Methodologies for Stylistic Analysis: practices and pedagogies Theoretical The main reason for reading literature in the classroom is to develop in learners a sensitivity to a special use of language that is more refined, literary, figurative, symbolic, and deeply meaningful than much of what else they may read. Encounter literature being created for various reasons and purposes and react to the retelling of a literary text and understand how texts vary in complexity and technicality depending on the approach to the topic, perspectives and stylistic effects What is stylistics? Aunty Muriel's Blog Approaches Employed by Teachers in Teaching Literature to STYLISTIC APPROACH Riffaterres published dissertation, Le Style des Pliades de Gobineau (1957), is a self-described attempt to blend Spitzers work with that of contemporary structural linguistics, while the later, even more formal stylistic methodology set forth in Criteria for Style Analysis (1959) and Stylistic Context (i960) shifts away from interpretive description and toward the Approaches to learning: Literature review 1 Approaches to learning: Literature review Executive summary Introduction The International Baccalaureates (IB) major objectives are to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and A STYLISTIC APPROACH TO TEACHING LITERATURE Many literature specialists feel that stylistics is too mechanistic and too reductive, saying nothing significant the teaching of literature and that by turns developments in pedagogy in both L1 and L2 However, despite acquiringlinguistic accuracy, it is apparent that EFL speakers still havedifficulties in comprehending the nuances, creativity and versatilitywhich characterise ev Some of the problem-solving techniques developed and used in philosophy, medicine, societies, mathematics, engineering, computer science, and artificial intelligence in general are related to mental problem-solving techniques studied in psychology and cognitive interdisciplinary research on poetry and its uses by experts in education, literary studies, psy-chology, psychoanalysis, philosophy and actor training in an attempt to start to weave together the potential benefits of engaging with poetry identified by these different disciplines to inform approaches to teaching poetry. Also called literary linguistics, stylistics focuses on the figures, tropes, and other rhetorical devices used to provide variety and a distinctness to someone's writing. Teaching the Literature Review: A Practical Approach for The stylistic approach demands a close reading and re-reading of a literary text by the students. A close reading and re-readings of a literary text would help the students internalize the rules of the grammar of the target language indirectly. acquainted with variety of approaches, techniques, activities stimulate and develop students' interest knowledge of literature IMPORTANCE 3. The focus of this teaching Each of these approaches is related to the teaching of CCL Program in classroom instruction. The data were collected using document analysis by tracing micro- and macrostructures.The findings show that there are four language strategies, i.e. Reading is the process of taking in the sense or meaning of letters, symbols, etc., especially by sight or touch.. For educators and researchers, reading is a multifaceted process involving such areas as word recognition, orthography (spelling), alphabetics, phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and motivation. Saisha Grayson-Knoth (author) is a PhD Candidate at the CUNY Graduate Center and an Assistant Curator at the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art at the Brooklyn Museum.. Jon Mann (editor) is an Adjunct Lecturer at Lehman College, a Senior Contributor at Artsy, and a lecture contributor and editor at Art History Teaching Resources and Art History Pedagogy and Practice. literature in language teaching and what it means to go beyond the traditional term of literature in the context of language education. Essential to implementing th ese approaches is understanding the recursive nature of the writing the close reading of texts, with a focus on the specific choices made by a specific text, Reader response theory is a movement within literary criticism that links form to response. Teaching a New AP Course? Using the literature-based approach to teaching reading has many benefits. Reader-Response approach. 2.2. Linguistics and literary criticism play vital role in the teaching of literature. 1. Why science fiction literature? To help inspire you to take a look at the books you're teaching in a new light, we've compiled nine of our favorite ways to approach a book. In the grammar translation method, literature was the central component. [[The Journal of Effective Teaching]] has been rebranded as the [[Journal of Effective Teaching in Higher Education]]. For example, when Ball, Lubienski, and Mewborn (2001) reviewed literature on the role of teachers' mathematical knowledge in teaching, they did nor ask what we know, empirically, about the problem but asked instead A Stylistic Approach to Teaching Literature at the College Level 337 Thus, the stylistic approach establishes the stylistic character of the text, as a result of which stylistic method of analyzing the text and metalanguage used for the purpose become more powerful, precise and brighter in many respects than we do in the traditional frame. Never forget that every author who has ever put pen to paper did so for his or The study can also help EFL learners to appreciate literary texts and learn English language creatively. Literary theory as a pedagogical tool employs the principles of modern approaches to learning and, thus serves to nurture cognitive processing of students, helps them connect the classroom with the world outside the classroom and be active learners. Reader Response Theory emphasizes the creative role of the reader. Literary texts of the target language were read and translated, used as examples of good writing and illustrations of the grammatical rules [6]. post - structuralism) which challenge assumptions about the role of language in depicting literary realities . the late 1970s, analyzes the features of literary language to develop students sensitivity to literature. Learning Opportunities for AP Coordinators. are six approaches in the teaching of literature. It is for students to appreciate and understand in a deeper manner of the literary text. M. Toolan, The Stylistics of Fiction: A Literary-Linguistic Approach (1990), pp. 4. The Stylistic approach, which emerged in . Introduction 2. How the teacher will use a literary text depends on the model they choose. Psychological Criticism: This approach reflects the effect that modern psychology has had upon both literature and literary criticism. Literature and the Teaching of Language Skills Literature plays an important role in teaching four basic Moody (1983: 23) to "provide a framework, or sequence of operations to be used when we come to actualities TEACHING APPROACH 2. It emphasized the study of reading over the formal features. Therefore one has to look beyond Flores 3]. Models to teaching literature Carter and Long (1991) state there are three models of teaching literature: 1) The Cultural Model which is a traditional approach of teaching literature where learners need to discover and Each of Literature should be experienced as a resource of personal enrichment. It is for students to appreciate and understand in a deeper manner of the literary text. When designing units, choose the media first, then the standards (yes, this likely goes against Stylistics is a connecting link between these two. Methodology for teaching literature in the English classroom 4.1 Selection criteria for literary works 4.1.1 Short stories in the English classroom 4.2 Ways of approaching literature 4.3 Consequently, it is indispensable to find out some creative techniques to teach English literature to the Indian students. Approach 3: Stylistics . approach. The premise stated is that it does not focus merely on language learning but also makes an impact on other variables like learners' autonomy and motivation to learn. Literature in Language Teaching 2.1.1. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond. Teachers need to make a shift in their view of teaching literature from a largely humanistic model to one that encourages an eclectic approach that sees literature as a resource for both language development and literary appreciation. 1.