The IUEC Local 4 was organized on July 18, 1899, in Boston, Massachusetts with the objectives to offer education, cultivate friendship and unity, and to develop and maintain a higher standard of skill to its members. Scholarship Recipient. Benefits|Documents|Events|News|Officers|Resources, International Union of Elevator Constructors Local 80 Saturday 25 December - Christmas Day.
However, the scheduling of these two Floating Holidays are subject to unit approval. The petitions were continually denied. Eligible employees are excused from work and receive their regular pay for these days. Friday. Scroll down to view the national list or choose your province's calendar. The fourth quarter of a calendar year is a great time to begin planning for the upcoming year. If you find an error, please let us know. Mayor Eric Garcetti Monday signed a proclamation making Juneteenth a $ 15.725 10.21 .63 .48 8.20 6% /under 5 years based on regular hourly rate for all hours worked.