demanded two hundred thousand dollars in ransom. Despite his direct orders, Loki soon learned that the Warriors Three and Lady Sif had used Himinbjorg and traveled to Earth via the Bifrost Bridge. Loki sneaked up behind him and stabbed him in the side with Gungnir; as Thor lay wounded on the ground, Loki created multiple versions of himself, all laughing maniacally at him. As Malekith started absorbing the Aether from Foster's body, Thor and Loki revealed their ruse. I am a god, you dull creature, and I will not be bullied by""Puny god.Loki and Hulk. Standing alongside the remaining Asgardian warriors, as well as Korg and Miek who were leading the Sakaaran rebels, Loki had furiously fought against Hela's incoming armies of Berserkers who were still furiously attempting to stop the Asgardians from boarding the Statesmen to escape from Asgard. Loki subjected her to a play of wits where he asked her questions about her past and her relationship with Barton. Thor then explained that he had been having some recurring dreams recently depicting Ragnark, so he had begun investigating this and found the Nine Realms in utter chaos and Marauders who had been marching unchallenged as the King did nothing. [6], Thor, stop and think! A group of space pirates called the Marauders used this to their advantage and attacked Vanaheim. Personal Information Cassie caught her in the act and attempted to warn the others, but Loki cast a spell that prevented her from saying bad things about "Wanda". In one story, he spends eight years as a woman, and bears children (for this reason, he is beloved by transgendered activist and astrologer, Raven Kaldera). The next day, he was confronted by Thor, but claimed it was just the prank. Loki was placed in a confinement capsule which had been designed, without Banner's knowledge, to hold a rogue Hulk. Thor then decided to remake Asgard on Earth. Upon being launched out of the Bifrost Bridge by Hela, Loki had then arrived on Sakaar. Sensing Odin's power inside what he saw as a demon, Bor attacked Thor, attempting to avenge his son. Mortified, Loki questioned why Odin had done this following the slaughter of so many Frost Giants, with Odin claiming that Loki was just an innocent child he had saved. Having been ruling over Asgard for four years while enjoying himself immensely, Loki, still in his Odin disguise, took time out of his day to sit with the Asgardians, eating grapes and watching the play, The Tragedy of Loki of Asgard, which depicted his "death" on Svartalfheim. On the way out, the two were approached by three Einherjar soldiers. Odin told the man that he couldn't complete the task, but the man knew that it was Loki who was distracting his steed and who made him fail in his task. They finally agreed to Loki's plan, noting they would need a distraction as Loki suggested unleashing Hulk, but Thor dismissed this as they agreed to start a Rebellion as a distraction. (In the movies, Sleipnir is seen briefly with Odin astride into Jotunheim to rescue Thor and the others, but there is no indication to his parentage.) Marvel Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. In response to his act of treason against the throne, Loki proceeded to strip Heimdall of all titles and finally banished him from the Kingdom, never to return again. Accepting Thanos' deal without fear of failure, Loki turned his focus back to Erik Selvig, who had been summoned by S.H.I.E.L.D. I don't threaten, but until I open the doors, until your force is mine to command, you are but words.Loki and The Other, Traveling through the wormhole, Loki arrived in a part of the universe called Sanctuary and met the Mad Titan Thanos and The Other, the former offering a pact that would allow him to become ruler of the Earth while he would steal the Tesseract which was being studied by S.H.I.E.L.D.. Thanos provided Loki with a Scepter with a blue gem which acted as a powerful weapon, and also as a mind control device. Furthermore, they begged for him to do so but he declined with glee. Once she left to warn them, Loki's smile indicated that was part of his plan: to turn Hulk against the Avengers by first turning the Avengers against Hulk. The brothers fought for a second time, Loki's Scepter matching Thor's hammer. During their conversation, Frigga insisted that they must not lose hope that Odin would awake and Thor may at last return from his banishment to Earth, although Loki questioned what hope there still was for Thor, with Frigga insisting there was always reason behind Odin's actions. You don't know the avengers and you're no one special. In order to prevent Thor from picking up on any subtle differences in their personalities and eventually figuring out Odin was really Loki in disguise, Loki granted Thor the freedom to act as he pleased in order to keep the peace of the Nine Realms, which would mean that Thor would be away from Asgard more often while Loki could rule Asgard in peace and enjoy all of the riches this power brought him. Indeed, Thor openly mocking this attitude was a deciding factor in Loki's decision to reform his ways and genuinely aid his people. Watching his entire family and . The Grandmaster then noted that the only way that Thor would be able to finally win his own freedom would be to defeat his Champion, before sending him away to meet the Gladiators who included Korg and Miek, while Loki still remained by the Grandmaster and had enjoyed all the many joys which were presented to him. From there, Loki took command of the attack on the New York City, shooting down at the humans, destroying many cars and killing dozens of innocent people in massive explosions. Upon touching the device, Loki's skin once again turned blue, causing him to resemble a Frost Giant and confirming his worst fears. Thor stopped this and thought of a solution. Loki fulfilled the prophecy of leading the enemies of Asgard against the Asgardians. While Thor and Bor fought, Loki made Balder aware of Bor's identity and the two rushed to New York to stop Thor from killing him (Thor never met Bor until now and is unaware