So lets get complicated lets do percentages of percentages. It provided the names of those in the ward boundaries who had been blessed but were not baptized. This has been one of the main stories in the 21st century and may be accelerating over the past decade. (Salt Lake Tribune, Religion, A6, 1/16/21). It's dangerous and it ruins lives, even if the members don't understand that that's what's happening to them. Between missionaries stopping by and members of the bishopric, youre basically a project. Its a demanding, almost all-encompassing, way of life. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. However, the number of converts went down 15% in 2015 and, from 2016-2019, the numbers have stayed below 250,000. I predict that a black man will be invited to become an apostle once there is an opening, as an Asian-American and Hispanic have become apostles in recent picks. Yet promoting healthy local communities, he says, is the number one thing the church can do to maintain itself, because there are fewer and fewer places in the world where people find authentic communities. Information on Joseph Smiths polygamous ways, the unique translation methods of LDS unique scripture, and other controversial material became readily available on the churchs very own website; visiting anti-Mormon sites to find this information wasnt even necessary! Back-Pocket God: Religion and Spirituality in the Lives of Emerging Adults, though they are getting some of the former evangelicals switching in as, the recording of which was leaked and is now available for viewing, an activity rate of 30% in the United States and just 20% internationally. Doty-Yells said LDS church culture is the major culprit for the feelings of failure early-returned missionaries experience. These dynamics have existed not only in Mormonism, but across many religions for decades says Jana Riess, a journalist and academic who studies and writes about the LDS Church (of which she is a member). Let me say again, the Church has never been stronger. Each stage in the grieving process may require a different approach by those who minister. But recently, despite record missionary service, growth in the 16-million-member church has hit a 100-year low in the United States. If you made a final decision, write a letter to Church Records. The next year, the missionary force went up by 40%! One of the helpful aspects of a book like Back-Pocket God is that it covers the whole gamut of religious identities and experiences, and when you look at the bigger picture, a retention rate of 6 in 10 is actually quite good. By 2000, the number dropped to 2.48%. Growth of the Church. Even though the actual numbers are usednot the revised numbers with the 3% growth added on each yearthe number of baptized converts would have been double during the years 2017-2019! Learn More . Of course, several Christian books were available in 1990. A former investment manager for the church has filed . In the below graph, when there is a larger gap between reports than one year, I calculate the annualized compound growth year to year the goal is to compare apples to apples as much as possible. Serving Refugees in Faith. It is a gargantuan task for the church to compete with the percentage of growth from previous years. The total number of members of the church is over 15 million, up from only 3 million in 1971. Former Arizona state Sen. Bob Worsley, a Republican and the founder of SkyMall, recently began publicly organizing for Biden after he felt the Trump-aligned LDS group that hosted Pence last month. (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) Historically, Riess says, American youth left the LDS church of their childhood between 17-23, only to return later in life when they married and began to have children of their own. 9. What can be easily seen is that the churchs growth over the past two decades has completely stalled. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. In the LDS stronghold Utah, where more than half the population is raised LDS, protests and mass resignations tied to controversial church policies have made the news in recent yearsfrom the news Religion Unplugged reported that the church has amassed a $100 billion stockpile using member tithes in the last 22 years, to the now-revoked 2015 policy banning the baptism of children with gay parents. New Book of Mormon Episode: Nephi's Vision. Will the falling numbers cause a compromise in these hot-button topics? Which is more loving: to admit that yes, the churchs growth has slowed significantly and a lot of people who are technically still on the rolls are not involved at all, which is why we created this whole special issue of the Ensign in the first place, or to make the case that Everything Is Awesome and if there are problems, they are isolated and individual? An Insider Report (2022) Share. Teasing apart exactly what is happening with respect to LDS membership can be difficult, because of multiple, often conflicting, narratives. Those have been archived at the research site California (734,989) and Idaho (471,241) had the next most Latter-day Saints, according to Martinichs blog, while the District of Columbia (3,136), Rhode Island (4,283) and Vermont (4,655) had the fewest. This is what I try to explain to Latter-day Saint parents. Answer (1 of 16): Source? Concerning 9 year old convert baptisms. Notably, the United States share of members has declined, as has Utahs. While other theologically conservative and liberal churches alike have seen an increase in disaffected members leaving their ranks, the Church has maintained its membership: "One-quarter of Americans are religiously unaffiliated today, a roughly fourfold increase from a couple of decades earlier. Drawing on the National Study of Youth and Religion, a longitudinal study of the same several thousand Americans who were teenagers in 2002-2003 through their 20s a decade later, Back-Pocket God says that overall, 61% of people who were LDS during Wave 1 of the study still had that identity by Wave 4 