of his identity). Abandoned, suffering, left to die. Thor seemingly relented but instead of providing him with his blade, Thor simply shackled him. Loki had then smirked to himself as he watched Thor charge down to the Bifrost Bridge with his incredible new power as lightning engulfed his body, which he used to destroy several of the Berserkers with some considerable ease. Place of Birth The rightful king of Asgard. Before the ceremony, Loki said that while he was sometimes envious of Thor's place as first-born, there was no doubt that he loved him dearly, while also teasing his brother over his helmet's feathered design. Mother did.Loki and Thor. Look around you. They got the Nugget of Gold and Loki got the Cup. He stabbed Kurse from behind, pushing the blade through his chest. [25] For a time he hid at Franang's Falls, a region on Midgard in which the All-Father could not see him. Please do not make assumptions regarding confusing wording, other sites' speculation, and people's headcanon around the internet. Until Odin awakens, Asgard is yours. With the female giant Angerboda (Angrboda: "Distress Bringer"), Loki produced the progeny Hel, the goddess of death; Jrmungand, the serpent that surrounds the world; and Fenrir (Fenrislfr), the wolf. You are all of you beneath me! Likewise, after being transported to Earth by the Tesseract he claimed himself as "Loki of Asgard" but on Svartalfheim before the Dark Elves, proclaimed himself "Loki of Jotunheim". Loki Laufeyson is a supporting character in the Legacy franchise. Loki went on to tell Fury that he had finally seen what real power was and Fury took this as a cue to leave. [5], Unbeknownst to Loki, his use of the Scepter was also influencing him, fueling his hatred and desire to bring harm to humans and Thor. Loki's corpse, along with half of the Asgardian population, was then blown up in the Statesman explosion and left floating in the debris left over from the spacecraft. Loki did not accept this answer and desperately demanded the truth, and was told Odin thought his presence within Asgard could bring about an alliance in the Nine Realms and foster a permanent peace, but then confessed there was little hope of this now following their start of the second war. Thor decided on the compromise, so they sowed the god's mouth shut. A magic sword, known in Norse mythology as Laevateinn, which means "wounding wand". ""You can't. The Kursed warrior then grabbed Loki and pulled him onto the blade, stabbing him as well. Nach dem Krieg zwischen den Riesen und den Asgardianern wurde Loki von Knig Odin gefunden. Loki used his illusions to get behind the brave S.H.I.E.L.D. [5], Do you not truly feel the gravity of your crimes? Malekith, Laufey, Ulik, and many of Thor's other enemies worked with Loki in the lead-up to the War of the Realms, but Loki betrayed them--leading to Laufey trying to kill his own son by eating him. [27] Soon after this defeat, Loki plotted an invasion of Olympus while the gods were busy participating in a trial against Venus. Loki then appealed to the arrogant and unhindered Thor, convincing him that the planet Earth needed to face the wrath of the gods. [56], Loki joined Norman Osborn's Cabal. Loki was an ever-scheming individual; the God of Mischief, he meddled in people's lives and even led them to their inevitable deaths as it made him feel powerful, and often used superior ploys or ulterior designs upon his enemies, such as Thor and the Avengers. He remained in this place for many years. They completed the task but discovered only one being who had not shed a tear, Loki. However, Loki's plan to use Hulk was only one aspect of his real intentions. Enraged, Thor demanded Odin march into Jotunheim and attack the Frost Giants in retaliation, but Odin refused. How very typical. [13] Then Frog Thor appeared and Loki was pummeled by him. Everyone, on that ship now. Accepting this offer, Loki had the Destroyer punch Thor, breaking all of his bones and killing him. Loki wandered through Asgard with no food or direction. Yeah, that could be annoying. After finding Heimdall and the Warriors Three he stepped up the search. # 1. ""So be it.Thor and Loki. As Laufey stared in shock and horror, Loki told him his death came from the son of Odin. Once he had been disposed of, Ebony Maw picked up the Tesseract and presented it to Thanos, who crushed it and added the encased Infinity Stone to his Infinity Gauntlet. Disguised as Odin, Loki offered him the throne, but Thor declined while honoring Loki's sacrifice. Thor, Sif, and Loki made there was to the branch, but the hawk came back. Seeking to take advantage of this opportunity, Loki restored the memory of Zarrko the Tomorrow Man, who promptly traveled back in time to battle Thor, who was defeated and surrendered and agreed to return with him to the 23rd Century as his slave. Expostulating upon how it all made sense now that Odin had always favoured Thor, Loki furiously berated Odin in denial, accusing him of using him as a tool for peace until Odin, overcome with stress, fell into the Odinsleep. As they grew up, Loki always felt that he was always living in Thor's shadow, envious to the fact that Thor was meant to be king instead of him. As The Other stated, his desires were virtually reminiscent to that of a childish need to always be best; this also made his hatred of Thor an entirely overgrown and impractical sibling rivalry and the entirety of his actions could be intervened as purely attention-seeking, going to horrifying lengths such as the subjugation or destruction of a species, all to impress his father. Loki Laufeyson Apodo (s) Loki Odinson Dios de las Mentiras Prncipe de las Mentiras Loki de Asgard Maestro de la Magia Majestad Hijo de Odn Hijo de Laufey Cuernitos Debilucho Poder Real Hermano de Thor Criminal de guerra Loki de Jotunheim El Mussolini Asgardiano Odn Pequeo beb de hielo azul Fantasma Lacayo Salvador Legtimo Rey de Jotunheim [15], Odin brought Thor and Loki on a visit to Earth, where the Asgardians taught the Norse people their language and culture and displayed their abilities.