a decade later. (Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune) Women's session of General Conference in April 2022. The Public Religion Research Institute has conducted surveys of more than 500,000 Americans over the past eight years and asked people what religion they identify as. The Gem State is a pretty profitable jewel in the churchs real estate portfolio. What do those states have in common? The LDS church is losing members at record numbers. For the sake of comparison, lets use the numbers from the decade of 2010 and assume that, beginning in 2010, the percentage of growth increased to 3% for each year. We were given a list of 20 items and told to find the answers by scouring the four-story Love Library at San Diego State University. One non-church website dedicated to helping members resign from the church membership rolls became very popular ( The number of members removing their names from the records of the Church has always been very small and is significantly less in recent years than in the past. And we continue to lose what were stalwart members - some to leaving the church, others return to the Mormon Corridor - Utah/Idaho/Arizona. Brazil, which accounted for more than 14% of the churchs growth in 2019, nearly eclipsed the U.S. with respect to new memberships. But over the last 25 years, growth rates have declined significantly, particularly in countries where Mormonism has historically seen the greatest success: the United States, Mexico, the Philippines, and others, according to Matt Martinich, who studies LDS membership and growth trends at the Cumorah Foundation. Is the LDS Church losing members? Which states have seen the largest growth in their church population when compared to growth in their overall population? Without the ability to use the Internet to do research from the privacy of ones own home or phone, the information readily available today would have been much more difficult to obtain in these earlier years. The lowest percentage of growth during the decade of the 90s was 1999 (2.85%). Together these three sites contain thousands of articles, videos, and podcasts that would be useful to anyone who wants to research the history and teachings of the LDS Church. For example, when the church announced in May 2018 that it planned to end its long-running practice of sponsoring Boy Scouts of America Troops within its congregations, many speculated that it was on account of growing differences on social issues like gender. The answer is no, not even close. churchnewsroom. Matthew Bowman, the Howard W. Hunter Chair of Mormon Studies at Claremont Graduate University, suspects this is the real reason for most of the churchs recent reforms. Ready to leave the Mormon church? Maybe at some point in the next half-century well be broadcasting General Conference from Accra [Ghanas capital], he wrote in a Times and Seasons blog post. In fact, Utahs growth of about 34,000 members represents the majority of the churchs 42,000-member growth in America overall over the past two years. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. These essays caused many Latter-day Saints to do a double take and leave their church; the information probably had a huge effect on potential members as well. Mormon dominance in Utah is also down. Maybe its just my political brain, but I also noticed a trend in that list: The top 12 states in terms of Latter-day Saint growth in the past two years are red ones that voted for Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election. As a result, growth is sitting at just over 1.5% annually, significantly less than the 3-4% annual growth rates the church enjoyed in the 1970s and 80s. In the Mormon corridor some wards are shrinking and some are expanding but since Mormon family size is shrinking (but still is higher than the national average) the church must also be seeing a . Since 1981, retention has fallen to 46 percent. Because Mormonism had a greater effect on their lives, theyre more likely to feel as though something has been taken from them. Editors note This story is available to Salt Lake Tribune subscribers only. From 1990-96, there were more than 6 converts for every missionary on the field. The wealth of the religion, especially since one insider report says that the church possesses $100 billion in a rainy day savings account, causing many members to wonder why they are required to continue to tithe. Does this seem like a loving policy? Its not that those religious acts and habits are irrelevant for successful religious transmission. (Dont you love how sociologists make the implantation of a religious identity sound like catching a virus?) We wouldnt touch them while they were eight but when they turned nine we knocked on their families doors. Find free ideas on how to get . Her sister, Rachel Orr, sewed a pride flag inside of it for Jillian to express her identity on stage after years of feeling like she had to hide being bisexual at the church-run school. Meanwhile, the church membership would be 2 million more (18,555,000) than the 2019 church membership number of 16,565,000. Thank you! The Salt Lake Tribune, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public charity and contributions are tax Resigning from the Mormon church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints) can be a tedious and painful process. Mormonism, Smith says, has mechanisms that prevent you from being a mediocre Mormon. Members meet annually with church leaders to determine if they have maintained their faith and continued in religious behaviors, such as wearing special clothing and giving 10 percent of their income to the church. According to the church, it has over 16.8 million members and 54,539 full-time volunteer missionaries. Like. Right off the bat, we can see some intriguing trends: U.S. church membership is certainly still growing but at perhaps a lesser rate than it was five or 10 years ago. Latter-day Saints in the Democratic Republic of Congo at their temple in the capital of Kinshasa. That would be a stretch, especially since (as we mentioned) children ages 9 to 17 are counted as converts! The average from 2013 through 2019 was never above 4 converts to every missionary. The church may be strongest at the local level, but some say Mormonism remains dedicated to the centralization of authority, holding to the idea of a global prophet and maintaining a special division of the church designed to ensure LDS teachings and practices are standardized around the globean increasingly difficult feat, given the increasingly diverse nature of the church. Can we decipher more trends around this data? If the categories are extremely religious, very religious and none, they move toward the middle category. Data scientist Stephen Cranney wondered and did some basic calculations. Catholics and evangelicals are keeping about half of their childhood members, according to the NSYR data, and mainline Protestants just a quarter (though they are getting some of the former evangelicals switching in as adults). The number of members of the church as late as 1950 was only 1 million. I dont think its that simple, Mason says. This reflected more than a 4% growth rate. John and Carah discuss information received from a stake president currently serving along the Wasatch Front. We see this with the liberal Protestant church, and theyre still experiencing steep declines in membership. This is the first time I have heard a general authority openly admit the church is currently losing a lot of its members. They are meeting . The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Once divided into high priests and elders, the high priests group and elders quorums were combined at the local level, reducing the number of volunteer leaders required to maintain each group. Address your letter to: Member Records Division, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 50 E North Temple Room 1372, Salt Lake City UT 84150-5310. However, there are some things that a sociologist like Stark could not have been able to predict unless he had a crystal ball, which we will discuss in a moment. . With many members leaving the church as well, this is the first time in modern history that the membership gains did not grow by six figures, as the church grew in 2020 by a total of only 98,627. An item in one of my editor and colleague Dave Noyces recent Mormon Land newsletters left me intrigued namely, the fact that 21 U.S. states saw declining membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the past two years. By 2014, this had dropped to 64% for all generations combined, and to 62% among Millennials. And when they leave, they are less inclined to go quietly. But the more stagnant growth and even declines seen in 2021 in the U.S. and a significant number of states do continue a trend weve seen even before COVID-19 took hold, in the latter part of the 2010s. We dont have access to tithing records or the percentage of members today with a current temple recommend compared to past generations, so its possible that those are also strong. The LDS Church remains, among Christian sects, uniquely effective at retaining its young members. That, in turn, raises the stakes for those who plan to leaveleaving may mean walking away from your entire social circle. At the beginning of the Internet era, dial-up was the normal way that people were able to log online, which (as the Baby Boomers and Gen X generations can testify) resulted in slow speeds and dropped connections. Mormons, and even nonmembers, can reserve church ward houses free of charge. Im sure to this day that missionaries in heavily populated LDS areas baptize children over eight, fluffing the convert baptisms for the church. Larger societal trends play a key role in this dynamic, but so too does the number of young members who leave the church before their childbearing years due, experts believe, to the demanding nature of church culture. The lack of a church-issued note for a religious exemption does not preclude Latter-day Saints from applying for a religious exemption if their employer has mandated vaccination, according to legal experts. Members of the church recorded just 94,266 births in 2019, and President Dallin Oaks, the second highest ranking official in the church, noted in an October 2018 speech that the average LDS woman now marries two years later than in the recent past. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Its no secret that the population of some states declined during the pandemic most notably California, which lost about 300,000 residents between 2021 and 2022. He claimed to have been shown some gold plates on which a new revelation. The Salt Lake Tribune, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public charity and contributions are tax Old Man says: October 8, 2021 at 9:11 am. The LDS youth who stay in the church, Smith says, are far more devoted to the faith than young members of other traditions. Time will tell. I know, therefore, that the practice of counting 9 and 10 year olds as converts goes back at least as far as 1969. (RNS) In my book The Next Mormons: How Millennials Are Changing the Church, I noted that the 2016 Next Mormons Survey found sky-high belief in God among young adults who identified themselves as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but that other markers of religiosity, like weekly church attendance and adherence to the Word of Wisdom, were low compared to earlier generations. O n Friday, June 1, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will commemorate the 40th anniversary of what is colloquially known as "the Revelation on the Priesthood."In June 1978, then LDS Church President Spencer W. Kimball announced that he had received a revelation to e nd the century-long bans on men of African descent from holding the priesthood and on men and women of African . All rights reserved. You can reach him at alarsen@ So there has to be this dynamic tension.. Thats a Catholic pattern in particular., By contrast, Smith says LDS youth tend to go to the extremes.